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Watch out for ‘200 new features’ on the Apple’s iPad mini

“September was the month of the ‘new smartphones’ with HTC, Nokia, Apple, and Samsung all debuting handsets, and the pace is set to continue into October as these devices become available in the market and Microsoft finally reveal Windows Phone 8 to the public,” Ewan Spence writes for Forbes.

“And there’s a small matter of the iPad Mini, which is going to keep everyone on their toes trying to second guess Apple’s CEO Tim Cook,” Spence writes. “Given the majority of the media nailed the iPhone 5 details before Cook took to the stage, will Apple be able to keep the iPad Mini details under wraps?”

Spence writes, “Leaks aside, like a good game of buzzword bingo there are certain things I’m expecting to see at the launch. One of those is the continued use of Apple’s favorite approach to features. No matter that the iPad Mini is a brand new device, it has iOS 6 and can be compared to the previous hardware. Apple will show us why the new iPad is ‘the most advanced iPad Apple has ever produced’ with ’200 new features thanks to iOS 6′. Perhaps not with those exact words, but close enough. Why is this important? It’s all about the marketing of the device.”

Read more in the full article here.

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