Google Chairman Eric Schmidt: ‘There will be Android in every pocket’

“During his keynote speech on Tuesday, Google’s Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt said, seemingly with all seriousness, that someday, ‘there will be Android in every pocket,'” John Brownlee writes for Cult of Mac.

“For someone who has been prowling around Mobile World Congress for the past four days, it’s a statement that’s hard to react to without spraying crumbs. Schmidt couldn’t sound any more delusional if he were sealed up in a hermetic chamber with a scale-model of the Spruce Goose,” Brownlee writes. “The iPhone dominates Mobile World Congress. Google can’t even get an Android in every pocket at its own trade show.”

MacDailyNews Take: Eric T. Mole reminds us of a couple of people:
• Microsoft CEO Ballmer: ‘We are in the Windows era; we were, we are, and we always will be’ – November 15, 2011
• Microsoft CEO Ballmer dismisses Apple’s iPhone as hype, says Windows Mobile has market momentum – February 28, 2009
• Bill Gates has lost his mind: calls Apple liars, copiers; slams Mac OS X security vs. Windows – February 2, 2007
Ballmer: ‘Zune halo effect’ will help Windows Vista – December 6, 2006
Bill Gates: Microsoft’s ‘responsible for the creation of the PC industry’ – February 18, 2005

No wonder they kicked him upstairs. Next, they ought to take away his stage pass, at the very least.

Brownlee writes, “Eric Schmidt seems to think that Android’s on the ascendency, that it’s on its way to ruling the world. What a joke. Google can’t even set the mobile agenda or get people interested in Android at a tradeshow dominated by people who owe their livelihoods to it.”

Read more in the full article, “Forget Android, It’s Apple Who Really Sets Agenda At Mobile World Congress,” here.

MacDailyNews Take: The Way of Mastery is to break all the rules — but you have to know them perfectly before you can do this; otherwise you are not in a position to transcend them. — Aleister Crowley

Eric T. Mole got kicked off Apple’s Board long before he could copy down all of the rules.

See what Android looked like several months after Steve Jobs unveiled iPhone, but before Google could fully rev up their photocopiers and switch from trying to clone BlackBerry phones here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Dan K.” for the heads up.]


  1. The iPhone works because it’s magical. Things just work. I jut touch something and it’s there. My iPhone is quite simply the best piece of tech I’ve ever owned.

    Steve was right.

      1. And why would he sound any more delusional if he were locked up with a scale model of the Spruce Goose? The Goose was a great airplane in its day. I wouldn’t insult the Goose by locking Eric T. Mole in with it.

    1. I’ve always liked ‘benighted’. Especially when viewed from the perspective of the definition of ‘night soil’. But it basically means ‘living in the darkness’. The irony is that they called it Windows, and it fails even the basic duty of a window- to let in light.

  2. Honestly, it would be stupid if Apple said
    The same thing about iOS. Such blanket statements are rediculous. One certainly will rule the other but I don’t foresee, nor do I want to see, a monopoly for either side.

    1. Woah there, buddy…

      Android in it’s current state shouldn’t even exist. Google stole tons of Apple’s intellectual property to create Android. Google uses Android to sell YOU to it’s customers aka advertisers. I want to see Android exactly where it belings: Buried and stripped of every piece of technology Google blatantly stole from Apple.

      That would severely cripple Android.. BUT IT DESERVES TO BE CRIPPLED! It’s fricken stolen tech in the first place! It shouldn’t even exist.

      1. Android should exist as a rip-off of the RIM Blackberry as originally intended.

        The lawsuit action has not really even started. Apple only very recently has been granted the key patents needed to eviscerate and mutilate Android beyond useful recognition.

      2. Correctu… I think you missed my point. I never specifically mentioned Android at all. What you are talking about is another issue altogether. I am saying that I wouldn’t want a monopoly of any kind. I am Apple and iOS all the way but I’m not blind to the fact that Apple is still influenced by the competition. If they weren’t, there would have been no reason for them send out the invitations precisely as Schmidt took the stage.

        Apple is clearly at the top and innovates much better than anyone else, but it’s still business and no matter how great you are you still pay attention to those below you. We the customers will always benefit from this fact.

        1. Apple tends to compete with itself more than anyone else.

          If this wasn’t true, we’d be using Blackberry imitations instead. It’s (currently) built into Apple’s DNA to innovate. The competitionj (thieves of stolen intellectual property) Apple has doesn’t have as much of an effect as you imply… Apple is innovative without them.

          The timing of the invitations has nothing to do with the technology that Apple creates and we benefit from.

          A monopoly ISN’T necessarily a bad thing, btw.. it’s when monopolies are used to abuse consumer choice when they can be bad (such as Microsoft has done in the past.) Apple, on the other hand, simply creates the best technology out there, and wants to protect these intellectual properties that they worked very hard at creating.

          (I understood your point, Matt. But your point was lacking the fact that stolen IP should not be considered “competition”.)

        2. Apple does not hold a monopoly anywhere, and all you have to do to illustrate this is look at MP3 players.
          Is the iPod a monopoly? Is competition prevented from existing at all by some underhanded scheme like proprietary incompatibilities or vaporware tactics?
          No, there are plenty of competing music player products on the open market where consumers can vote freely with their dollars – to the point that the open standard of MP3 has become synonymous with idea of experiencing music. This would be in sharp contrast to, say Windows Media controlling everything from music and video to photos.

          So once again: Apple employs overwhelming excellence and leadership, and by definition it does NOT do so in a monopolistic absence of competition.

        1. Wow, you’re just not getting what I’m saying. I’m not talking about the obvious ripoff that is Android. I’m saying that Schmidt alluded to the idea that Android would be a monopoly eventually. I then stated that he is crazy to think that and the idea of any one mobile operating system being a monopoly, even if it were iOS would not be good for the industry and it’s customers.

        2. Is this a joke Matt? LOL!

          The short answer is: NO.

          To extrapolate:

          A mobile OS can be created that isn’t stealing Apple’s IP.. if you can’t fathom that, keep in mind that mobile OS’es have been around before Apple’s iOS introduction in 2007 that were doing that feat. Android and property theft ISN’T necessary for competition.

        3. I’m still not certain why you think I’m defending Android in any way. I agree that they stole IP. I agree that Apple and iOS are better. I’m simply saying that there will not be a monopoly and therefore, by default, there is competition from OTHER (note: not implying that android will be or will be the only form of competition) OSs. I welcome this competition from whomever it may be because I believe that competition drives innovation. Does Apple innovate solely on competition? No. Does the competition EVER influence their decisions? Of course it does. You’d be mad to say that Apple, or any other company on this planet is so big and so great that there isn’t a single competitor that influences them in any way.

          So… I would not care if Google failed and went away… they would deserve it for what they did. However, there will always be someone else as competition and that isn’t a bad thing.

  3. “The iPhone dominates Mobile World Congress. Google can’t even get an Android in every pocket at its own trade show.”

    best. quote. ever.

    Someone forgot to remind him that Nokia once had a Symbian phone in every 5th world country pocket. How did that work out for them?

  4. When the Android crowd is lured away to Windows Phone due to the inevitable incentives, the Tidy Bowl man will reprise his role as cruise director for Google and Rim as they enter the porcelain rapids. As an iPhone 4s owner, a smile will form.

  5. I used to think that Android didn’t have a chance but when I see how the mobile phone industry has no other option to sell in the market place I remember how Microsoft fooled the masses to think that Windows was a viable option.

    Eric T Mole may have pulled off another ‘Windows’ coup. You can rarely go wrong by offering a pale imitation of something to the masses to get market penetration.

    Should AAPL stock holders be concerned? I think not because there is always room in the market for great quality even at premium pricing. Many of us want ‘the real thing’.

  6. Schmidt should lay off the uppers. Parts of that rant were practically incoherent. The more he talked, the less he said.

    The best part of his verbal diarrhea came when Apple announced the iPad 3 right in the middle of it. The entire tech world put his blathering on mute as they scrambled to cover something people cared about. Suck it, Mole.

  7. From today’s news…
    “Google has implemented its highly controversial new privacy policy, despite requests from EU regulatory bodies to delay it until further investigations into its impact have taken place.”
    ““By merging the privacy policies of its services, Google makes it impossible to understand which purposes, personal data, recipients or access rights are relevant to the use of a specific service,” wrote the CNIL in a statement.”

    Nothing is free. Everything has a price. The difference is they are stealing your most personal information and your ability to make rational decisions, all cloaked under 10,000-word legal disclaimers and convincing you “it’s a good thing.”

    The most tragic moment in human history was when you could legally “sign” something by tapping a “Return” key. All identity, money and your basic human rights forfeited in a microsecond.

    By implementing the basic battle tactics of “divide and conquer”, Big Brother can replace true human interaction with faux “friends”, you can even be allowed to “like” them. Next, supplement targeted ads with targeted news; sending only the information they want you to know about, much like current broadcast news, but far more insidiously. Very quickly, people will have a totally distorted view of what is really going on. Eventually, you could make people believe they have all of the power within a democracy, when in reality people and congress are just marionettes controlled by the new giant media moguls such as Google and Facebook. “Divide and Conquer”, numb the minds of individuals and buy the lawmakers.

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