Judge sentences murderer, criticizes ‘callous indifference’ of Apple Retail Store employees

“A Maryland judge sentenced a convicted murdered to life in prison without parole on Friday, but also took the occasion to express his outrage at Bethesda Row Apple store employees who heard the victim’s cries for help from the adjacent store, but did nothing,” Gary Allen reports for ifoAppleStore.

“The family of victim Jayna Murray also criticized Apple and its employees, saying after the sentencing that they have never received any words of sympathy or apology from at the company,” Allen reports. “Montgomery County Circuit Judge Robert Greenberg’s voice showed anger while describing killer Brittany Norwood as, ‘cold-blooded… brutal… calculated… deliberate… devious… malicious.'”

Brittany Norwood
Brittany Norwood
“Norwood was an employee of Lululemon in March 2011, and was apparently caught stealing a pair of yoga pants after-hours by co-worker Jayna Murray. Norwood attacked Murray, inflicting at least 330 wounds with various objects, police said,” Allen reports. “Judge Greenberg also turned his anger on Apple store employees, including manager Jana Svrzo. In testimonyduring the trial, Svrzo admitted the employees had heard a disturbance next door, and someone screaming, ‘Oh, god, please help me.’ However, none of the employees inquired next door or called police.”

Allen reports, “During his sentencing speech, Greenberg said, ‘The callous indifference of those Apple store employees. They did not do a blessed thing.’ After killing Murray, Norwood tied herself up, wounded herself slightly, and told police that two men had robbed the store and killed Murray. However, her story unraveled within a week and she was charged with murder. Svrzo and Apple have declined to comment about the incident or the employees’ inaction. It’s not clear if Svrzo still works for Apple.”

Full article, with video, here.


    1. Well, there you go, that’s the problem! Some of you THINK you’re “superior” because you believe some bullish*t 2,000 year-old fairy tale.

      The real problem here is that there aren’t ENOUGH abortions! At 7 billion and growing we no longer give a sh*t about one another’s welfare. That and I’d have a hard time distinguishing a cry for help from modern society’s constant din of hip hop, action movies, mall rats, …

      1. Cleetus – your response is interesting. Without intending to, you have stumbled onto an important insight. You obviously do not believe in any God or anything beyond a strict materialist view of existence. You instinctively understand that this means there is no basis for identifying moral values other that the consensus/force/violence of the state. You completely make the case “Superior Being” is asserting. Lacking moral basis, you advocate more destruction of life. I’m sure you believe that there is some qualitative difference between killing in the womb vs killing outside the womb. Can you not see the tenuous border you have erected here. Materialist, utopian tyrants freed from all “fairly tale” constraints have killed 150 million people outside the womb using little more than the logic you advance. I’m sure you think you are a good person. But reflect a bit on the banality of evil, the consequences of ideas. I think if we were to probe a little deeper into your mind we would find that you believe the ideas do not have consequences

        1. “Materialist, utopian tyrants freed from all “fairly tale” constraints have killed 150 million people outside the womb using little more than the logic you advance”

          Because, of course, no one has EVER killed anyone in the name of God… Ever…

        2. “You obviously do not believe in any God or anything beyond a strict materialist view of existence.” — ENOOORRRRMOUS LEAP IN ‘LOGIC’ — “You instinctively understand that this means there is no basis for identifying moral values other that the consensus/force/violence of the state.”

          Not at all. That is not stated or even remotely implied by what cleetus wrote.

          In fact, danf, if you studied modern biology at all, you’d know that the animal kingdom is chock full of examples that in humans are called moral behavior and altruistic behavior. It is just we who call it “automatic reactions” in animals and “moral behavior” in humans.

          I find it an utterly horrible and discouraging proposal that human’s morals come from the big sky fairy, who will either reward you wonderfully or punish you in ways that make the worst human psychopathic torturer look like Mother Theresa. If such reward and punishment is the basis for “morals”, they are no morals at all.

        3. Not believing in God does not equate to not have morals or a moral basis.

          There is a reasonable question whether abortion is a “destruction of life”.

          ” Materialist, utopian tyrants freed from all “fairly tale” constraints have killed 150 million people outside the womb using little more than the logic you advance. I’m sure you think you are a good person.”

          Man, I really have no idea what you are talking about here. Please try to make a sensical argument.

          You seem to have created some straw man that you are attacking, using a combination bad assumptions and vague “facts” to advance towards some meandering conclusion that is essentially only speculation.

          @Superior Douche
          So, all the Apple store employees are pro-life murderers that enjoy someone else being injured? Right, you alone in your tower of piousness are good. The rest of us are all abortion happy killers. Man, us crazy liberals. Meanwhile, I keep hearing how the US is a christian nation with christian morals. I guess except in that Apple store where all the employees were carefully screened to be murder supporting liberals. Tell you what, I’m willing to vote for outlawing abortion in return for quality sex-ex being taught in schools and there is easy access birth control for everyone.

        4. @danf- You’ve made an absurd an incongruous argument. But, as stated, you appear to believe that because I don’t have a “god” that I therefore cannot comprehend the difference between right and wrong?!? That, my friend, is patently absurd and it’s frightening for me to realize that there are people, like you, who actually think that without some kind of religion to keep your “moral” compass in check you’d just, well, have to start hurting people.

          It is you, my friend, who needs to probe ALOT deeper into your own mind and address your “demons” before they consume you and those around you… cuz I don’t want to be in the same mall with you when your “god” isn’t looking and you happen upon a pair of yoga pants that you really like.

        5. That is exactly it. Many of these religious nuts think that if God is dead then there is no basis for morality. The important thing is there is no basis for morality for THEM if they are not kept in check with the thread of hell and damnation. That is actually the original PURPOSE for religion (when it was invented to control the masses who otherwise can’t be controlled).

        6. And how many people have been killed in the name of God? How many wars have begun under the auspicious title of “For our Lord”? How come Christians say we are damned if we don’t believe in their “forgiving” Lord and savior? That Allah wants those who believe differently to be killed, rewarding those with 72 virgins in heaven? My Lord is bigger than your Lord… That the employees didn’t call the police is disturbing, but since I wasn’t there, I can’t and will not pass judgement upon them. With the moral degradation of our society, I would be fearful of direct conflict with any nutcase.

        7. Let me break it down for you, you bigot of a man.

          Allah (English pronunciation: /ˈælə/ or /ˈɑːlə/; Arabic: الله‎ Allāh, IPA: [ʔɑlˈlɑː] ( listen), [ʔalˤˈlˤɑː]) is a word for God used in the context of Islam and other monotheistic religions of Arabic-speaking communities.[1] In Arabic, the word means simply “the God”.[2][3][4] It is used primarily by Muslims and Bahá’ís, and often, albeit not exclusively, used by Arabic-speaking Eastern Catholic Christians, Maltese Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox Christians, Mizrahi Jews and Sikhs.[5][6][7] It is related to ʼĔlāhā in Aramaic.

          And for the record, the crusades (remember those) were waged by followers of christ..

        1. Wow. No logic required!
          While it is possible that the girl had horrible parents, there is no evidence to support your assertion. Loving parents sometimes end up with horrible children and vice versa. The environment in which the child was raised can be a powerful force, but genetics/biochemistry can be a powerful influence as well.

      1. But I bet some have their smart phones and iPads with data plans, right!

        It just depends on one’s priorities. Do they want to pay for private health insurance to help in the costs of doctors, hospitalizations and surgery and work with the medical community on a payment schedule plan to pay off medical debts to the tune of $75,000.00 for a chronic health problem with no known cure like me or do they expect the State to confiscate other people’s income involuntarily to do so?

        1. many of those 50 million don’t risk everything by choice. Most either can’t qualify for health care or simply can’t afford it. If you’ve EVER taken one of 50 popular medications (for anxiety, asthma or blood pressure, for example) no one will write you a personal policy. I know. It happened to me.

        2. I use medical apps to treat myself. Costs less than health insurance. Then to Canada for drugs! Seriously, comparing data plans to health insurance? Wow, enjoy your Starbucks. BTW, if you’re reading/posting on MDN, can I assume you have a data plan?

      2. Sorry Shit Head, it’s more like 12 million and it’s because liberals won’t let insurance be sold across state lines and idiots choose not to purchase it. They buy an iPhone, or beer, or Flat Screen TV, or Fancy Clothes, or Expensive Dinners Out. Your numbers are completely false and made up you pile of excrement. There’s no free ride and this government so called “health care” sucks and is an excuse to control the population and nothing more. They don’t give a crap about the population.

    2. … people failing to act in the best of all possible ways and you think “here’s an opportunity to spew more Far-Right Republican bile”. It’s nice that you have a compassionate bone in your body. Too bad you decided to hide it.
      Millions of people ignore others who are either in trouble or doing wrong every day. They see others driving foolishly, talking on their phones. They see others drinking way too much. Police are called to a “domestic disturbance” and they take no significant action. American soldiers think it’s fine to torture prisoners (even those who have not been properly accused, much less tried, much less convicted) and urinate on the bodies of those they have killed.
      And you want to blame all this on a rise in abortions?
      Fact: many of those listed above were “unwanted children”. Those who perhaps SHOULD have been aborted. The petty crime rate has dropped starting a dozen years after abortions became available. Now that the “Pro-Life” crowd has started murdering (how’s THAT for a strange contrast) pro-choice doctors thus reducing the availability of abortions.
      Reality. Hurts when it slaps you in you ignorance, yeah?

    3. Oh please. Give it a rest.
      Go yell at kids to stay off your lawn, or something.

      Abortion is hardly the same thing as killing someone during the commission of a burglary. To insist otherwise is beyond stupid. It’s indefensible.

      1. Nope, can’t have it both ways.

        Here is a little exercise for you rethuglicans and your crazy candidates:

        How can you call yourselves moral conservatives and rail that abortion is murder and needs to be outlawed, and at the same time support the death penalty? If Abortion is murder, why is murder NOT murder? How is one deadly sin so easily brushed aside, and the other so loudly denounced?

        While we are at it, if you right wing crusaders are so against murder, how come you are so good at being chicken hawks and love sending our boys to be IED fodder?

        How can a three time philandering blowhard (Newt) be the moral conservative candidate for your party?

        It doesn’t make ANY reasonable sense, and defies all logic.

    4. Ah, yes. I see the connection. Apple employees not doing something to help. Girl next door being bludgeoned to death by a thieving co-worker. Definitely at the forefront of the abortion issue.

    5. WOW, just WOW. it is so sad and funny when something happens and the first thing we read about here is someone ranting about their specific religious beliefs..

      PS are you claiming to be the Superior Being???

      PS, that guy that cut you off on the highway this morning… is he going to hell too???

      Just a thought,

    6. Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren’t they? They’re all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you’re born, you’re on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don’t want to know about you. They don’t want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re preborn, you’re fine; if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.

      Conservatives don’t give a shit about you until you reach ‘military age’. Then they think you are just fine. Just what they’ve been looking for. Conservatives want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers. Pro-life… pro-life… These people aren’t pro-life, they’re killing doctors! What kind of pro-life is that? What, they’ll do anything they can to save a fetus but if it grows up to be a doctor they just might have to kill it?They’re not pro-life. You know what they are? They’re anti-woman. Simple as it gets, anti-woman. They don’t like them. They don’t like women.They believe a woman’s primary role is to function as a brood mare for the state.

      Christians are against abortions, and they’re against homosexuals. Well who has less abortions than homosexuals?! Leave these fucking people alone, for Christ sakes! Here is an entire class of people guaranteed never to have an abortion! And the Catholics and Christians are just tossing them aside! You’d think they’d make natural allies.

      So you know what I tell these anti-abortion people? I say ‘Hey. Hey. If you think a fetus is more important that a woman, try getting a fetus to wash the shit stains out of your underwear. For no pay and no pension.’ I tell them ‘Think of an abortion as term limits. That’s all it is. Bioligical term limits. George Carlin, 1996

      1. Completely flawed thinking ahole. Conservatives are for each individual taking responsibility for themselves. Not teaching them to look for hand outs from everyone and anyone like you scum of the earth liberals. Conservatives are for strong families, you liberal scum want to destroy the family and make government the family. Everything about you liberals is a disgrace and disgusting. You lie constantly about what you’re really up to. Read the Communist Manifesto and you will see exactly what liberals are up to. It’s there in black and white. They LIE!!!!!!!!

        1. Flawed thinking? You are the one with the tin foil crazy conspiracy theory.

          Each individual taking responsibility for themselves. Let’s think about that for a second.

          Like the teenage single mother that made a single mistake in the heat of passion and gets pregnant. Under your plan she is forced, by you and the state (Commies) to carry the baby to term, so it can have a life of poverty and despair.

          You neocons hate helping people, yet your advocation of an abortion ban is only going to swell the welfare rolls you hate. AT he same time you denounce abortion as murder, yet advocate and support the death penalty. SO murder is only murder when you say it is, right? Your positions are full of hypocrisy and a general lack of reason. MOST of them seemingly inspired by greed and hate.

    7. Really? The very first comment on this story is off-topic flamebait, apropros of nothing but the author’s desire to grind his/her anti-abortion axe? Can’t we at least make it a few comments in before the trollery begins?

      1. Totally agree. In to many places, if you intercede in an altercation, YOU can be at fault. The police and the courts tell us to BUTT OUT and let them take over…. then fail to respond or respond and do nothing.

        I have to wonder about everyone else in the Mall. The store next door has walls that prevent seeing what is going on. Store employees are not allowed to wander out and about.

        Should the manager have called police? Maybe but exactly what did they hear? In what context?

        One more thing… 330 stab wounds???? This was a wild and crazy person. They did not just casually steal something and got caught, they were in some totally out of it state. FACTS people. that and craziness make the world go round.

        Just a thought.

  1. That’s so disappointing. I would rather have heard that Apple employees saved this girl from being killed. Great PR and the right thing to do bottom line. Apple should be a hero in everything they do, including helping their fellow man, or woman.

    1. Dead on. A dumbass liberal judge would have been a better description. He and that stupid F*** Eric Holder ought to have a cattle prod shoved up their you-know-what and driven to the next banana boat to Africa.

        1. Look into everything Holder is doing and it’s out of control. He is being investigated and he’s stonewalling according to the news. MSM tries to hide those stories.

      1. Yeah, your Fürher would disapprove of a liberal judge. We have no doubt of that.

        Compassion? That’s for commies. That hippie Jesus was a loud mouth liberal loving democrat. Who’s your daddy?

        Achtung! Sie haben nicht alle taschen im schrank.

      1. Worse than sad. Repulsive. Shame on them, the haters. Apparent to me they’re obsessed and mentally ill- to throw around the word “liberal” everytime they get upset about something, regardless of topic, and spew their venom which speaks far more about them than their targets.

    1. Please tell me you’re joking. If not, I propose an experiment:

      1. We place you in a room with two men who are told to beat you until someone walks into the room stating they are the police and were responding to a phone call. The only people capable of placing that call are in the room adjacent to yours.
      2. The beating commences. You scream, yell and do your best to get the attention of the people next door, knowing that your only hope is for one of them to place a call to the police;
      3. The people next door do nothing, even though they can hear you screaming and begging for the beating to stop.
      4. After some period of time, your body finally gives up and you die.

      The judge’s action is not a question of blame – it is a question of responsibility as a member of our society. If we don’t regard one another with enough compassion to step outside of ourselves to make a phone call, then our society will not survive the long haul. If you believe the Apple employees were justified in not responding, then you are without question the kind of person I would not want in any position of authority. No telling what you might think is “justified”.

      NUff said.

        1. Clearly all the information from the trial is contained in the article above. Or it isn’t at all and the judge actually knows more than we do. Perhaps even enough to admonish a bunch of people for callous disregard of an emergency situation.

      1. I sure hope that if I’m ever in that situation you are next door K-Pax. I might have a shot at living then. I agree with you. And, so what. You call the police and it’s nothing serious. Most cops like the chance to ride in and save the day. If its a false alarm then they got a chance to get out of the car and stretch their legs. I would have called. God, our love for our fellow man is gone.

    2. What’s in play here is laying the foundation for a wrongful death civil suit against Apple, the deepest pockets around. I wonder if the judge is part of the plan. If so he’s probably a CONservative.

  2. Apple did this on purpose. It orchestrated the theft, then made the thief pick up the objects and beat the other person senseless. Apple also stopped all the people who past on the street from phoning 911 or entering the clothing store and intervening. Tim Cook personally made it all happen and everything that the murderer did was his fault.

    1. Tim Cook then sent out the ‘Apple ninjas’ to conduct a sweep of the area to kill all kittens and puppies within a 5-mile radius of the crime.

      He then ate them (k & p, not the ninjas) for breakfast; with eggs, coffee, toast & jam… the bastard.

      I’ll bet he even had a side of Chinese Foxconn-worker pâté while he was at it.

      Oh, the horror…

  3. It would be interesting to learn if video surveillance at the time of the attack showed Apple employees hearing the disturbance, but brushing it off, or expressing concern that they don’t want to cry wolf…. the fact is that we don’t have the whole story.

  4. For sake of your particular magic man in the sky. This tragedy is not a platform for political nut jobs to stake their mouth breathing claims.

    You horrible, evil, scum

  5. This is a sad story. I think the judge is off base in his degree and direction of anger. Apple is liable for the safety of their employees. I don’t doubt that they are trained not to resist any kind of robbery, and I suspect that they’ve been told that not following these rules is grounds for termination. This is a very common liturgy in corporate retail. This is all laid at the feet of a sue-happy populace and the laws/attorneys that encourage it and make big business out of it. Stepping into someone else’s fight puts you in danger of civil and legal threats, not to mention loss of livelihood, regardless of Good Samaritan laws. Yes, someone could have called 911, but it’s just as easy in a Mall environment to think that someone has already done so, or that Mall security is in action. How many times do we hear, “stay out of it; that’s a job for the police.”? Were there no other Mall tenants at which this judge could vent his anger, or is Apple the only name that stuck in his head? Anyway, it’s tragic to think some young girls was murdered for a piece of clothing.

    1. Um, correct me if I’m wrong, but the judge was not directing his anger towards Apple, the company, but rather the specific employees at the store next door, which happened to be an Apple store. The manager testified that they had heard the disturbance. Perhaps no other mall tenants heard Murray screaming for help?

  6. Every institution and authority in our society today instructs people to be passive. Cities teach people not to make eye contact, not to reply to greetings, not to acknowledge other people as they walk by. The government, police, schools all want you to be afraid and compliant. If one of those apple employees had acted he risked injury, getting fired, getting sued by the murderer if he had injured her, getting sued by the victim, getting arrested by the police if he had picked up a weapon to defeat the murderer. This is the society Americans want so stop bitching about it.

  7. WHile I can understand why some of the kiddies working at the Apple Store might be afraid to look – they might get hurt.

    That doesn’t excuse them from calling the police. They do know the phone numbers as they periodically have to call for someone trying to steal something.

    Maybe Apple can get embarrassed enough to set some higher standards of their employees. Tats, body piercing and unnatural hair coloring isn’t the exclusive requirements to work in the store. Some judgement is also needed.

      1. You’re joking right?

        When we were in San Fran last year we had just exited its downtown Apple Store. A cop car with flashing lights came screeching to a halt, and two cops got out and shouted “move!” as they ran through the crowd and into the store. I never found out what for, though I joked that they’d just found out the iPhone 5 was going to be announced and they wanted to be first in line.

        Now, in this case it’s a mall store, but it’s still one of the most profitable stores by area, probably have tens of thousands of dollars in merchandise in front and in the back, and you seriously think not one of the staff has some way of contacting police?

        1. Good point. I consider myself whooshed.

          Joke aside, the local Apple store doesn’t have sim cards in them so can’t make calls. Might be due to outrageous cell phone fees in Canada. Or because too many were making long distance calls on demo units in the early days.

      1. Sad to say, MDN has an obsessive conservative agenda they use to not only encourage hits but to which they’re so attached they are seemingly unaware or indifferent to how divisive and unpleasant this makes it to come here. Start another, political site. I’m not here to argue, debate, read and get aggravated by political flame wars- there’s already plenty of that everywhere else.

        1. Decoding and fellow scum bag, bottom of the barrel, liberals always whine and complain and call for censorship when their world views are challenged. They complain of Fox News, the one non-COMMIE news source out there. You lemmings are diseased in the brain and I’m sure many more gross places. From me to you, GO TO HELL.

  8. Killing for a pair of Yoga shorts.

    I realize that Yoga shorts from Lululemon can make most womens’ asses look fantastic. Hell, I hang out at the mall near the Lululemon store just to watch the asses of the Lululemon customers. God, a Lululemon Store beside an Apple Store is my personal description of Heaven.

    But to kill for ass shaping, skin tight Yoga pants, or a new iPhone, for that matter, is just plain wrong.

    1. You only wish you lived in America! The Home of the FREE and THE BRAVE. Where exactly do you hale from? Americans saved the whole world from NAZI rule not to long ago because of the cowardice of the French and Europeans. We in America have the right and freedom to call it like we see it and are not silenced and do not cower to propagandists.

        1. Hell, he thinks America alone saved the world from Nazis, it’s obvious he’ll believe anything.

          I give the USA full credit for their part, but cannot forget they only joined more than two years after WWII started. The Soviets sacrificed more than any other country to keep Hitler at bay while they awaited the great American saviour to finally pitch in and do the moral thing. 13% of the USSR’s population were killed during WWII.

      1. -Watches cowardly from the other side of the Atlantic as Europe destroys itself
        -Government refuses to do anything at all
        -Japanese humiliate the country with Pearl Harbor attack
        -FINALLY decides to enter the fucking war: most of its battles are nevertheless against JAPANESE, not GERMANY-ITALY.
        -USSR practically wins the war at Europe for its Allies while USA thinks it’s awesome because of D-day.
        -With its economy not hurt AT ALL by the war, wins tons of cash by being the only country able to sell something to destroyed Europe; ascends to top position of world economy
        -Thinks it saved the world from Nazis; and that Europeans are cowards.

        Before you nationalist nuts cry COMMIE on me, I am quite aware of the amount of pointless murder, oppression, exaggerated dedication to the arms race and corruption that was part of the USSR during the Cold War and that eventually brought it down to its knees. But the USA was the Lord And Savior Of The World during WWII. The USSR did much more in the European Scenario. If anything, the USA should be congratulated only for the Pacific War, and hell, they only went there because the Meanie Japs tricked them and bombed Pearl Harbor.

      2. Oh my god, not this again.

        For how many generations are the Europeans expected to grovel at our feet for our efforts in WWII? When are they allowed to get up?

        Let me put it another way. Did you save France from the Nazi’s? No? Did anyone you know? Did either of your parents do it? No?

        Then shut the f*** up.


      3. Steve,
        I am a Canadian and know the tremendous role and price we played and payed in the war LONG before you guys even dared to enter. My dad was in the Air FOrce.

        Three words, go fuck yourself.

  9. As far as why no one went over to find out what was going on:
    Ok so they were supposed to go over there and then get stabbed too or get involved only to be then accused of being somewhere they weren’t supposed to be.

    As far as why no one called security or 911 I couldn’t say. But I do wonder what store was on the other side of Lululemon and why none of them helped or called. Or why no other people in the area called 911 or went to find out what happened.

    Why should an employee from an Apple store be any different from any other innocent bystander in this situation?

    1. Why Apple employees did not respond is of no consequence. Sometimes sex sounds a little violent. Nobody knows what was in the mind of Apple employees. The more consequential issue here is why someone would take anothers life’s soul over a pair of Yoga pants. The answer is a lot more disturbing than most think. It goes directly to the offender and their mindset.

  10. If we weren’t groomed from birth to ignore our neighbors and not create it join a community, then things may have been different.

    How many of you know your neighbor or call police when you hear yelling? I bet very few.

  11. My neighbor’s girlfriend screams, “Oh god! Oh god!” all the time at night, should I call the cops every time I hear it?

    Also, I once beat up a flasher and was charged with assault. What did I learn? It doesn’t pay to be a good guy.

  12. shit. I just added MDN back to my Apple news bookmark list yesterday. I was trying to remember why I had deleted it a couple of months ago. …now I remember.
    Thank Happy giant spaceman in the sky there are other (better) Apple news sites.
    I’m going to go have an abortion now.

  13. The mere fact the Apple employees heard the cries/screams for help and did nothing tells me all I need to know about their moral character. A Marine of 20+ years, I have often questioned why I should even care anymore when it seems nobody else does.

    1. Don’t get your panties in a bunch over a media story. Most people would be curious and probably investigate if that’s the way it really happened. Although, some would check it out and see if they could rob you while you’re laying there helpless. It’s all about how you were raised and the value you place on life. Not just your own.

  14. Given the Judge comments directed toward the Apple employees, I’m apt to believe what has been reported is exactly what happened. Bottom line. The employees were/are cowards. Nothing more. Nothing less.

    As for your other comment. Didn’t your parents ever teach you… men wear trousers and underwear. Women wear pants and panties.

    Good grief. What’s this country coming to?

  15. Bethesda Row is a street front store, not a mall store. The store on the other side of Lululemon was closed at the time. The murder happened in the nighttime, a day or two after the iPad 2 was released, so the Apple Store was likely busy restocking from a crazy day of sales. The news stories said that CCTV footage from the Apple Store was played at the trial and showed the managers listening through the wall and talking to each other. Apparently they had asked the security guard in their store to investigate but no one followed through. That much is known as fact.

    But now put yourself in their shoes: how could you have known or suspected that so unprecedented and horrendous a crime was happening just next door?! In an extremely safe and affluent area like Bethesda, you’d never suspect it. Ultimately, we can’t pass too harsh of judgement on their situation because we weren’t there. It’s so easy to place blame after the fact. But the truth is, they didn’t know what was going on. Human nature is such that people are hard-wired to avoid such situations (look up Kitty Genovese and you’ll see there are much worse examples of this behavior) or justify inaction to oneself. Yes, these managers are in grave fault for doing nothing; we know that and they know that. They will have to live the rest of their lives knowing that their inaction likely cost a life. But the real criminal here is the psycho girl murderer. Not the Apple managers. They shouldn’t lose their jobs or be charged with a crime over this; they have to bear the intense guilt of this horror for the rest of their lives, and that’s punishment enough for their negligence.

  16. If people hear someone yell Oh God, please help me and don’t go see what’s going on, they are callous, selfish cowards. How disgusting. They are accomplices, in my book.

  17. Say the word, ‘god’ and suddenly both brain cells fire up. I still can’t see any evidence that she exists. Not one single bit of evidence. The only attempts at evidence argue from cause to effect. Ah! the vacuum of space.

    However, the judge is on the money. Apple seem to have lost its heroes. If Steve had been there he would have responded, red cape and underpants outside his trousers… the lot.

    Wonder if Steve could verify that there is a God and that she is indeed merciful. Mmmmm!

    Please Steve, send an email with a jpg of God.

  18. So we’ve hit abortion and WWII ? What else am I missing based on a girl being murdered over yoga pants ? What …global warming? You people are so pathetic . And yeah we have not heard the apple employees side but not at bare minimum calling 911 sure does not bode well with me period . Wtf is our society coming to?

    1. “Wtf is our society coming to?”

      To a state pretty parallel to the Roman Empire, just before it was overrun by the barbarians. And I’m not being sarcastic – because even with it’s many huge faults, I’d much prefer a world with the US dominant, rather than Russia, China or the Arab world (well… at least as long as the American Taliban Theocracy doesn’t gain ascendency).

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