Apple Retail Stores: How much is too much of a good thing?

A study by Asymco, reported in RetailWire, “says that while Apple Stores are doing great, they are not fully capitalizing on their traffic flow,” Al McClain reports for Forbes.

“Asymco founder Horace Deiu told The Channel Register that while Apple is adding retail employees at a rapid rate, their stores are too crowded, and so store expansion is the most obvious solution,” McClain reports. “With 361 locations worldwide, the question is whether Apple should start expanding at a rapid pace to capitalize on demand, or keep with the ‘go slow’ approach that has made it successful.”

McClain reports, “In our discussion on RetailWire, our BrainTrust panel of retailing experts seemed to think that the Asymco study missed the mark. Adrian Weidmann of StoreStream Metrics summed it up this way: ‘The challenge for Apple is balance… Growing too fast and not being able to maintain and provide quality customer service would adversely affect the Apple brand… Too much accessibility may erode that personal bond between Apple fans and the brand.'”

“The bottom line appears to be that Apple is indeed leaving money on the table in the short-term,” McClain reports. “But, thinking long-term, they are keeping their legions of fans happy, and their crowded stores create the distinct impression that they are desirable shopping/learning places.”

Read more in the full article here.

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