1. Well, I will be surprised if Apple wins this one. But I do wonder what a food company is doing expanding into the the notebook computer and gaming markets. Is the company failing in the food market?

  2. LG logo – yeah – Apple logo? Dumb stretch. Maybe if Apple would stop trying to turn the world of branding into a police state (this is a perfect example) – they could make their wares a little more affordable.

      1. Actually, they could lower their profit margin a point or two and soften prices much more. Their legal fees over copyright infringement are probably less than a rounding error when it comes to their annual expenses.

        And I agree, the Sam’s Club reference is pretty bogus. I do a lot of my shopping at Costco, but I believe in paying for quality when it makes a difference. Thus, I make mine Apple.

  3. This is a Chinese company. Originality has no place in modern Chinese society. Don’t think for yourself.

    It’s certainly a twisted recombinant rendition of LG’s and Apple’s logos. But there they are to see.

  4. I agree that this one is a big stretch. The biggest bully in trademark infringement is Monster who went after a mom and pop mini golf course called Monster Mini Golf. Were people going to confuse the golf clubs with your overpriced cables? Your cables probably cost more than the clubs to begin with.

    1. Other horrible examples of copyright maniacs are the US Olympic Committee (they go after any business with the name Olympic in it, even if it’s located on a street named Olympic as in Los Angeles), and Disney (they famously went after a preschool for a mural of Mickey Mouse on their wall)

  5. consider the probable market for e-devices and software of this former food services company: gullible Chinese nationals who will, out of naivete or status seeking, purchase anything remotely looking like sexy Western tech. I agree with Apple: lose the stem and leaf.

    1. We also see gullible American and European nationals who will, out of naïveté or status seeking, purchase anything remotely looking like profound Oriental philosophy. In other words, humans are all alike.

  6. It looks like a grenade.

    If it IS an apple, notice how they cut through the crappy core of the apple that no one ever wants to eat. Apple eats from the best part of the apple.

    Apple knows apples… but I still thinking it looks like a grenade.

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