Magician Marco Tempest creates ‘technoillusions’ with Apple iPod touch (with video)

Magician Marco Tempest offers a preview of his iPod magic:

If you feel inspired just download and start creating your own technoillusions! The instructions are here.

More information about magician Marco Tempest can be found here.


  1. We’ve always had the capacity to be baffled and amused by sleight of hand tricks even from biblical times. The human brain is programmed to think in expected outcomes based on our experience and logical deduction. When those boundaries are broken by seemingly impossible tasks our brain pigeonholes that as magic.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the show. But the thought that was nagging at the back of my mind was would he have pulled the same trick with an Android phone. Probably the experience wouldn’t have gone off quite as smoothly seeing how sputtery the piece of junk Android is.

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