Iran’s nuclear plans slowed due to Windows 7 flaws

“In the 20th century, this would have been a job for James Bond,” Ed Barnes reports for FOXNews. “The mission: Infiltrate the highly advanced, securely guarded enemy headquarters where scientists in the clutches of an evil master are secretly building a weapon that can destroy the world. Then render that weapon harmless and escape undetected.”

“But in the 21st century, Bond doesn’t get the call,” Barnes reports. “Instead, the job is handled by a suave and very sophisticated secret computer worm, a jumble of code called Stuxnet, which in the last year has not only crippled Iran’s nuclear program but has caused a major rethinking of computer security around the globe.”

Barnes reports, “Stuxnet is an incredibly advanced, undetectable computer worm that took years to construct and was designed to jump from computer to computer until it found the specific, protected control system that it aimed to destroy: Iran’s nuclear enrichment program.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Whoda thunk it? Microsoft’s ineptitude turns out to be good for something after all! You should’ve got a Mac, Ahmadinejad, you batshit insane son-a-ma-batch.

“Here’s to the crazy ones,” indeed.


  1. Even worse, most of the front ends are programmed in Visual Basic…
    WTF. you’ve GOT to kidding. A 12 year old could hack that !!!
    Does the NSA use VB and Windows? Our military? Our power plants?
    All these should have their OWN OS and proprietary “programing language”. I DON’T believe the NSA is using VB and Windows, and NOONE else in high government, or critical positoins should be either.

  2. I say this is a FoxNews social exploit. Exaggerating details. No matter what anyone else says. ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”tongue laugh” style=”border:0;” />

  3. Heya

    Would any country capable of doing this, really would want the enemy to know?

    Just dont make sense.

    Or could it be Iran created the bug and tested it out on it system to infect the rest of the world?

    To infect Israel?

    Iran and north Korea have nuclear capabilities.That is no longer a doubt.

    Whether they use it or not is point.

    The Middle east power is becoming unbalanced , Israel no longer has any clout.

    Just like China has taken over the US as the major superpower.
    Or Hu Jintao as the most powerful leader in the world.

    Hopefully we will all realise that might is NOT RIGHT.

  4. This story, like so many others is UTTER bullshit.
    More USA nonsense – anything to keep the Pentagon money cow going.
    Do you Yanks realise that over 70% of your taxes goes to the insane warmongers?

    What a stupid country the USA is…..

  5. @Derik in Milan

    You’re not helping. 70%? Not even close. American’s are not stupid, we just take sides no matter what the truth is. Many are sheep, as in most nations. We are a nation of many idologies and much polarization. Groups in the US will say anything, lies etc, to weaken political opposition and gain control of government in order to milk the cash cow. Any one who tries to change things either becomes a criminal, disappears, or gets killed. If they are lucky, they are called an idiot and ignored or paid to leave. In the simplest terms it’s called corruption, tell me who or what nation is not corrupt.

    @Arnol Ziffel,

    200 bombs? I forget some times they were helped to steel that technology. Somehow I think even that will not be a deterrent, in the future.

  6. @MDN

    The last sentence of the MDN take is totally off-topic. No need for political bashing.

    A lot of Schadenfreude wrt M$ is what it’s about (and a little bit wrt the Iranians:). But the story mainly highlights the unreliable nature of MS Windows (even recent incarnations). I surely “our” governments are aware of the situation and DO NOT use Windows for critical systems.

    The user agreement that accompanies Windows should contain a phrase: “…this software is not intended for critical systems on which human lives could depend…”, just like the user agreements that come with GPS software.

  7. “Of course, we have little to fear regarding Iran. They are being built into the boogie man du jour by our government and the mainstream media-industrial complex, because there are people who benefit by us being at perpetual war.”

    Opinion, or conspiracy theory, of a moron. Read Wikileaks and see what their Arab neighbours say.

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