MarketWatch: Apple’s iTunes’ Ping could be powerful; Apple TV priced to move

“At an event that included new iPods and new features for the iPod touch, Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs said that Ping would be like “Facebook and Twitter meet iTunes.” It will be a social network within iTunes that users can make as public or private as they want. It will be part of the new version of iTunes, iTunes 10,” Therese Poletti writes for MarketWatch.

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“While Ping is ostensibly just for music now, it is possible it could have an even farther-reaching impact on other music services and popular social networks like Facebook,” Poletti writes. “Apple is also clearly pricing its upgraded Apple TV to move, at $99 (down from $229), in a possible answer to the threat of Google Inc.’s TV. Its new compact device will let users watch content from their Macs, iPads and iPod Touch on their TVs. Consumers will also be able to rent TV shows and movies at new lower prices, initially only offered by Walt Disney Co.’s ABC network and News Corp.’s Fox.”

Full article here.


  1. this is great for our family who got sick of paying comcast $100 per month. We mainly watch OTA. This appltv would let us also have an option to see shows and movies from other channels.

    Netflix option seems to be for people who want a subscription model. I may take another look at netflix now.

    i was disappointed appletv didnt have access to a bunch of apps, like google maps and stuff.

    for people who complain about price of renting HD movies. In my area the theatre charges over $10 to see a movie. I’d rather watch at home for $4.99

  2. I heard that Apple also announced the availability of iOS 4.1, as well as previewed some features of the upcoming iOS4.2. I don’t see a story on either here at MDN.

    If Apple announces something, and MDN doesn’t report it, did it really happen…?

  3. Brilliant. This completely bypasses the TV OEMs and of course the cable companies, while Google is trying to get them to install their “free” apps.

    At $99, people will buy one for every TV in the house and buy one for business presentations with their iPads.

  4. Love the new Apple TV, and iPad and iPhone interconnectivity. The only disappointment today came when Steve said that they redesigned every single iPod, and then didn’t touch or even mention the iPod classic. I was ready to upgrade my 5-yr-old classic to a 128gb Touch. I guess I’ll have to wait another year. 🙁

  5. I’m a little confused by the availability of iOS 4.1 for the iPad. Will it be coming soon and then the 4.2 update later in November? Or do we have to wait for 4.2 as the iPads first Version 4 update? I’m dying to use just the folders feature alone.

  6. @Mort
    Ping is focused on music. I think it will take off. Don’t know what you mean about “most new tvs can do this.” iTunes is successful because it provides a great, consistent user experience to millions of people. TVs don’t don’t do this.

  7. I could have sworn that Steve Jobs stated that iTunes 10 would be available today. It is almost 4 pm Pacific time here and my software update is still telling me that iTunes 9.2.1 is still the most up to date version. Did I hear wrong?

  8. While i consider myself an audiophile, i just don’t see Ping as being useful to me. I don’t want to hear what someone else has to say about the music, i want to hear the music. anyone with an internet connection can already learn more about the music to find more good stuff — just start researching more than just the artist on the front cover: the producers, engineers, composers, session musicians, and so forth are the gateway to all the great music that broadcast radio is too lazy to play and iTunes doesn’t even sell.

    Long live the compact disc (and iTunes importation thereof)!!!

  9. @Spark. It was late yesterday evening (after 10pm central time US) before I found iTunes 10 available to download. Part of me wants to suggest that connections may have been metered and Update only offered 10 if connections were available. But if they could stream the event yesterday live, the connection theory makes less sense.

    More importantly if they could stream the event live yesterday what does that suggest about the possibility for AppleTV to offer PPV or subscription-based live-feed, such as sporting events, news programs, etc.?

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