FOX News: Apple is the new religion, say academics

“Apple is the new religion, say several academics. It’s not a matter of rationality, it’s a matter of faith,” John R. Quain reports for FOX News.

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“In a research paper published this month by two professors at Texas A&M University, the authors argue that the only way to understand the slavish adoration and over-the top financial success of Apple and its ‘Jesus Phone’ (the iPhone) is to understand its minimalist, white-walled stores as the new churches of the tech generation,” Quain reports. “‘The religious-like behavior and language surrounding Apple devotion/fandom is an example of ‘implicit religion,” Prof. Heidi Campbell, one of the authors of the study, told Implicit religion can happen when the use of, say, technology becomes a substitute for belief and behaviors once attached to religion and religious practice, she said.”

Quain reports, “That, according to the authors, explains why fans still believe when the leader of the Church of Apple, Steve Jobs, blames consumers for the poor reception of the company’s cell phone (clearly, users are holding their phones incorrectly). In fact, they flock to buy the device despite its serious design flaws.”

MacDailyNews Take: There are no “serious design flaws” with iPhone 4. All antennas — including television, radio, GPS, and cellular antennas — can experience attenuation. For more, please see: Understanding attenuation and signal loss. has this article in their news/tech section and it is not labeled “opinion” or “commentary” or anything of the sort. That is a mistake and possibly criminal. Apple should demand an apology and a very prominent retraction from FOX News and this abject moron John R. Quain and potentially launch a libel suit against either or both in order to set an example.

Quain reports, “So if they wanted to, could Apple devotees actually create an official Apple religion? After all, many believe in the power of the iPhone and millions of consumers would buy any product the company introduces, flaws and all.”

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Quain ought to get together with Daniel Lyons and have a jealous asshole powwow.

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