AT&T officially stops selling iPhone 3G

invisibleSHIELD case for iPadThe Boy Genius Report (BGR) claims to have an internal AT&T memo, dated today, which states in part:

June 4, 2010

iPhone 3G 8 GB is Out of Stock

Effective immediately, iPhone 3G 8GB is Out of Stock. Please refer all customers to iPhone 3GS 16 GB and 32 GB models.

It is widely believed that Appel will debut their new iPhone model(s) on Monday, June 7, during Steve Jobs’ WWDC 2010 keynote in San Francisco.

Full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers “Judge Bork” and “Andrew W.” for the heads up.]


  1. Coming up on 3 years with THE original iPhone. What a great 1st generation baby it’s been! Getting the new one next week.

    Any suggestions for the old one?

  2. I will be a little surprised if the new iPhone has an immediate availability. I mean, doesn’t a new phone first have to undergo 30 days of FCC scrutiny? Of course the announcement will come on Monday, but I foresee an early July availability.

  3. You’re KILLING me, Willie G. I hope you are dead wrong. Papa wants the new iPhone now!

    — but I have a feeling you’re right….

    However, wasn’t there a story about ATT canceling any June vacations for store employees, supposedly so they’d be on hand for the rush for the new iPhone?

  4. Good move, since the iPhone 3G only partially supports iPhone OS 4.0 (no third-party multi-tasking).

    People should not call the next iPhone “4G.” “3G” came from support of the 3G network, not because it was the 3rd generation iPhone (it was 2nd gen). I suppose this new iPhone is actually the 4th generation iPhone, but it does not support a 4G wireless network.

  5. 4gb 1G phone with spontaneously cracked screen (from a month ago) ready for retirement. Soooo, ready for multi-tasking and front-facing camera. Come on, Steve-O, hook a fanboy up!

  6. 2007 • iPhone – original iPhone, 1st generation, AT&T;EDGE network only

    2008 • iPhone 3G – 2nd generation iPhone, supports AT&T;’s 3G network

    2009 • iPhone 3GS – 3rd generation iPhone, supports AT&T;’s 3G network, faster processor, more memory. This is the one WalMart is selling for $97 now.

    2010 • iPhone ??? (I’ve heard iPhone HD among other things, probably will NOT be called iPhone 4G) – 4th generation iPhone, supports AT&T;’s 3G network, completely redesigned (apparently), lots more bells and whistles (apparently), but NOT ready for anyone’s 4G network (apparently)

  7. 3G 2nd Gen iPhone for sale. Well used but still in great shape:
    (123) 555-5555. Will be available June 7th.

    Please, someone explain to me the whole “forward facing camera” thing because how the hell am I suppose to use it to take pictures of something other then my face? Yeah, I get the whole iChat thing but besides that, how do I take pictures of things in front of me without two camera lenses. Will it have one on front and back?

  8. @ JoeMac: Coming up on 3 years with THE original iPhone. What a great 1st generation baby it’s been! Getting the new one next week.

    Any suggestions for the old one?

    I use mine as an e-reader, to surf the net in the house (on wifi) and as an iPod in the yard.

  9. @ iGads

    If it does indeed have a forward-facing camera, as we’ve been lead to believe, then yes, it will have two camera lenses.

    Will they be the same quality? Will they both take still pictures and video? Will you be able to iChat on 3G and/or WiFi?

    These and other burning questions are mere hours from being answered…. is it Monday yet?

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