Ed Bott: Sorry, Adobe, but Flash is the new Vista

invisibleSHIELD case for iPad“Here’s some advice, Adobe,” Ed Bott writes for ZDNet. “The first step on the road to recovery is admitting that you have a problem.”

“Yes, I know you’d rather frame your fight with Apple as a high-minded crusade for freedom, but your customers think differently,” Bott writes. “When I hear fellow PC users talk about Flash these days, I hear the exact same frustration and exasperation I heard during Vista’s first year on the market. That is not the kind of word of mouth you want.”

“And make no mistake about it, those concerns are real,” Bott writes. “Was Steve Jobs exaggerating when he called Flash the biggest source of crashes on the Mac? Maybe a little, but I bet he has some pretty grim statistics to back that statement up.”

MacDailyNews Take: Yes, he does have crash report stats to back it up. Therefore, Ed, our logic-impaired friend, Jobs was not exaggerating: Adobe Flash is the biggest cause of crashes on the Mac.

Bott continues, “I discovered yesterday that Internet Explorer crashes on my wife’s PC once or twice a day.”

MacDailyNews Take: Ed obviously hates his wife. Or he’s too ignorant to understand what he’s doing to her. Seriously, would a loving husband who professed to be a techie inflict Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer on his wife? Of course not.

Bott continues, “Look, Apple and Microsoft say you have reliability and security problems with Flash Player. A whole lot of my readers say the same thing. And so do I. We’re all sort of waiting for you to acknowledge that the number of times people have a negative experience with Flash is too high. Until you address that elephant in the room, no one is really interested in hearing much more about openness and freedom.”

Bott writes, “The big question for Adobe is whether they can shut down the complaints about Flash by delivering a product that ‘just works.’ Oh, and at the same time stake out a future for a Web running on HTML5. Good luck with that.”

Full article here.


  1. “MacDailyNews Take: Ed obviously hates his wife. Or he’s too ignorant to understand what he’s doing to her. Seriously, would a loving husband who professed to be a techie inflict Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer on his wife? Of course not”

    What a sexist prick of a comment! My wife has Windows on her PC and though I advised her to get a Mac and she agreed, as neither she nor I bought the thing (it was provided to her), it’s what she has and that’s that. If she had chosen a PC, for whatever reason, I would not give her grief, though she also knows I would not likely help her with problems much (she’s 41 and not an idiot. She’s not a techie, but she can figure out how to fix things.

    Anyhow, my point is… Don’t assume that the author, Ed Bott, bought the PC for his wife. Perhaps she chose it herself or her employer or whatever provided it to her.

  2. “I discovered yesterday that Internet Explorer crashes on my wife’s PC once or twice a day.”

    “yesterday” … Is he that new to Microsoft technology? What did this guy expect from a product created by Microsoft? Is he that clueless? If it worked, people would not have to up grade to the next turd version they compile. That is how MS makes their money!

  3. haha MDN’s take about hating his wife is hilarious.. Cut the shit with the “sexist prick” comment, too many whiners with their politically correct BS life.

    Don’t hate because MDN posts something funny and you know it. Has sarcasm really died in people or did it just go on vacation for a bit?

  4. “Ed obviously hates his wife. Or he’s too ignorant to understand what he’s doing to her. Seriously, would a loving husband who professed to be a techie inflict Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer on his wife?”

    OK, I realize you intend all that to be tongue-in-cheek MDN, but I still think it’s a wee bit over the top. After all, Ed is on our side over the Flash issue.

  5. > The big question for Adobe is whether they can shut down the complaints about Flash by delivering a product that ‘just works.

    Obviously no, since Adobe can’t seem to deliver mobile Flash on ANY mobile platform, period. Why are we still having this discussion? How can Apple support something that does not even exist?

    Forget Adobe’s stupid contention that proprietary Flash is somehow “open” and Apple’s support of open web standards is “closed.” If Adobe can’t deliver mobile Flash on any mobile platform, that point is irrelevant. And if Adobe can’t deliver Flash for Windows and Mac OS X that satisfies users, then the “openness” issue is again, irrelevant.

    I think that’s the point of Ed Bott’s article, and I agree.

  6. MDN always brings a gun to a fist fight.

    Personal observations aside, I’m glad Bott is speaking up and he’s absolutely right, Steve Jobs was exaggerating the problem; exaggerating in the opposite direction, that is.

    Adobe’s problem with Flash is way bigger than just the Mac platform and as far as I know, there is no reporting system to Apple, for Mac users suffering Windows crashes, but I’m sure Microsoft is listening.

    Because Windows is not as robust as OS X, after Flash crashes PC’s probably require a reboot. I wouldn’t know though because I’ve never owned a PC.

  7. Agree with you MDN ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”grin” style=”border:0;” />
    Yes, my wife “loves” her iPod Touch, iMac, iPhone and recently her iPad!!!!!! She used a pc before we met and has not missed it at all. Independence and not dependent yet ask questions to learn is what MacHer! sexy!
    She has recommended Macs many times to her friends.
    … Ed buy ur wife a Mac!!!!!!!!!!

    ….. Buy AAPL stocks too!!!!!

  8. Just like that computer security expert said at CanSec this year, “I can’t say that one browser is more secure than another, just don’t install Flash on any of them!”

  9. Why are you so blind? You can’t be that fanboys?
    I love how an article here about Flash (some days ago) said that we shouldn’t use Photoshop but Pixelmator.

    If Steve says something you imply all the rest (he never said anything to you fanboys about boycotting their other products). Please think before you take a direction in your opinion, don’t be confused and follow the others just because they use the same computer.

    Since the day about boycotting Adobe’s other product, i read this site for a laugh, after failblog.

    Thought Adobe has it flaws for sure, this fanboyism is hilarious ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”smile” style=”border:0;” />

    Written from my MacBook, or my iPhone, or my other computer with Linux and Windows. I use them all for different things.

  10. @ OK –

    In MDN’s defense, the advice was not to BUY Photoshop Elements until you downloaded a FREE trial of Pixelmator. There was no suggestion to stop using Photoshop, per se, or even a suggestion that Pixelmator was equivalent to the full Photoshop program.

  11. Hey MDN…This guy is saying the same thing you have been for quite some time. He doesn’t like Flash and thinks Adobe should fix their program and shut up. For you to go off on him was crossing the line. I’ve been reading your site for several years now and I see a disturbing tone in your “takes” that makes me want to never return again. I hope in the future you can tone down your comments and take a kinder view with the articles you post.

  12. MDN has been touting about pixelmator for a while now.. Just more often now they mention it with and Adobe related article it seems. But I’ve heard about Pixelmator through MDN since sometime last year in the summer.

  13. Yeah . . . Damn you mdn! You Rat Bastards! You big meanies!

    I “hope” you “change”. If boycotts don’t get you to stop your free speach, fairness doctrine will.

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