McGraw-Hill axed from iPad launch event after CEO leaks on CNBC

“This is one of Steve Jobs’ slides from this morning’s iPad launch presentation,” Paul Boutin reports for VentureBeat.

“Can you tell what’s wrong with it?” Boutin asks.

“The awkward array of five logos used to be a tidy lineup of six,” Boutin reports. “The day before the show, Apple removed McGraw-Hill, the 122-year-old publisher whose 61-year-old leader, Harold McGraw III — better known as Terry — prattled like a teenage schoolgirl about the tablet’s iPhone operating system on CNBC.”

MacDailyNews Take: What we wrote on Tuesday, just after McGraw appeared on CNBC: “Hey, Terry, a bit of advice: When Steve calls, don’t pick up.”

The video:

Direct link to video via YouTube here.

Boutin continues, “Insiders say as soon as Terry shot his mouth off on CNBC, Jobs had the company cut from the presentation. We won’t know for a few weeks if McGraw was only wrist-slapped, or if he’s been thrown out of the game.”

Full article, in which Boutin correctly advises, “If you’re working with Apple, shut up about it until Steve has left the stage,” here.

MacDailyNews Take: We think you’ll find McGraw-Hill in Apple’s iBookstore, but it may be awhile before they show up in any of Jobs’ on-stage demos.

By the way, here’s the full CNBC video, including the very end which was cut out of the broadcast (scroll to near the end):

Direct link to video via YouTube here.


  1. McGraw-Hill will absolutely be in the iBookstore, they just got free publicity yanked due to McGraw’s foot-in-mouth disease (actually, I bet he wishes he had put his foot in his mouth).

    Apple needs McGraw-Hill’s catalog. That would be like having iTunes but cutting out the Sony music catalog just because Sony’s CEO talked about a new iPod touch with a camera and taser the day before it was released, even with all rumor sites basically nailing the product.

    BTW, this was one of the worst-kept Apple secret introductions in the past several years. The iPad was seen coming miles and miles away.

  2. @Ronin

    I agree, seems a little “I’ll just take my new toy to someone else’s house”, but in fact an occasional example-making isn’t a bad way to make a point in an industry as cutthroat and aggressive as Tech.

  3. @ Ronin – It’s a good thing you run a multi-billion dollar company so you can advise Steve Jobs on how he should do his job.

    …oh, wait, you don’t? Then perhaps you might consider that Jobs knows a wee bit more than you do about how difficult these kinds of power relationships can be in the grown-up world of big companies, eh?

  4. Actually it seems to work great for them. They get more press attention today than any other publisher on Steve’s slide. As much as you would like to see the guy punished for his big mouth, it is not happening unless Apple withdraws from the contract with them (which they won’t do because they target edu market with the new device).

  5. Hey it’s the “Apple, the shit stock” lady and she loves to smell her text books. She’s probably a big fan of scratch and sniff.

    Okay Ampar, I set ’em up so you can hit ’em outta da park.

  6. If McGraw signed a NDA, then he is contractually obligated to keep his mouth shut. Apple has every right to control their own product launch. If McGraw didn’t want to abide by the rules, then he shouldn’t have agreed to allow Apple to sell their product … maybe in fact, McGraw Hill needs Apple.

  7. It’s all very well for Apple to bring in the big publishers like McGraw-Hill, et al, but all Steve Jobs did for the smaller publishers was to say that, as of yesterday, Apple was opening up to independent publishers. On the Apple web site, there’s nothing to indicate that he’s serious. Given the dearth of ePub authoring software on the Mac to date, Apple has a long way to go to convince smaller publishers that they’re welcome at this party.

    There are going to be plenty of people with fact and fiction who want to sell it in the iBookstore. They will need authoring software and/or conversion software (from, say .doc) for .ePub files that is as easy to use as Apple’s other legendary software.

    There’s no export to ePub in Word, Pages, or OpenOffice, yet (at least, not that I’ve seen). 🙁

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