AT&T to lose Apple iPhone exclusivity on Wednesday? - 15% Off Ink and Toner“It’s sort of hard to believe that all the hype from CES is already over and done with. Larger companies spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to introduce and showcase new products at the show, and now all anyone wants to talk about in the tech world is Apple. Must be nice to be Steve Jobs (or an investor),” Shawn Oliver reports for HotHardware.

“We really have no idea what’s next from Apple; we just know that it’ll be something to unleash one’s creative side according to a tagline in the invite. According to an inside source close to the going-ons involved in all of this, a new tablet of some sort may not be the only thing on deck for next Wednesday though,” Oliver reports. “We have been led to believe by an inside source that AT&T will lose their iPhone exclusivity on the same day, though it’s not yet clear what other carrier (or carriers) will be stepping in to also carry the phone.”

“This may not be all that surprising. Inside of AT&T, we are hearing that the iPhone is causing more trouble than ever before,” Oliver reports. “On some level, having the iPhone is hurting AT&T’s image. Because they are the only company to carry it, and it’s such a data hog, it’s largely to blame for AT&T’s network troubles.”

Oliver reports, “It’s hard to say what’ll happen if a carrier like Verizon gets the iPhone. Will existing iPhone users on AT&T run in droves to switch, regardless of the early termination fee? Will existing AT&T iPhone users stick with their plan? Maybe Apple will simply see a new influx of iPhone users, as customers who were always wary of AT&T finally make the jump now that the phone is a on a network with better perceived quality? We still have to take all of this as rumor for now, but we have very good reason to believe that we’ll see AT&T quietly (or perhaps not so quietly) lose its grip on the iPhone come Wednesday.”

Read more in the full article here.


  1. Can’t wait. I jumped from Verizon (a happy customer for number of years) to AT&T;2 years ago because I wanted an iPhone. I took my family with me. Now both my wife and my daughter have regular phones and they constantly complain about the dropped calls, poor voice quality and lack of service in some areas of our town (NY tristate). I have had numerous problem with my iPhone as well. I can’t wait to go back to Verizon.

  2. I had trouble dropping calls with AT&T;well before the iPhone, so the overloaded demand due to the iPhone can’t be all of their problems. I Dropped 4-5 calls a day. Paid $175 to terminate contract. I have dropped maybe 2-3 calls in the past 4 years since switching to Verizon.

  3. A.T. & T. – Another Technological Travesty !!!!! I have the iPhone and for you morons that keep clearly stating that “you have no dropped calls or shoddy service in this area or that area” are missing the genuine point in what the iPhone was indeed made for. it wasn’t made for you dweebs that hang out in your hometown and text the ho next door. It was made as the name implies. Where do all these types of phones make their usefulness well known and direct ? BUSINESS !! The Business traveler has this corner of the market cinched. The added benefit to the investor is that every other household now has one and hogs the network with superfluous surfing MOST of the time. So with all the grand ore, good ol AT&T;dropped the ball. You know what us sensible consumers want to hear ? We want to hear that your quarterlies are down a few billion for one reason and one reason only !!! Cuz you got off your fat aristocratical azz and invested some of those billions into what pays your salary & investment returns. The network you operate on. I could care less about your profit margin being what it is when you laugh all the way to the bank counting your billions while you SCREW US royally for the very fees you so insistingly think we need to pay for shoddy at best service !! And to the even worse morons who think that VZW will struggle with the addition of the iPhone, gimme a break. I would jump in a heart beat as I know hands down from over 3.5 million miles of experience on these roads in the US that I was NEVER w/o service and NEVER dropped a call ANYWHERE I traveled and I have played shows in some of the lankiest of towns in North America. Besides all this technological babble about CDMA vs GSM vs 4G is all one thing – BS until you put the money into it that it needs to make it as sturdy as the very traffic that flows on it. It compares to the ol generic vs name brand BS. It is all the same, just matters how you improve on taking the GREED factor out of it. He who has the most toys says one thing to me – ISB !! Ignorant Selfish Bastard !! Intelligence is marked by the ability to cope, adapt and conquer !!

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