Two Chinese sue Apple for patent infringement over iPod

“Two Chinese sued three companies on November 11, including US-based Apple, claiming that its iPod Series infringed upon their invention’s patent,” People’s Daily Online reports.

“The Wuhan Intermediate People’s Court opened a public court session for the case on the same day,” People’s Daily Online reports.

“Two Chinese, Cai Yaohua and Chen Shaohua who are now living in Beijing, are patent holders of a type of intelligent audio server,” People’s Daily Online reports.

Full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Carl H.” for the heads up.]


  1. The Italians getting noodles from China is pure legend. It’s more likely that the Greeks or Arabs brought pasta to Southern Italy. Marco Polo was a Northern Italian where the staple was rice, and pasta is a relative newcomer to the diet.

  2. Seriously… who cares who got what idea from what place. COUNTRIES don’t invent things, PEOPLE do. Who cares what nationality someone is. When will people get it through their head. Nationalism is a disease the same as prejudice is. National pride is divisive, destructive, and devastating. Ignore the borders, the skin color, the culture. We’re all human. YOu know, the only group that I can think of that truly doesn’t let borders and national pride get in the way, are Jehovah’s Witnesses.

  3. We’re talking about China here. They are the #1 country in the world for pirating software and breaking patents to sell SCAM RIP-OFF reversions of products. And we’re supposed to believe they have valid patents for anything, let alone iTunes store technology. Right.

    This is probably a new Chinese strategy to damage the world. (They are the #1 Internet spy country in the world, having been consistently breaking into USA federal government Internet connected computers and networks since 1998).

    Either their patents will be proven to be frauds, or this will turn out to be a case of submarining, where barely applicable patents are ridiculously applied to legitimate patents.

    The end result will be to parasitize the time and money of victim companies, in this case Apple.

    F*ck China. Shame on all of us for buying their crap. F*ck Walmart et al. for forcing US manufactures to move to China to keep up with dirt cheap pricing. As a reward we now have thousands of dead pets thanks to deliberate melamine contamination and brain damaged children thanks to deliberately lead contaminated paint on toys. Coming up: The revelation of deliberate manufactured drug contamination. I myself have been a victim thanks to GlaxoSmithKline having moved their drug manufacturing over to this hell hole of a country.

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