Top 10 science apps for Apple iPhone, iPod touch

“The scientific community has always been quick to pick up new technology; novel ways of accessing, sharing, and organizing information have a history of changing how science is done. An important effect of the gizmo-humping tendency toward technolust is a redefinition of the way society interacts with science. One mobile platform in particular is feeding our burgeoning appetite for insight and exploration: Apple’s iPhone,” Seed Magazine reports.

“The elegant slab of optical-grade glass and beveled plastic is making ‘science on the go’ an edifying, cool, useful, and contextually pleasing experience. With the recent release of more than 500 (and counting) third-party applications for the iPhone in conjunction with the company’s second-generation 3G handset and 2.0 firmware, we list 10 essential applications for working scientists, casual science enthusiasts, and all of us in between, in no particular order. We also indulge our fantasies a bit by suggesting features that we think should exist,” Seed Magazine reports.

The 10 best of the current iPhone science app:

1. Molecules
2. Starmap
3. Genetic Decoder
4. Jott
5. MIM
6. A Brief History of Genetics
7. Atom in a Box
8. MathU RPN Calculator
9. WeatherBug
10. NASA Image of the Day

Full article, with links, here.


  1. I just want porn and sports. Maybe a little celeb slut news. Science is for China and India. Oh and Iran. USA does not need science. We just need more low cut shirts and lots of thongs. USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!

  2. “Apple are in trouble.” What the hell is this?

    Elephant are in trouble. Shoe are in trouble. I are in trouble. The grammar are in trouble.

    The singular are in trouble.

    “Apple is in trouble.” Apple is <u>a<u> company. <u>A</u> is singular.

    And I don’t care where you are from, or how you do <u>it</u> there.

  3. What lame postings above. If what I see here is any indication of the median of our population, it’s little wonder why other countries are eating our lunch.

    We take science for granted. To you, it’s boring. But if not for science, there would be no Apple. No medicines. No TVs. And more. While you’re making light of this, someone is doing the hard stuff to make your life easy.

    I’m a Mac and Apple fanboy like you. But please guys, get your heads out of your pants and put up some decent postings here!


  4. Two great new science apps that you can try out are Lab Solver, an all purpose lab calculator capable of calculating concentrations, ph values, buffers, unit conversions, etc… And Calibrations, a fantastic app for statistical analysis of scientific data! Check them out at the posted website!

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