American Idol, X-Factor’s Simon Cowell considers lawsuit against Apple re iTunes’ Leon Jackson snafu

“Simon Cowell is considering launching legal proceedings against iTunes after fans were prevented from downloading X-Factor winner Leon Jackson’s single.” Carl Stroud reports for The Sun.

“Demand melted the music firm’s servers shortly after When You Believe went on sale at midnight on Saturday,” Stroud reports. “The problem was only resolved some 15 hours later.”

“An insider at SonyBMG said: ‘Everybody here is up in arms. There’s been a monumental cock up. Simon is hugely disappointed about the situation and is considering launching legal proceedings. Everybody is really upset for Leon and don’t want technical malfunctions to mar his big week,'” Stroud reports. “A spokesperson for iTunes declined to comment.”

Full article here.

PR plant. ‘Tis no surprise that The Sun ran it immediately.


  1. Another Rotund Glutonous Bastard raises yet another cry of “foul most horrid!” meanwhile all the phone participants have been milked for all their worth to end up with crap in exchange.

    How do we know that itunes servers were melted down? Has Apple inc. issued a statement to that effect? Is that fat bastard implying that itunes servers are substandard?

    Or maybe, just maybe the so called market for X-factor crap has cottoned onto the scam he has been plying all these years & have voted with their wallets?

    He should be sued by Apple inc. A precedent is calling to be set here.

    Now if he were to Drink Camel’s Milk, the tuneless fart he emits would lace his palate with such a foul stench that he would think carefully in future before serving up X-Craptor again!!

  2. What can you expect from a paper owned by Rupert Murdoch, owner of News Corporation, mercenary sellout and appeaser of communist dictatorships?

    It amazes me that a man who pays so little tax on the massive profits of his companies (some people say it is as little as 6% on the global profits of the entire NewsCorp concern) is allowed to have so much influence on politics in the USA, UK and Australia. Back in the late-18th century, the American colonies protested on the principle of “no taxation without representation”. Murdoch has managed to turn this principle on its head so one man now has far more lobbying power than the trade union movement in any of the countries in which he operates.

    Still, there are a significant number of people who post here who swallow everything this dinosaur pumps out through Faux Noise as if it were the gospel truth, so they’ll presumably buy this piece of trivialised nonsense with the same enthusiasm.

  3. What if thousands of people turned up at physical stores and didn’t wait in line?

    The Sun is only fit for the recycling bin before it’s delivered to the newsagents. [F]ans were prevented from downloading, prevented is the wrong word here, very inflammatory language, they just had to wait a while for the queue to subside. That is if we take The Sun’s uncontested version as having some semblance of truth, which would make it atypical.

    Murdoch is firmly in the anti-Apple camp, those who wish to take control from the people (or I should say even more control), you can only vote for people who the corporations bankroll anyway.

    @ MCCFR

    Take a look back at the early history of the neo-cons, they were all radical socialist too. What they learned is that you can achieve totalitarianism through two means, govt taking over business didn’t work so they ‘switched sides’ and now they are trying the other way. Same with neo-labour in the UK.

    Murdoch is just after money and power, what was the James Bond movie based on him?

  4. You would never see a cock up like this at Zune Marketplace. Apple is a niche player and doesn’t understand the complexities of high demand mission critical server technology like Microsoft does.

    When you send that e-mail of a monkey peeing on himself to 50 of your coworkers how do you think it gets done? Right, an Exchange server efficiently distributes data with ease for your colleague’s enjoyment. That monkey got us through some tough times. I assume this same technology is in Zune Marketplace. It’s pretty snappy. Put another way, Microsoft doesn’t cock up.

    Your potential. Our passion.™

  5. “There’s been a monumental cock up.”

    Not even a tenth as monumental as SonyBMG rootkit. Yet nobody at SonyBMG was up in arms about that. ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”raspberry” style=”border:0;” />

  6. I refuse to believe that anyone with a triple digit IQ could possibly care about anything related to “American Idol.” Please do feel free to mock the show’s contestants. Yes, some of them have expressive vocal chords and can sing on key. That seems to be the extent of their talent. The fact that millions of American sheeple love the show only proves my point. Pure, insipid pabulem.

  7. @ @MCCFR…

    Go climb a rope!

    If I want to take a pop at Murdoch, NewsCorp, News International and The Sun for steadily deprecating the level of intelligence in the media and the general population based on this story, I’m perfectly entitled to do so.

    Let’s remember Murdoch’s theory that regime change in Iraq was a good idea because it would lead to a $20 barrel of oil. The guy’s a fscking genius (not)!

    Let’s reflect in the fact that the three main partners in Iraq were the US, UK and Australia; now let’s correlate that to News Corps’ news/media interests. See the relationship?

  8. If it’s true that Apple’s servers couldn’t handle the load then that IS Apple’s fault. Can anyone here say they tried to download the song and couldn’t because the iTunes servers were down? I wasn’t downloading the night this happened ( I think it was December 20). Also, The Sun should have gotten a comment from Apple regarding this issue. That’s what’s really missing in this story. Finally, Sony would never miss an opportunity to poke Apple in the eye with a sharp stick.

  9. Is this relevant to anyone’s life? The general IQ of American seems to be plummeting every moment. I saw a television program about guys playing video game football. A television program about a video game. Will there be a program about people watching a program about video games? Sheeesh. Why have the reality checks been delayed in the mail?

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