Apple releases AirPort Extreme Update 2007-001

Apple StoreApple yesterday released AirPort Extreme Update 2007-001 which is recommended for all Intel-based Macintosh computers and provides compatibility with AirPort Extreme base stations and networks.

Airport Extreme Update 2007-001 is available vis Software Update and also as a 6.5MB standalone installer.

More info and download link here.

Gregg Keizer reports for InformationWeek, “The vulnerability in Apple’s Mac OS X AirPort Extreme driver was made public in late November 2006 as the final entry in the “Month of Kernel Bugs” project run by the researcher HD Moore.”

Full article here.

Related article:
Apple AirPort Utility 1.0 screenshots, 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Station manuals – January 26, 2007


  1. “Dumbest post today”

    look at:

    “With the AirPort Extreme Base Station, you and up to 50 of your friends, colleagues, or family members can enjoy a robust wireless network offering up to five times the performance and up to twice the range of networks created with the earlier 802.11g standard. “

    Sounds like it might include the pre-n standard.

  2. Installed it, rebooted (MacBook Pro), only to find that Parallels could no longer connect to my Wi-Fi. Mebbe coincidental, but I was online with it until the moment I rebooted.
    Uninstalled/reinstalled Parallels and all is once again good.

  3. Yep, installed it, now it won’t connect to my wireless router.

    Jesus, I’m the biggest of fanboys, but Apple products have really started to piss me off lately. I used to install software updates without any hesitation, but now I’m reserving the Install button click. Not only that, I used to trust 1.0 releases, but I’m realizing they’re just as buggy as other software (not saying it’s designed any worse, it’s just coded poorly).

    Now you can say “oh, everybody knows 1.0 releases are the ones you should avoid!”. Well, I remember when I could trust early releases, and it just seemed to work. What’s going on in Cupertino?

    I swear, the more I dig myself into Apple software, the more frustrating it gets…

  4. Dark side of the moon, I had the same fuckin thing happen! What is it with these releases? Say what you will about Microsoft, but at least when those things downloaded for XP, the part it was trying to fix didn’t stop working after the restart – if there was one!

    Have you come back online? I’m still connected with the Windows side of my MacBook, but Appple just can’t find anything. It’s seeing the network and trying to connect, but I keep getting an error message. If you have any ideas I’d appreciate them. If I figure something out, I’ll post it here to let you know.


  5. I checked a thread on and it appears people with 2WIRE routers are affected by this. The “fix” is to go into your router settings and disable wireless network security.

    Not really a fix – not a good idea to leave your network unprotected.

    C’mon Apple! Take some responsibility! I can’t wait to hear MDN’s spin on this one…

  6. YO! I figured something out – I changed the WEP setting from Open to Shared. Worked! I’m back on with Mac and XP is running as well.

    I still think that it’s bullshit that something like happens and we have to change shit around – what if I was someone with little to no PC experience and had to call a repair person and pay for that!!!! It’s bs.

    Yeah, MDN, you spend hours thinking of ways to rip MS, what do you have to say about this – this has affected numerous people all over. I even called Apple today and they said, “No, you’re actually the first person to call with this issue.” Really? Then why was it all over the Apple discussion boards?

    Anyway, that’s my 2 cents, hope it helps someone else if they’re having the same issue.

    OH!!! One other thing – I read the description on and they said that new Macs with the C2D are not affected by the problem – well why the fuck did this download? The system should know it doesn’t need it!!!

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