Segway Human Transporter control panel pays homage to Macintosh

Dean Kamen’s Segway Human Transporter has just gone on sale today at One picture of the Segway’s control panel looks very familiar to us. Compare the venerable Mac OS logo to the Segway Human Transporter’s control panel and you make the call:

Mac logo

< - - - >

Segway panel

You can purchase a Segway Human Transporter from for $4,995 and see more pictures here.

UPDATE 4:03pm: From the site, “the display is how the Segway HT communicates with you about its operating condition and battery charge level. The display tells you only what you need to know, preserving Segway HT’s intuitive nature. The display transmits information by way of a face, the most basic and universal means of human communication.” Sounds very, very much like Steve Jobs’ entire Mac philosophy, doesn’t it?

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