Apple stock bests Microsoft over last 5 years

“…Microsoft is up 74% and Apple Computer is up 87%, according to data compiled by market-research firm Birinyi Associates in Westport, Conn. At the same time, a lot of the companies many investors assumed were stalwarts and havens — companies such as Coca-Cola, Gillette, General Motors, Ford, Caterpillar and Boeing — actually have lost value over five years, in some cases significantly. The lists of long-term winners and losers will surprise many investors, and suggests that at least some of the gains in the tech world during the past half-decade were legitimate. Perhaps some of the productivity miracle was real, after all, and some of these companies have more lasting value than pessimists believe,” according to E.S. Browning wriitng for Yahoo! Singapore Finance. If you bought AAPL five years ago instead of MSFT, you made more money than if you bought MSFT rather than AAPL. Read the full article here.

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