Apple CEO Cook emails employees about Hurricane Harvey; Apple users, employees and the company have raised millions for relief efforts

“Apple CEO Tim Cook addressed the effects of Hurricane Harvey in an email to employees on Wednesday afternoon and said that the company had helped raise more than $3 million for relief efforts,” Ryan Mac reports for Buzzfeed News.

“Cook noted that he was in Austin last week, a day before Harvey hit the Texas shore, and asked the employees donate food and supplies at Apple’s Austin campus,” Mac reports. “Apple also allowed customers to donate to the American Red Cross through its App Store, with the company matching employee donations two-for-one. So far Apple users have raised more than $1 million, while the company has pledged $2 million.”

Mac reports, “Cook said he hoped that some of Apple’s Houston area stores would be back in operation on Thursday.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Donate to the American Red Cross via Apple’s iTunes Store here.

Cook’s email to employees, verbatim:


As you know, Hurricane Harvey is having a devastating impact on Texas and Louisiana. Our thoughts are with our employees in the storm zone and the millions of people whose lives have been disrupted by rain, wind and floods. I want to update you on some of the things Apple has been doing to help, and ways that you can get involved.

On the ground, Apple’s global crisis management team is working to support our employees directly affected by the flooding in Texas. The team is in close contact with Apple employees in the Houston area, and they’re actively doing everything they can to assist, including moving some employees and their families to safety. Apple employees in the Houston area have generously been helping people displaced by the flooding by opening their homes to team members and their families, and in some cases, assisting in rescue operations. We’re also proud that the US Coast Guard is using Apple products in those efforts, with nearly two dozen USCG helicopters specially equipped with iPads to help coordinate search and rescue teams.

As Harvey was making landfall, we put in motion critical donation programs. Apple is making it easy for customers to donate directly to the American Red Cross through the App Store, iTunes and, and we’re matching employee donations two-for-one. Thanks to your generosity and that of our users, Apple has helped raise more than $1 million in just the past few days. That’s in addition to the $2 million Apple pledged to the Red Cross over the weekend.

Though our stores in the Houston area are still closed today, we’re working hard to get as many as possible open tomorrow to serve people who have been impacted by the storm. Our teams are eager to help with problems large and small, and they know there are lots of people in that area who need it.

I was in Austin the day before Harvey came ashore, and the team was already bracing for the storm and the long recovery. Today that work continues. At our Austin campuses, we are kicking off a donation drive in partnership with the Central Texas Food Bank and Caffè Macs to collect food, diapers and personal hygiene items — all things that are critical in the aftermath of a storm of this magnitude.

Because Texas is home to more than 8,700 of our coworkers, the storm’s impact is felt by all of us. There’s still much to do, and Apple is committed to help.


Apple CEO Cook offers prayers for those affected by Hurricane Harvey; invites Red Cross donations via iTunes Store – August 28, 2017


    1. When asked for charity, Mr. Scrooge replied, “Are there no prisons, and are the poorhouses not in operation? Those who cannot go there had better die and decrease the surplus population. Bah, humbug!”

      The inability to feel empathy for the suffering of others, as exhibited by many of the comments here, is the key indicator of sociopathy.

        1. And it is the right of citizens and the private sector to contribute extra resources to the government emergency relief efforts. Do you have a cogent response to that, DavGreg?!

          Honestly, DavGreg, you post something halfway reasonable one minute and the next minute you sound crazy!

        2. What do you expect from a staunch Bernie Sanders supporter after he worked for President Reagan, or so he says.

          Confused? Not sure. But I have to agree not consistent …

        3. Totally agree. Day and night difference between living in Minnesota and now the south. MN has safety nets while its a race to the bottom in the south. Constantly get harassed at the entrance of grocery stores for food donations while food pantries in MN were constantly filled due to the partnership between state, county and local non profits working quietly in the background as it should be.

      1. That was also exactly the point that Mr. Scrooge was making. Dickens did not agree that paying taxes ends any duty of compassion that the well-off might owe to the less fortunate. The major point of “A Christmas Carol” is to urge the notion that moral obligation is broader than mere legal duty.

        I find it appalling that many of the other posters here are using a major human disaster (and unprecedented economic disaster) as no more than an excuse to make partisan political points. Again, that is simply not behavior one should expect from a civilized person in normal mental health.

        1. Right!

          Like you are NOT making a partisan point. Spare us your righteous deceit.

          the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense.

          Oh, that is so you …

        2. Obviously, you can’t answer my question because it has no truthful answer. You and your buddies are the only folks here trying to turn a political profit on human misery.

        3. “I find it appalling that many of the other posters here are using a major human disaster (and unprecedented economic disaster) as no more than an excuse to make partisan political points.”

          Here is my answer.

          What points specifically are you referring to? Allow me to help you out.

          The REPUBLICAN LED WASHINGTON LEADERSHIP is doing a SUPERLATIVE job in this crisis.

          The partisan points here are ALL your own. You don’t like it, got it …

        4. So praising a single political party while bashing the other party during a national emergency isn’t partisan? Yet another alternative fact from the Ministry of Truth! Patriots call for national unity in the face of dangers that put us all at risk. Only fanatics put party interest above the public good.

        5. “So praising a single political party while bashing the other party during a national emergency isn’t partisan?”

          Tell me exactly who is praising a single political party and what they said, SPECIFICALLY. That should be a piece of cake for a retired prosecutor. Please provide your evidence on the record for all to read.

          “Yet another alternative fact from the Ministry of Truth!”

          Funny, I was thinking exactly the same of you.

          “Patriots call for national unity in the face of dangers that put us all at risk. Only fanatics put party interest above the public good.”

          Well, I’m certain you know all about liberal fanatics twisting the truth to serve their misguided agenda and putting their interest above the public good — ALWAYS.

          You are their mouthpiece …

        6. I dunno. I cannot decide who is the biggest, inhuman arsehole, DavGregr GoeB. Can’t you selfish morons just go away? People are homeless. They need a helping hand. Does it matter where the money comes from.
          You are heartless and amoral. Pontificating scum.

        7. It is totally irresponsible of you to perceive wrongly, then go on to post, I am heartless and not caring about homeless flood victims.

          I contributed to the Red Cross. You?

          We may differ politically, that does not turn me into instant scum you stereotypical leftist hater …

    2. *THIS* is why the Red Cross should not be doing this:

      from the latter “During Isaac, Red Cross supervisors ordered dozens of trucks usually deployed to deliver aid to be driven around nearly empty instead, “just to be seen,” one of the drivers, Jim Dunham, recalls.” and “During Sandy, emergency vehicles were taken away from relief work and assigned to serve as backdrops for press conferences, angering disaster responders on the ground. “

  1. Way to go Tim Cook, compassion is so important. Don’t forget that more than 1,200 people have died across India, Bangladesh and Nepal as a result of flooding, with 40 million affected by the devastation.

    1. Timmy’s fave “charity”:

      “The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has reportedly transferred millions of donated dollars to offshore accounts in the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and Bermuda, The Washington Free Beacon reported Thursday.”

        1. I’ll believe it when he shows us the receipt showing that it’s from his personal account (not the Trump Foundation which is full of other people’s money) AND the recipient has verified it:

          Oh, and after we verify the recipient doesn’t use it to purchase Trump services:

        2. They aren’t going to believe it, JimBob, even though the cited research on Trump’s charitable giving won the Pulitzer Prize. Seeing that their golden idol has feet of clay creates too much cognitive dissonance for his supporters.

        3. As long as you don’t have a problem with the Clinton Foundation — I don’t have a problem with the Trump foundation.

          But then again, when do liberals EVER FIGHT FAIR? Read “The Big Lie” for a detailed deconstruct of liberal lying, stereotyping, racism, suppression of free speech and gun rights, et al.

          Regarding “feet of clay.” Presesident Trump is the most energetic, tireless, working president I have ever seen. He doesn’t let anything bother him and in multiples war, so to speak, with not just the Democratic Party, also includes Big Media, Big Hollywood, Big Education and evil regimes around the world. Unbelievable really, and his resolve is steadfast.

          The president has shown, on a daily basis, he could not care less about name calling nitpicking liberals like you and your buddies … 🇺🇸👍🏻

        4. The feet of clay l was referring to was Mr. Trump’s consistent pattern of soliciting charitable contributions that he used to benefit himself. Not fake news. Fully documented.

        5. That’s what’s great about your posts. Clearly spelled out, no obfuscation, no semantic baiting and no nonsense. Clear as a bell.

          And just then, I woke up …

        6. Let’s talk about who benefited from the Clinton Foundation.

          Broke when they left the White House and now millionaire limousine liberals.

          Trump BUILT HIS EMPIRE from the ground up with a business loan from Dad. How nice.

          Clintons sucked off of influencing donors, cronies and political connections and built ABSOLUTELY NOTHING …

        7. Donald Trump inherited the entire family business; he did not “build his empire from scratch.” He is hardly a business genius. Forbes calculates that the current value of Trump Enterprises would be twice as high if The Donald had liquidated the assets he inherited and put the money into a market-indexed fund instead of trying to manage it himself. Ask anybody in Atlantic City about Trump’s business acumen. Most of his current income is from licensing deals that play on his name recognition as a TV reality show mogul, and more recently as POTUS.

          While it is entirely irrelevant to the issue of whether Trump will ever actually give any of his own money to charity, The Clinton Foundation got very good marks within the philanthropic community for how effectively it used its resources. How it raised them might be another issue, but no worse than the way that Trump solicited funds for his foundation without contributing any of his own money, and then spent hardly a single dime that did not profit himself either economically or politically.

          The facts, with full documentation, are set out in the Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post story JimBob cited above.

        8. “Donald Trump inherited the entire family business; he did not “build his empire from scratch.” He is hardly a business genius.”

          Was that before or after his dad loaned him money to start his own business? Build his own, yes. Inherit some more, yes. Sorry you have a misguided disapproving take on two successful men.

          “Forbes calculates that the current value of Trump Enterprises would be twice as high if The Donald had liquidated the assets he inherited and put the money into a market-indexed fund instead of trying to manage it himself.”

          I guess you are going to quote MSNBC or CNN next. All in the same hate meme. He did what he did on his own terms. Win or lose, all good.

          “Ask anybody in Atlantic City about Trump’s business acumen. Most of his current income is from licensing deals that play on his name recognition as a TV reality show mogul, and more recently as POTUS.”

          Ask anybody? Bum under the Boardwalk, perhaps? You are loosing it. Licensing deals make money for everyone. From a child star star to a sports figure to a celebrity to a reality tv star. You have a problem with that? Oh and Hillary made $500,000 for a 20 minute speech behind closed doors at Goldman Sachs. And then went on to discredit Wall Street players on the campaign trail. Do you have a problem with that?

          “While it is entirely irrelevant to the issue of whether Trump will ever actually give any of his own money to charity, The Clinton Foundation got very good marks within the philanthropic community for how effectively it used its resources.”

          Would that be the same liberal cabal community patting each other on the back?

          “How it raised them might be another issue, but no worse than the way that Trump solicited funds …”

          Breaking news libtard: No! It is THE ISSUE and far worse and more corrupt.

          Quoting the Pulitzer process. You mean like Obama just showing up for work a month in the job with absolutely ZERO accomplishments. How credible … NOT!

        9. If what the Clintons allegedly did piss you off, then what Trump does should piss you off.

          In my personal experience, every ardent Trump supporter I know insisted on moral absolutism before he was elected – they railed about what the Clintons were allegedly doing and how terrible it was.

          And once Trump was revealed to be involved in similar or worse shenanigans, self-dealing, lies etc. suddenly, all these ATS’s suddenly rely on the “well Clinton did xyz” argument. Moral *relativism*.

          And that’s not acceptable. Either such behavior is wrong or not. If Trump is lying, deceiving, prevaricating, making promises he can’t keep or threats he can’t back up it’s wrong. Period. And he, like any other president, should be called out on it. Period. It does not matter who else did what.

          And this is why Trump is not “draining the swamp” because he’s just another talking head telling people what they want to hear while he enriches himself at the public expense. And had another candidate won the election, you could remove the word Trump from that last sentence and put that candidate’s name in there.

        10. I agree with you both sides should be held accountable.

          “And once Trump was revealed to be involved in similar or worse shenanigans, self-dealing, lies etc. suddenly, all these ATS’s suddenly rely on the “well Clinton did xyz” argument. Moral *relativism*.”

          Please enlighten us on Trump’s wrongdoings …

      1. How much has the millionaire club of Democrat swamp politicians contributed?

        How much has the millionaire club of Hollywood contributed?

        How much has the billionaire club of Silicon Valley moguls contributed?

        How much has the billionaires Gates, Soros, Bezos and Zuckerberg contributed?

        Last but not least — how much of Tim’s recent millions in compensation has he contributed?

        THANK YOU President Trump!

        You care. 🇺🇸

        1. I didn’t ask how much anyone else contributed. They are not the President, or his disgusting family.
          If Rump actually pays up, I will be thankful for all those he helps in this disaster.

        2. He’s already donating his salary, taking abuse of cowards like you. And you’re sitting there in mom’s basement playing video games.

          How much did you and your disgusting family donate to the country?

        3. “I didn’t ask how much anyone else contributed. They are not the President, or his disgusting family.”

          You must be talking about the dysfunctional Clinton family A lifetime of deceit, lies and betrayal. The dysfunctional part is they are still together enabling each other for decades. Any sane person would call that disgusting. Not the beautiful, elegant, poised Trump family like we have never seen before in the White House.

          Agreed, the money will be put to good use …

        4. If you want to name individuals, gob, it’s only reasonable to name them without regard to political affiliation. So please add to your list the Koch brothers and all the other ultra-rich republian supporters.

        5. Nothing from the Clintons or the fraud Clinton foundation.

          Trump pledges 1 million and where are all the other pledging? Congress? House? Pelosi? Gore? Biden? All who have become rich off the people and their scams.

    1. It took about six hours before my edit was posted.
      Obviously, M D N cherry picks replies.
      Rump PLEDGED the money. I will eat crow if he actually delivers out of his own pocket.

  2. It is utterly irrelevant what the post is… the usual suspects will take it as one more opportunity to vomit their whining, bombastic, petulant complaints onto these pages.

    “Don’t be silly, John”, you say, “Someone can’t whine and be bombastic at the same time”.
    Oh yes, they can. It takes a special talent, but they can do it.

  3. We need a 1-world govt, with the UN in charge of all funds, so in times like this, resources could be distributed to flood victims of TX/LA, India, Bangladesh and Nepal. Obviously, our govt can’t handle it…look at all of our unfunded liabilities. Also, there are scores of bee-farmers that need help all across Oklahoma. We need to help everyone. Today.

    1. I’m trying to figure out if you wrote that in jest or if you were actually serious.

      Because anybody with an ounce of common sense and a little knowledge of history would know that that’s the absolute dumbest idea in the world.

  4. It is sad that the good folks at Apple have been asked by Mr. Cook to donate to the American Red Cross (ARC). The ARC is not transparent and refuses to disclose what they actually do with the money they do collect. They are good at small disasters and really bad at large ones. Just look at the $488 million collected for Hati — ask them how they spent that.

    In southwest Louisiana after Rita, they did very little. We were fed by the Salvation Army, not the ARC.

  5. Apple has over $260 BILLION dollars in cash from profits due to American labor being so expensive, (so they use cheap foreign labor to make their products affordable… my ass). Ya think the big-hearted empathetic ‘lets pay more taxes’ liberals who run Apple could take one of those billions and donate it.

  6. Why is Tim Cooke not leading the way? Where is huge 10 million dollar donation. After all he just got 89 million for basically destroying apple and turning it into a phone company. 10 million is nothing to him.

    Yet, he wants the employees and shareholders to pay, while he takes the credit and lime light.

      1. Another DEFLECTION.

        Just simply answer the question. Where is Tim’s 10 million or one million donation to flood victims?

        That clear enough or are you going off into the deflection weeds again …

        1. Deflection grande!

          Making excuses for millionaire Tim not donation a mere million to the Red Cross for disaster victims.

          I donated and guessing you did not. Hence, your defense of hypocrite Cook (not left wing enough for his taste, helping regular people) …

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