Apple Maps and Apple Music among the top 15 U.S. smartphone apps

comScore, Inc. recently released data from comScore Mobile Metrix, reporting the top smartphone apps in the U.S. by audience reach for June 2017.

Top 15 Smartphone Apps, June 2017
Total U.S. Smartphone Mobile Media Users, Age 18+ (iOS and Android Platforms)

Top 15 Apps
Rank. App Name – % Reach
1. Facebook – 75.7%
2. YouTube – 67.2%
3. Facebook Messenger – 65.4%
4. Google Search – 59.6%
5. Google Maps – 56.4%
6. Google Play – 49.0%
7. Instagram – 46.8%
8. Snapchat – 46.5%
9. Gmail – 43.1%
10. Pandora Radio – 39.2%
11. Twitter – 34.2%
12. Google Calendar – 34.1%
13. Apple Maps – 29.6%
14. Apple Music* – 29.0%
15. Amazon Mobile – 27.7%

*Apple Music, as it appears in comScore’s monthly reporting, is referring to Apple’s native music app, which captures all music activity within that app, including listening via the streaming service, radio service and users’ personally downloaded music libraries.

Source: comScore Mobile Metrix

MacDailyNews Take: Good showings for both Apple Maps and Apple Music! We’d expect Apple Music to pass Apple Maps soon, as it’s also available for fragmandroid while Apple Maps is iOS-only.


    1. “Free” of course isn’t free as you know. The price will be extracted down the road, as a pound of flesh or a sale on the auction block, all unwittingly authorised through EULAs that no user reads or understands. Knowing this fact about how easily consumers are duped into sacrificing their privacy, why bother investing in AAPL with its puny market share and utter disrespect by Wall Street? Sell your shares for God’s sake and buy something else, so I don’t have to suffer your hand-wringing for the rest of my life.

    2. Some of us are smart enough to realise what Google are up to and not only resist them but avoid them as much as possible.

      There are alternatives, such as iCloud, which are also free for light users but who respect the privacy of users. DDG is now a really great search engine and Apple Maps is solid and reliable. It used to be that I would sometimes need to do a Google search or use Google Maps when the search engine in Apple Maps couldn’t find what I was looking for, but I can’t remember the last time I needed to use either. The only time I use something other than Apple Maps is when I use Bing Maps, which in the UK can optionally display Ordnance Survey maps. They are necessary for walkers as they are very detailed, showing all footpaths, church steeples, power lines and contour lines.

      1. Thats interesting re Bing now why the hell didn’t Apple do such a deal (probably not cheap considering the cost of OS maps or for those which use their data) but there is nothing to compete when you need a ‘proper’ map especially where there needs to be geographic and historical reference.

      2. For me its the opposite, Apple maps keep letting me down in London regularly, every time i use google maps and apple maps, google maps unfortunately does the job much better

        1. @Snoop
          Exactly what goes wrong for you with Apple Maps in London?

          I use Apple Maps regularly in London, both on foot and in my car. Apple’s maps are pretty up to date and the GPS reception is more reliable than my TomTom Sat Nav when in areas surrounded by tall buildings.

          All smartphone mapping apps have some issues with the database of place names. Somebody’s impression of a given mapping app will be governed to a certain extent by how well it’s database matches the places they’re looking for. I can usually accurately define the address of where I want to go and Apple maps always does a great job of getting me to a given post-code or address, but it occasionally comes up with weird suggestions if I’m asking it to find a business by name. Searching for a business name in my TomTom is noticeably less reliable than doing so in Apple Maps.

          Apple Maps used to have a fairly limited database of places and I’ve been very critical of it in the past, but it’s now very much better.

  1. Nothing like Apple Maps where navigation cannot tell the difference between a dirt farm road and an improved arterial road (paved).
    They STILL have not corrected the nav data and routing of US 79 about one year after the new route and bridge opened. I guess the data of cars and trucks running Apple Maps going through what is shown as a roadless area in a USFWS preserve has yet to register with the geniuses at Tom Tom or Apple.

    1. I get this on Google Maps as well… the “it can’t tell the difference between dirt and paved”, I mean.

      It’s even worse than that actually. I live in a rural area and even here the grid pattern of Phoenix streets is adhered to. There is state land across the road from me. Google Maps indicates a winding convoluted road running through it.

      There’s nothing there except some hiking trails that don’t follow the path of the non-existent road. Google also indicates a name for this non-existent road.

      It’s the name of the road I live on.

      1. I also found some Google Maps references to non-existent roads in Germany. Whenever I come across such a road, there’s usually something there, such as a farm track or footpath, but one of the ones in Germany wanted me to drive through a field of sunflowers. I go to that area regularly and the same imaginary road appears every time in Google Maps.

        There’s also an oddity near to where I live in the UK. A main road has been unchanged for decades and I’ve used it regularly for about twenty years, but my TomTom and Apple Maps both think that I have deviated from the road and am driving through a field before rejoining the main road again about half a mile later.

  2. And Maps is till missing what I consider the one feature that should be essential in a map app.

    Multi-point routing.

    When I’m out and about, and I’m not just talking about traveling to other cities or unknown locales, but around my home town, I plan out a route to go from destination A, B, C, D, etc., etc.

    I’ve tried other map apps that do multi-point routing, but they’re convoluted messes that make me want to pull my hair out.

    It would be nice if Maps could do multi-point routing. Either by inputing addresses, by dropping pins, or both… then figuring out a route based on whether I wanted the shortest, quickest, most scenic, or whatever.

    Is that asking too much?

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