U.S. unemployment rate falls to 10-year low, Apple shares hit new all-time highs

“Job creation in April bounced back from a disappointing March, with nonfarm payrolls growing by 211,000 while the unemployment rate fell to 4.4 percent, its lowest since May 2007,” Jeff Cox reports for CNBC. “Economists surveyed by Reuters had been expecting payroll growth of 185,000 and the headline jobless rate to tick up one-tenth to 4.6 percent. The payroll increase nearly tripled the dismal March number.”

At 1:17pm EDT, Shares pf Apple Inc. (AAPL) rose $2.07 (+1.42%) to $148.60. Shortly after noon Eastern, Apple hit a new all0time high of $148.91. The Nasdaq was up +8.44 (+0.14%) to 6,083.77. The S&P 500 was up +2.67 (+0.11%) to 2,392.19.

“Market experts believe the report likely cements an imminent interest rate hike,” Cox reports. “The unemployment rate dropped even as the labor force participation rate edged lower to 62.9 percent. The employment-to-population ratio increased to 60.2 percent, its best showing of 2017 and the highest level since February 2009. ‘This just adds to the perception that it’s going to be easier and easier to find a job if you want one these days,’ said Brian Coulton, chief economist at Fitch Ratings. ‘It’s job security that causes people to ask for wage rises. If it’s easier for them to get a job outside their company, they’re more likely to push for higher wages.'”

“An alternative reading on the unemployment rate that includes those not actively looking for jobs as well as those working part-time for economic reasons dropped to 8.6 percent from 8.9 percent in March, the best reading since November 2007,” Cox reports. “The central bank is widely expected to hike its benchmark interest rate a quarter point at its June meeting. Chances of a hike rose following the jobs release, with traders now putting a 78.5 percent probability on June for a quarter-point raise. ”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: A rising tide lifts all boats.


    1. That didn’t take long. Under the previous administration, any jobs report was considered fake news by the Trumpeters.

      Its all about the labor participation rate. The snow flakes in rustbelt and southern states are still waiting for jobs to be given to them.

        1. “Don’t confuse hate with disgust at you tRump dick gobblers.”

          I am certainly not confused. Wish I could say the same for you. You spew HATE. Got it?

          “Dick gobblers,” SERIOUSLY? I don’t know what that means from a LIBTARD POV.

          “Not my president and I can’t wait for the impeachment hearings.”

          Reality check: Donald Trump is president of the United States of America legally elected in an electoral college blowout. I don’t give a rat’s ass who you imagine your president to be living in Liberal La La Land.

          Impeachment? Wow! What pray tell for, please enlighten the rest of the class. And to caution you, we are only interested in FACTS. Not opinion … 🐒

        2. I was looking at some Fox News thing on YouTube. I always go to the comments to gauge the impact of whatever happens in the videos. I found this..

          “…why do Caucasian folks call each other liberals when they are fighting????? Is that like the Caucasian version of the “c” word??? Is being liberal supposed to be an insult?? I don’t get it. Lol.”

          Probably a foreigner.

          Seems like the insult sense of the word started around 1980 with Reagan beating Carter, but I’m not sure, I was only 14.

        3. What I have long tried to divine is why the insult is so common in adversarial conversations, and to understand the process by which innocuous words morph into insults. So far, all I’ve really come up with is that the old proverb “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me” is bullshit.

        4. Our word usage is, has always been, and should be culturally determined. Attempted regulation by either language purists or government censors are both doomed to failure in the long run because freedom of expression is more closely regarded by the common man than anything. Seneca claimed, The worse thing to happen to a man is not castration, or slavery, or death; but to have his tongue removed, and every message silenced through force or insult. The eunich, the servant, and the dying man have things to tell us; we would do well to listen.

    2. Apple benefits from Trump, that’s hilarious and true. What a moral quandary Tim Cook is suffering. Should he pocket the income, donate it to some anthropomorphic global warming cause, some LGBTQ cause, or what. What will you do with this tainted money, Tim?

    3. If all it takes for you to be impressed with his so-called leadership is to stick his thumb in the air, perhaps you have too much faith in the snake oil.

      1. Well, well, well the President Trump smear merchants are now into spreading FAKE web graphics. Doesn’t change a thing and the stereotypical claims insults fair minded people on both sides of the aisle.

        OK, if you are dispirited Democrat for years now after repeated electoral defeats and looking for comfort in make believe presidential mockery, heh, knock yourselves out. I hope you get well soon …

    1. Because Obama left with the lowest unemployment rate in 10 years, Trump has to do basically nothing to continue setting the record. You see that, right?

      1. Nice try deceitful Democrat. I believe the unemployment rate just announced under Trump is the LOWEST in 10 years.

        We all know liberals lie, unfortunately, it does NOTHING to advance the country …

        1. You are just being stupid Goeb.

          Admit it,Obama presided over steady economic recovery following the 2008 financial meltdown. Trump hasn’t been there long enough to change the fundamentals. Stop being a dick here please.

        2. “Admit it,Obama presided over steady economic recovery following the 2008 financial meltdown.”

          I’ll admit Obama presided over and was responsible for the largest national debt increase, that would be roughly DOUBLE, of all presidents combined before him going back to George Washington. Remember the stimulus bill? How is the infrastructure in your neck of the woods?

          I’ll admit Obama presided over the largest expansion of poverty and government welfare recipients in history.

          I’ll admit Obama presided over an economy with near flat wage increases and the highest tax collections in history.

          I’ll admit Obama did nothing to improve race relations and bring all Americans together.

          I’ll admit Obama did nothing to stop the record murders in his hometown of Chicago.

          I’ll admit Obama did not stem the tide of illegal immigration and did nothing to curtail illegals in sanctuary cities costing lives and taxpayer dollars.

          The list is much longer, but enough for now.

          “Trump hasn’t been there long enough to change the fundamentals.”

          We will see what the future holds.

          “Stop being a dick here please.”

          Please stop being clueless to reality …

    1. This is an illustration for Donald J. Trump’s next campaign:

      Trump for Animal Warden—He will snatch our puppies and grab our pussies.

      /s, Obviously.

      1. Jean, Jean the dancing Democrat machine.

        Unemployment number released this week, in the FIFTH month of President Trump’s tenure, is the lowest in 10 years.

        Sorry …

  1. This figure is misleading its the same in the UK, unemployment is low but poverty is higher.

    Let me explain people are having to work two jobs to make enough to live!!

    Here it is actually a thing in London where people work in offices and stores then sleep on the streets!!! As they cannot afford to rent a place to live.

    Some Students and people who work are actually offering sex for free accomadation. We are reaching a new level of poverty but employment is low, so everything is ok right!!!

    1. Poverty. Meh.

      “…The facts about poverty, however, are clear: America’s poor are supported by an enormous and expensive government safety net.

      The federal government operates more than 70 means-tested welfare or anti-poverty programs, among them Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), the earned income credit, Supplemental Security Income, Food Stamps, the Women Infants and Children (WIC) food program, Medicaid, public housing, low-income energy assistance and the Social Service Block Grant. These programs provide cash, food, housing, medical care and targeted services to poor and near-poor Americans.

      In fiscal year 2011, federal and state government spent $910 billion on these programs. (This sum does not include Social Security, Medicare or Unemployment Insurance.) How much is $910 billion? Well, that comes to around $9,000 for each lower-income American.

      Federal means-tested welfare spending has jumped 40 percent since President Obama took office. Of course, it is not unreasonable for welfare spending to rise during a recession. But the big secret is that, under Obama’s budget plans, this spending will not go back down when the recession ends.

      According to the president’s budget documents, federal and state spending on means-tested programs will rise to $1.2 trillion per year by 2017. In that year, the United States will spend two dollars on welfare for every dollar spent on national defense. By 2021, welfare spending will hit $1.5 trillion per year…”

      1. Poverty is starving people in Venezuela eating zoo animals, poverty is the citizens of Cuba risking their lives to float to Florida, poverty is the darkened hovels of North Korea without light, poverty is the vast barbarism of Islam living in a continual 700 ad…

        the commonality of this wretchedness is collectivism, call it socialism, call it communism, call it progressivism, call it globalism, call it feudalism, but always call it what it is:

        “…tyranny over the minds of men.”

        1. The poverty graphic is dated December 2014.

          So, it only took six years of the ‘Hope & Change’ president to preside over the largest expansion of RECORD poverty rates in U.S. history.

          A teaching moment, indeed …

        2. Paul may have posted only one snapshot intime but that doesn’t give you the license to draw a trendline in any direction you wish. Why don’t you actually take the effort into presenting actual census data showing poverty rates at the beginning and end of the Obama administration instead of making up baseless claims?

          Or just stop your absurd political hackery already.

        3. ….and, conveniently, you failed to rise up to the challenge and provide the trend data.

          Because if you did, you’d realise that the poverty levels have marginally improved during the Obama years.

          So, you lied. Bush era poverty data was worse.

          And no, I’m not going to do your work here now. I took my own time to google the data before posting here. It is still on you to refute Paul’s and Jean’s argument with real FACTS. Not the alternative ones (making stuff up along the way).

        4. I don’t have the time to AGAIN look up reputable data, not unreliable Googling, I and others posted way back when to please you. Is that clear enough?

          And of course as is the Libtard way, you typically do not consider all the possible circumstances before you JUMP to conclusions.

          Immediate knee-jerk FALSE reality denigrating a person if they don’t do A for you then aha, it’s B! Gotcha! How dumb can you go?

          Stand by my post and no GOADING from you, TxUser or Citizen X (ALL of you use the same tactics) is going to change when and where I pick my spots.

          This is simply not one of them and I sense you will have a problem with that. Tough …

        5. Clear and obvious trend. When a conservative disagrees with you, he will use copious amount of profanity, insults and made-up stuff in his defense.

          If you were to turn on your brain, you might realise that you aren’t winning any arguments anywhere by using the profanities and insults.

          As for getting data, again, dismissing google as a tool to get to proper data is nonsensical. Google isn’t the SOURCE; it is a way to get to the source. You can use google to get to your Breitbard news, just as you would to get to the US Census Bureau (doesn’t get any more official and accurate, when it comes to data).

          Your message contains so many nonsensical statements, it is difficult to take it as a serious, coherent thought by anyone older than 13.

        6. Let me remind you while you’re heading to the US Census website before Trump cuts its funding: Obama inherited the worst recession of any president since FDR. Still you pretend that the long steady recovery was somehow bad?

        7. Jean, do you really believe the President is going to cut funding to the census bureau?

          c’mon, Jean, I realize you’re an idiot, but funding cut to the census bureau? You’re just going to have to get more creative than that.

        8. you ignorant fück, cite where the following is happening in the United States:

          “People Literally Starving Thanks to Socialism in Venezuela”

          People Literally Starving Thanks to Socialism in Venezuela
          Ronaldo Schemidt/AFP/Getty ImagesRonaldo Schemidt/AFP/Getty Images
          BY: HANK BERRIEN MAY 5, 2017

          Once South America’s richest country, Venezuela implemented a socialist agenda.

          Now people are starving to death.

          Venezuela’s inflation, estimated by the International Monetary Fund to reach 720% in 2017, is the highest in the world. The economy has shrunk 27% since 2013, according to local investment bank Torino Capital; imports of food have plummeted 70%.

          Huge numbers of Venezuelans are bringing their children as they rummage through garbage for food; farm crops are routinely stolen; groceries are looted. As The Wall Street Journal notes, things have become so dire that families padlock their refrigerators.


  2. Reality check:

    8.0% = unemployment rate in January 2009 (Obama’s inauguration)

    4.7% = unemployment rate in January 2017 (Trump’s inauguration)

    4.3% = unemployment rate today

    As anyone with any knowledge of economics knows, it takes at least 6 months for the fiscal and tax policies of a new President to have any macroeconomic effect on the economy. This is still (and will be until October when a new budget is due) Obama’s recovery.

    The Trump effect has yet to be seen – maybe it will be better, maybe it will be worse. Time will tell.

    1. Spot on!

      Too bad the trumpanzees don’t realize that 100 days of executive memos has accomplished nothing other than pretty press releases. The economy is seasonal, so obviously economic activity builds in the summer.

      Let’s see how great the economy is in May 2018.

        1. even a mildly retarded person knows that things go in cycles. racism won’t get your man meat reelected next time. Keep that manmeat in your mouth. It makes you useful.

        2. I haven’t lost it. I just decided that tolerance only serves to allow you another 10 minutes fellating the sexual predator. From now on, you cockholsters are just that and nothing more. By the way. I have made my mark on the world. Have you?

      1. As a small business owner I can say that a lot of business owners feel confident about the near future- which has prompted many to make purchases/inverstments and hire new workers. This started happening the day after the election. Call it what you want

    2. If you think we’d be here with Oblahblah in the Oval Office or Crooked Hillary with their anti-business policies, you do not understand basic economics.

      What a difference an election makes:

      Nearly six-in-ten people in the United States (58%) say the economic situation is very or somewhat good, according to a new Pew Research Center survey conducted Feb. 16-March 15. Last spring, 44% of the American public described the economy as good.

      This is the most positive assessment of U.S. economic conditions since 2007, and only the second time that half or more of those surveyed have given the economy a thumbs-up. Driving the latest increase is a jump among Republicans over the past year.

      The 14-percentage-point rise in overall public opinion about the economy since last year is the largest one-year improvement in public sentiment about economic conditions in the history of this survey. — Pew Research Center, April 3, 2017

      1. So how did the anti business policies in Cali create nearly 600,000 jobs last year? The state legislative bodies in rustbelt and southern states did no prepare for the new 21 st century economy. their state budgets are propped up by huge federal subsidy dollars paid for by the forward looking donor states.

        1. You are an insulting, BRAINLESS, vulgar LIBTARD. I suggest you share your posts with your mother and or your wife. Fingers crossed they can talk some SENSE into you …

        2. You are an insulting, BRAINLESS, vulgar LIBTARD. You have NOTHING. Like I said, I suggest you share your posts with your mother and or your wife. Fingers crossed they can talk some SENSE into you …

      2. This chart (and the underlying data) doesn’t mean what you think it means.

        You are using this to illustrate how the economy is apparently so much better now. All it tells us that Republicans bough Trump’s bullshit hook line and sinker and truly believe economy is in so much better shape than it was last year.

        Objective economic indicator obviously don’t support this opinion. The only thing this chart is saying is that republicans will clearly believe anything Fox News tells them.

        Trump is probably going to do more damage to the USA than any president ever did. This doesn’t say much, since presidents don’t really have all that much power anyway. However, his main initiatives have so far been pretty significant public failures (border wall money from Mexico, Muslim ban, Health Care law). It is impossible to see positive consequences of the renewed initiative with the health care law for Trump and the republicans. As it is now, the draft is even worse for the Trump-voting public than the previous one (and that is saying a lot). However, if the senate fails to adopt it, the all-republican government will clearly look completely impotent, unable to enact a single major piece of legislation, despite majority in both houses AND the presidency. Worse yet, if the senate DOES adopt it ans Trump signs it into law, more than 25 million Americans will end up losing their current insurance, and many more won’t be able to get it (the pre-existing clause being back in the law). Couple that with the traditional punishment of incumbent party of the president in the first mid-terms and it is quite hard to imagine that the Senate will remain republican two years from now, and the picture for Congress doesn’t look much better either.

        I can’t possibly imagine any major legislative triumphs (based on Trump’s public agenda) that could swing the public opinion of those Trump voters back after the catastrophic consequences of the dismantling of the Obamacare.

        Let’s watch….

        1. “Trump is probably going to do more damage to the USA than any president ever did.”

          Probably? So you don’t know, thanks for admitting your clueless rant.

          All his amazing accomplishments in a short period of time mean nothing to a BLIND PARTISAN such as yourself. Got it.

          My opinion, and yours, will not change the future one atom …

        2. You must be new here (or have very short attention span). I’m not an American. Therefore, not a democrat, not a republican, not a liberal, not a conservative; just a foreign observer (you know, the impartial kind, no horse in the race). Ask anyone from outside the USA and the world is scratching their collective heads over Trump. And every week of his presidency, the sentiment is reinforced by the failures and disastrous policy moves that are detrimental for everyone except the most obscenely rich 1% of the US population…

          But the most important part is that he declares himself a republican, so anything and everything he does is just amazing!

          Talk about BLIND PARTISAN…..

        3. “Therefore, not a democrat, not a republican, not a liberal, not a conservative; just a foreign observer (you know, the impartial kind, no horse in the race).”

          Then what are you, nothing? That would make sense. Hey brainless, obvious you don’t remember or recall how many times over the years I posted TO you have no skin in the U.S. game. Unless you are a FAKE FOREIGNER which would not surprise me since you have not named the country you live in. Make your country great again — FIRST.

          “Ask anyone from outside the USA and the world is scratching their collective heads over Trump.”

          Now we have a President that is working on restoring what was lost the last eight years. Hey Alien (only info I have), I don’t have to ask anyone outside my country what they think. Not now, not EVER! Got it?

          In addition, never ceases to amaze me this false narrative only emerges when a Republican is president. Never came up when U.S. world standing was rapidly deteriorating under apologetic Obama. Can you say, selective politics and selective prosecution?

          “And every week of his presidency, the sentiment is reinforced by the failures and disastrous policy moves that are detrimental for everyone except the most obscenely rich 1% of the US population …”

          Every week?!?! Says the (foreign unestablished) neutral observer who overdoses on the CIA Counterfeit Network …

        4. You seem to be exceptionally upset over something, considering that your guys control all levers of power in America.

          Look, I totally get your severely partisan view on the planet, but here is how most of the world sees the US. Now, from your point of view, this may be completely irrelevant, and you couldn’t likely care less what the world thinks of the US, but the global opinion was that GW Bush had significantly eroded the stature of the US as the moral authority on freedom, democracy and human rights by pursuing two major wars during which US military used morally very questionable methods (well documented in photos, video and testimonials). I’m not debating the validity or effectiveness of these methods; the fact remains that high moral ground was severely eroded. When Obama took office, these methods were apparently no longer (or significantly less) being used (waterboarding, humiliation of prisoners, etc). General opinion of the world about the US has significantly improved during last eight years. In early November, this has dramatically changed again, since it was difficult to understand how an intelligent, democratic, freedom-loving populace ended up choosing the most morally reprehensible person, with most dubious personal and business record; a man who cheated on all of his several wives; who actually brags about this; who declares that the common thing between him and his daughter is “sex!”, and wouldn’t mind dating here if she weren’t his daughter; who refuses to pay people for work, forcing them into ridiculously low settlements, when they can’t afford the lawsuit; who carelessly and recklessly makes up stuff and flat-out lies about easily verifiable things, and sticks by his lies even when debunked to his face… There were at least ten much better Republican presidential candidates than this moron (Berlusconi of the Western hemisphere), so the world simply can’t understand how on earth did the US republicans decide that this one is the best of them.

          Look, I know that the opinion of the civilized world carries zero weight for Trump’s voters, but it should at least a little. US is not an island, and most certainly cannot survive on its own. Deals must be made with the rest of the world if it is to sustain its economic growth. For these deals, it matters quite a lot what the other guys think of you. And absolutely NOBODY fears Trump’s “negotiating abilities”. So far, we have yet to see any signs of great negotiating skills in the business of world diplomacy.

          As for me, I’ve been living in NYC for quite some time now (many here know this), but my homeland is in the South-East of Europe. I don’t have the privilege to vote in the US (perhaps I should try anyway?), so for all intents and purposes, I’m a foreign observer of your dysfunctional political system.

      3. Which as the chart shows, is nothing but entirely republicans thrilled that the black man isn’t in the White House, so overnight, they’re viewing the economy as having improved when nothing actually improved. They just refused to give obama any credit no matter what the facts said for eight years. Big surprise.

        1. Correct the record? 🐂💩!

          Your delusional racist comment does NOTHING to mask the last eight years of the worst president in U.S. history,

          If you knew anything about economic numbers, race relations, living wages, tax rates, healthcare costs, underemployed not counted, just to name a few of the paltry practices of the last president — you would not blame the chart results on racism. Unbelievable!

          If you were truly ‘Correct the Record’, statistics don’t lie and can’t be manipulated and excused by partisans.

          After careful review of your record, it is indeed, incorrect … 🤔

        2. Still can’t refute anything I said. Are you a bot? English as a second language? There is just something off about your usage of the English language.

          And of course you won’t answer anything with facts or logic.

        3. I ceased to explain/argue/refute anything with hopeless cause brainless flame throwers only out to get a pitiful reaction for their SICK pleasure.

          You should remember that …

        4. not really. you just ranted like you do matter and it’s my failure to be a cockholster for tRump along with you.

          By the way. you haven’t explained anything, only spasmed when I jerked your chain. Not that you still aren’t a cockgobbler choking on your russian moles sexual predator dick.

          I see he’s getting nervous? Firing another person to try and cover up his crimes and incompetence.

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