Facebook video app coming soon to Apple TV

“People are watching and sharing more video on Facebook than ever, and we’re focused on continuously improving the video experience,” Dana Sittler and Alex Li blog for Facebook. “Today, we’re excited to share several updates that make watching video on Facebook richer, more engaging and more flexible.”

“We’ve heard that people want more options for how and where they watch Facebook videos,” Sittler and Li write. “Today we’re announcing a new Facebook video app for TV, which will roll out soon to app stores for Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and Samsung Smart TV, with more platforms to come.”

“Our video app for TV is a new way to enjoy Facebook videos on a bigger screen,” Sittler and Li write. “With the app, you can watch videos shared by friends or Pages you follow, top live videos from around the world, and recommended videos based on your interests. You can also catch up on videos you’ve saved to watch later, as well as revisit videos you’ve watched, shared or uploaded.”

[protected-iframe id=”6f8a997adf1ad9f001fbbfe761d42c87-17146794-18685410″ info=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Ffacebook%2Fvideos%2F10155517557066729%2F&width=590&show_text=false&appId=183908385400447&height=330″ width=”590″ height=”330″ frameborder=”0″ style=”border:none;overflow:hidden” scrolling=”no”]

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: As long as they’re not in 4K. Wouldn’t want to tax Apple’s antiquated little hobby now, would we?


  1. Give it up MDN. 4K is still a extremely niche in terms of both end users and producers according to the industry’s own reporting:
    Only 10 million 4K sets sold in the USA IN 2017 and 140 4K titles available.
    As we all know, Apple is rarely cutting edge on adopting standards, preferring to perfect it and swoop in with an elegant solution just when the market is ripe rather than follow the pack blindly.

    1. I beg to differ.

      Apple USED TO BE the cutting edge leader, their history was always breaking new ground first. As an example, the AppleTV was the first streaming device for 1080p and Netflix first premiered their 1080p steaming on the device. Apple lead the way in Wifi support pushing it as standard and leading the industry in standards up to and including 802.11ac when they released prior to final standard. Releasing machines with the latest Intel chips before they were released to the other manufacturers, etc. etc. are just a few examples.

      The problem everyone has, is that WAS what Apple USED to be, it now seems that those days of Apple leading are potentially gone. The days of Skating to where the Puck is going to be, appear to be ‘the old days’.

      Maybe those days will return, time will only tell.

    2. I beg to agree – OVERKILL right now 4 sure.

      MDN montra – dont do it till its done right
      please stick to this MDN… you’re all over the place these days.

      AirPods – took more time but boy are they done right now!

  2. If Apple would put a decent camera on the front of every Apple TV it could instantly provide high quality video to regular people and businesses that is essentially free. A wide angle camera ideally with a bit of digital PTZ and it would open up huge new uses in business and the home. Amazon today came out with some videoconferencing. Why doesn’t the company that brought videoconferencing to the home and to all mobile users do this simple thing? Why does it appear to take decades to advance an innovation? Apple iChat used to do multipoint video. Apple used to provide excellent home routers with unique advantages like Airplay and AirPrint. Apple – get off your asses and make your stuff shine a bit.

  3. If Apple would put a decent camera on the front of every Apple TV it could instantly provide high quality video to regular people and businesses that is essentially free. A wide angle camera ideally with a bit of digital PTZ and it would open up huge new uses in business and the home. Amazon today came out with some videoconferencing. Why doesn’t the company that brought videoconferencing to the home and to all mobile users do this simple thing? Why does it appear to take decades to advance an innovation? Apple iChat used to do multipoint video. Apple used to provide excellent home routers with unique advantages like Airplay and AirPrint. Apple – get off your asses and make your stuff shine a bit.

  4. Facebook; a Rogue company.

    Doing rogue stuff all over the planet. If we can say the internet is the new world, Facebook is the new ill hospital for them. A narcissic place with controlled news… Ho! wait , I’ve seen this… Ho! On Gaagle…

    Shit! What am I doing here?

  5. Just a wank. While Mac-Rome is burning in super-slow upgrades all this interim piddly-assed news is pathetic while the big picture ignored. We are living our lives in not-so-quiet Mac upgrades desperation (& frustration).

    New iMacs and Mac Pro’s please! PLEASE!! STAT!!!

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