Happy New Year!

It’s already Friday, January 1, 2017 in some parts of the world. In fact, New Year’s Day is now more than half over in Kiritimati (Christmas Island) – greetings from the past!

As we post this, we still have over 4 more hours to go, but regardless of when it rolls around the globe to you, MacDailyNews wishes everyone a happy, healthy, and successful 2017!

An eventful, important year is about to begin for Apple. Even more so than 2016 which did see the release of Apple Watch Series 2, the updates Series 1, and the Apple Watch Nike +, the releases of iOS 10 and OS X Sierra, the continued roll-out of Apple Pay, the debut of the vastly-improved watchOS 3, the new MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, an improved Apple Music, an updated and rather lustworthy 12-inch MacBook, the iPhone 7 and the stellar iPhone 7 Plus! This year we’ll find out Apple’s plans for desktop Macs and maybe learn the fate of the MacBook Air. We can’t wait to see what 2017 brings!

Thank you very much for visiting MacDailyNews and for patronizing our sponsors, without whom we would not exist. We really appreciate your visits and feedback. Thanks also for downloading our MacDailyNews app!

To those of you who’ve sent us links, and to all of the MacDailyNews regulars, an extra special thank you!

2017 is poised to be a return to growth and, with the tenth anniversary iPhone looming, we expect a record year for Apple is on tap – bring it on!

But first: Happy New Year!


  1. Happy New Year 2017 MDN and all the wonderful readers and posters here. I hope that the New Year will be joy, prosperity and good health to all. Grateful to you all for making the website a wonderful place to visit and learning something new each and every day.

    1. I think we all know it’s you who needs help, Peter. You’re a narcissistic fascist with multiple personalities. Happy new year and make this year the time to get some help!

    2. @Amen! got you there, Peter.

      Trolls come in all varieties: both Pro-Apple, like you, and anti-Apple.

      I have never, up until now, used the word “troll” in my posts. Reason being, it is a meaningless stereotype exercise to condemn points of view that are found disagreeable.

      Facts win arguments. Simple as that.

      Happy New Year everybody!

      1. In the words of Donald Trump: “WRONG!!!” Donald and his ilk have ushered in the ‘fact free’ era. Facts have become meaningless in this forum and most people confuse opinion for fact. You know that the writers have lost the argument as soon as they resort to name calling. Unfortunately, these writers don’t know or realize that. Take it away Kellyanne Conway and show us all how to either twist or distort or ignore the facts and try to shift the focus on something else ( Hillary Clinton).

        1. I have no problem with the US of A election results. I am Canadian and have watched in horror to see the tide shift from intellectual debate to the childish school yard bully tactics that have taken over the US of A on such a massive wide spread way. It is not just Trump who exhibits these trait but now many of his followers are emulating him publicly with no sense of remorse or shame. A few years ago, people were treating each other with dignity and respect. Now the school yard bully prevails and the Republicans seem to be at the forefront of this name calling and put downs. Yes, there are a few Democrats who are following suit but my point is that we are losing civility.

        2. The so called intellectual debate is what drove the US into the ground the last eight years. And during the Carter years, as well.

          Give me plain spoken common sense reasoned debate focused on RESULTS any day of the week over entrenched academic stupidity.

          If professors had to turn a profit and actually teach kids to succeed (ex: liberal arts), most would be out of business the first year.

          “Yes, there are a few Democrats who are following suit but my point is that we are losing civility.”

          Civility was lost in the 1960s that started with the Vietnam War protests and has never recovered.

          I have to laugh, sorry, at your “a few Democrats” comment because they are the party of protest and invented the term civil disobedience.

          The Dems let the genie out of the bottle.

          Now both sides can play … ☠

        3. By definition, conservative means to conserve or save, hold to traditional values and attitudes. In other words, to go back to the past and not to change. If that is the desire of many people, then change is not desired or even possible under that regime. When change is not possible then progress is impossible also because to progress, you can’t keep the old ways and attitudes but must do things in a more successful way – change. By embracing change, we can progress. From my understanding, liberal thinkers are constantly looking for new and better ways to do things and sometimes they try something that doesn’t work. Anyone on the leading edge will tell you that you have to be willing to risk making mistakes to create new things.

          Civil disobedience is and always has been necessary when those in power misuse it and do not subjugate themselves to the ‘rule of law’. When Hitler gained power, the population of Germany should have resisted and not cooperated with him. This ‘civil disobedience could have stopped him in his tracks. In the 1960s, there were many injustices perpetrated on the youth of the country by a bunch of old men who wanted to send them off to a useless war and who did not think that all people were created equal.

          The time has come when people need to let go of political parties, let go of nationalism, let go of religious fervour and turn toward the virtues, qualities, morals and values that we all can agree on through open and frank dialogue.

          Your statement that “both sides can play” is equivalent to saying that people are entitled to do horrible things if someone else has done horrible things. All we will get out of that is a horrible world. Do you want that?

        4. “In other words, to go back to the past and not to change.”


          Conservatives today are more powerful than ever. They embrace common sense forward change and progress.

          “From my understanding, liberal thinkers are constantly looking for new and better ways to do things and sometimes they try something that doesn’t work.”

          The mistake you make is to assign progressive change to liberal thinkers exclusively. Gee, what a surprise condescending misunderstanding.

          “Civil disobedience is and always has been necessary when those in power misuse it and do not subjugate themselves to the ‘rule of law’.”

          🐂💩!!! Civil disobedience present day has nothing to do with misuse of power breaking the law. It has more to do with fringe interests pushing a self righteous agenda. In other words, they want something for free without strings.

          “Your statement that “both sides can play” is equivalent to saying that people are entitled to do horrible things if someone else has done horrible things. All we will get out of that is a horrible world. Do you want that?”

          Don’t put words in my mouth. I an not advocating for an unjust horrible world. Only a fair and level playing field that eludes your comprehension.

          Only the left ideas count in your book. Well, you are half right.

        5. “In the words of Donald Trump: “WRONG!!!”

          Facts win arguments is something you find WRONG???

          “Donald and his ilk have ushered in the ‘fact free’ era.”

          What a stretch from a disappointed voter. Pay attention: I was not talking about Trump. Got it?

          “Facts have become meaningless in this forum and most people confuse opinion for fact.”

          Well, admitting you have a problem is the first step on the road to recovery. That said and I repeat: FACTS WIN ARGUMENTS!!!

          “You know that the writers have lost the argument as soon as they resort to name calling.”

          You demonstrated the technique when you used the word “ilk.” And your fallen idol Hillary used the word, “deplorables.” Funny how you only apply Reality Check exclusively targeting the RIGHT, while giving a PASS to the LEFT.

          “Unfortunately, these writers don’t know or realize that. Take it away Kellyanne Conway and show us all how to either twist or distort or ignore the facts and try to shift the focus on something else ( Hillary Clinton).”

          Twist, distort and shift focus. Yup, your efforts EARNED a gold star … ⭐️

      2. Obviously it was a bit of a tease that hit too close to home especially to those who took the time to respond to it and the ad hominem attacks – which really just boomeranged back at them proving my point. I’m the one laughing.

        I would disagree with the idea that we haven’t had genuinely sick trolls here that have been obviously & subsequently kicked off by MDN for their excesses. You know that when the raging troll loon goes to work for a while creating insulting non-contributive chaos and then suddenly disappears and civility returns, however briefly, to this site.

        Notice too those who are the true trolls post with names heretofore never seen here. A transparently obvious and childish tactic. It’s amusing they actually think they get away with it but then they’re buffoonish morons. Heh.

        Happy New Year indeed and to a great and prosperous 2017 to the MDN regulars who actually contribute to this site!

        1. There’s a difference in someone with a strong contrary opinion and one out simply to abuse people, resort to excessive name calling, derogatory comments and general mischief. Sometimes I agree with someone like who you mention and sometimes I don’t. Rarely can you agree with a troll who are just adolescent boneheads in how they present themselves. I think you know what I’m talking about. Not everyone here is a saint, myself included.

        2. For what it is worth, I think of you as a tireless warrior for the Macintosh cause, battling not only ratlike trolls, mercenary fudmongers and aging discontents but also lethargic forces within Apple itself. A wise person once said, the enemies of excellence are legion, but chief amongst them is indifference.

        3. I mostly agree with the spirit of your post.

          That said, Peter falls off the white horse at times designating accurate constructive criticism as destructive trolls.

          But heart and soul of Apple is always in the sights … 🍾🍸🍻☕️🎉

        4. “Rarely can you agree with a troll who are just adolescent boneheads in how they present themselves.”

          Rarely can you argue with a Pro-Apple troll who are just blind in their devotion to Apple.

          Works both ways, Peter. But keep up the good fight with FACTS.

          Down votes in 3… 2… 1…

          Heck, bout time for a morning hot toddy. ☕️

        5. The word TROLL ought to be avoided. As you said, it is just another stereotype, and stereotypes short-circuit rational discussion.

          The word once narrowly designated persons whose only purpose was to disrupt chatter, to sow discord. It has become enlarged in the public imagination to indicate almost any argumentative person, and has thus lost precision, and become just another insulting label—useless in uncovering meaning, useful only in signalling tribal affiliation.

          Like anyone, I like my clans, and I frown towards opposing clans — but as a philosopher, I dislike ANY of them being labelled maliciously and incorrectly by ANYONE. The truth gets smudged in such clashes. Truth is greater than any of our ideals — and the evidence for that is that we can’t seem to agree on what truth is.

        6. Well if you have read my comments over the years you know I am not “blind” in regards to Apple. But I AM fair and don’t presume to know what’s going on behind closed Apple doors. I’ve had plenty of my own complaints and noted them on occasions too numerous to mention. Facts aren’t something simplistic character assassinating trolls worry about.

        7. “Facts aren’t something simplistic character assassinating trolls worry about.”

          Totally agree (above). But I don’t worry about them either and would rather not waste my time.

          @herself wrote a marvelous post of the use of the word, TROLL. Required reading …✌

        8. Saw it but the term still applies to the more extreme lost souls out there. I use it pejoratively as a negation of their basic humanity which they themselves have forsaken by the way they post with their sick motivations.

        9. Like you posted earlier, these so called trolls do not respond to facts, so why bother? Bottom line: I don’t mess with total morons. But whatever floats your boat, Peter … 😎

  2. I hope you guys have some inside info, because from an objective view by us unwashed out here in “former wintel, now all-in Apple” land, it didn’t look like a great year for the House that Steve built. Apple, and many “experts” seem to have forgotten that the Mac is still the foundation of the house.

    They should ask themselves what kind of tech they use to design iPhones and iPads and then prioritize accordingly.

  3. You forgot to mention the incredible AirPods. They’re a game changer.


    * Brilliant design. Pure Apple.
    * Comfortable. And they stay there.
    * Long lasting. Just pop them back into the carry pack to recharge.
    * Deep resonant sound. Better than my Audio-Technical (bulky) headphones.

    1. you are neither thinking nor a man.

      I anticipate 2017 to be like a newborn child, whose placenta of globalist debris will be rinsed away to welcome an American renaissance.

      Not since 1776 has there been a more exciting and hopeful time to be alive in the New World. I envy the younger generations the opportunities that lie ahead.

  4. One thing is for sure, 2017 is likely to be “interesting”.

    I hope Apple decides to show us it cares about the Mac again and I do not mean battery eating gizmo bars on laptops. If WWDC starts out with them blathering about watches or iOS you can make your reservation for a new Surface.

    1. Yes indeed, DG.

      Apple needs to reaffirm its roots, shore up the foundation, examine the backbone of the company — MAC BUILT!

      The bling toys and shiny thin objects are fine for the bottom line.

      But we need new and best trucks BUILT MAC TOUGH. 🎖

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