Mary J. Blige explains why she sang to Clinton during Apple Music interview

“Mary J. Blige said she decided to sing Bruce Springsteen’s ‘American Skin (41 Shots)’ to Hillary Clinton during her recent interview because she was trying to get the Democratic presidential nominee to feel and understand the widening frustration among blacks in America over police brutality and similar topics,” Mesfin Fekadu reports for The Associated Press.

“A pair of clips teasing Blige’s interview with Clinton was roundly mocked Tuesday, including a brief video of Blige singing to Clinton, leaving some confused,” Fekadu reports. “But on Wednesday at a meeting with journalists to discuss the interview, which is the first episode of her new Apple Music show, ‘The 411,’ Blige said she wanted Clinton to feel the overwhelming feeling she felt when she first heard Springsteen’s 2000 song.”

“Blige, 45, said people will truly understand what she was doing when the 30-minute interview with Clinton becomes available for streaming on Friday… Blige, a nine-time Grammy winner, first launched a radio show with Apple Music called ‘Real Talk’ last year. She said she is planning to film more interviews for ‘The 411,’ though it won’t include her singing from her seat,” Fekadu reports. “‘That will never happen again. That was just for her,’ she said.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Yeesh.

Mary J. Blige’s Apple Music show interview with Hillary Clinton instantly mocked online – September 28, 2016


      1. Think real hard about what, how my education has allowed me to generate several times – to put it charitably – the net worth of Mary the uneducated and extemely confused hack?

        1. He’s like you and me, just a “face” in the crowd. And when the camera pans back to reveal tens, upon tens of thousands of faces, is when the realization of how insignificant, individually, we ALL really are.

        2. Not to defend Blige or the rather self-absorbed view of some artists in general, but you sir forget what country you live in. Don’t you dare preach to others about how your goddamned candidates are going to defend freedom and then turn around to criticise an American citizen who chooses to exercise her rights.

          You, sir, are the worst form of hypocrite.

        3. You are the world’s consummate bullshit artist. A year ago, you would have recoiled at the thought of Trump.
          Today, you are all up his asshole. You espouse conservationism. There isn’t a fucking thing conservative about your candidate, i including economics and social concerns.

          You’re an asshat.

        4. I find it extremely difficult to believe that someone who has amassed tens (hundreds?) of millions in personal assets by leveraging skills learned in school would have the time, or the interest to spend so much effort on posting political drivel on an Apple fan site. Unless it is all “truthful hyperbole”…

        5. @First blah blah blah: You are a walking, talking example of how an education and money can’t buy intelligence. As your boy Don says, “you need to be born with it.”

  1. I think Blige roll like a pathetic sjw who is pushing a non-existing racial issues which help to promote racial division. She is probably in the George Soros’es BLM train wreck. With her singing talent she was fortunate enough to make a huge success and have chance to live a good, posh life between other Hollywood-type spoiled brats who shouldn’t complain on the world they living. Pouring her gall full of inverted, half-assed and delusional thoughts coming (straight of “democratic plantation”) on little people while reaching out her hand to Hillary Clinton is both disingenuous gesture of hypocrisy towards blacks and crony capitalism inaction.

  2. My understanding about Black Lives Matter, is the movement and label are meant to gain attention to the differences in how public institutions, such as police, treat blacks, as apposed to whites. Some have said, “Wait a minute, white lives matter too.” But the argument isn’t that black lives matter more thab others do. The argument is “don’t forget” at its core, the social impact for blacks, is that they are still not treated equal, even when they have achieved equality in education and living standards.

    Do blacks have a chip on their sholder? Sure they do, as much as anyone else who face unjust scrutiny on a daily basis.

    The pain is so deep, that many well being whites don’t even comprehend – while they believe they are doing good and right by blacks, they still miss the mark. For example – Democrats believe they have black support by default, because they believe they aren’t racist. However because Democrats generically don’t engage in grass roots get out the black vote campaign, visiting neighborhoods and trying to make a change at the local level. The view is that black lives only matter during an election year. This is enharently racist, it’s lip service. Its not white hat racist, but it’s turning a blind eye, which is kind of worse.

    Without a daily reminder that we are all human, the police behave differently, depending on the color of our skin. The color of the police’s skin doesn’t matter. Police men are blue and blue sticks together. For now.

    If I have it wrong, I would love to hear.

    1. I believe you have it correct.

      To add my 2 cents.

      Friction occurs is when tribalism protects its own instead of applying the same laws and standards to everyone, including those outside your special club. American racism is little different than any other tribal conflict, mob ring war, gang fight, or spineless political party backstabbing.

      Some would say that BLM would be more compelling & effective if minority leaders ran for elected office with a complete platform of reforms rather than preaching in the streets against the past sins of the establishment. Preaching resentment on sunday and not bothering to turn out to the polls on monday has achieved what so far? More resentment and lack of empathy? Grass roots movements can’t just stay on the ground. If you want political change, you have to elect candidates who represent YOU in city, state, and national congresses.

      And while it’s not my place to criticize those to whom the system may not be fair, let’s admit that in many cases the system _has_ provided additional resources, scholarships, tutoring, drug counseling, work training, etc, and still there are thousands who make excuses why they just can’t (won’t) find a higher plane of achievement. It’s not racism to call white trash what they are. So too, it’s not racism to call gangs and thugs of any color what they are. Stop making excuses for those of the club who _do_ commit felonies and who _do_ abuse the system.

      We can all be disappointed that the law hasn’t hanged every KKK member on the planet. But let’s get real about the appropriate reaction to systemic racial bias problems. Do you fix the system or do you sit silent as your group riots? Sorry, but mob destruction of private property serves no one. Still that is a common recurring action for decades Detroit, LA, Ferguson, Charlotte, even outside the USA in Paris and elsewhere. None of that is justifiable response to perceived or real racism. Has minority leadership loudly stepped up and condemned those mobs? Not loud enough. Have they honestly looked at the rates of institutional wrongdoing versus the rates of black-on-black violence? Let’s get real. The reason American cities are divided amongst racial lines isn’t just because of institutional racism — though that is a big factor — it’s also because the first thing a financially successful family does is move to a relatively safe neighborhood with lower crime rates. It’s not a racial choice, it’s a pragmatic economic one.

      If the BLM movement works with law enforcement for more and better community policing, not the trump-proposed unconstitutional methods like stop & frisk, then the would likely see their communities attract more business and more diversity too. But you have to do it with, not against, the law. Yes, the law enforcement agencies have to improve too, but an ingrained distrust of all LEOs is not healthy and definitely leads to confusion where the police can’t tell the difference between a looter and a scared innocent victim.

      Finally, I do think that many conservatives, though being largely ignorant of black culture, do have legitimate observations of problems systemic within majority black communities. Not only do they correctly note the poor self-reporting of black-on-black violence, but they also correctly note that family structure amongst lesser privileged communities — not necessarily race related at all — is abysmal. A child can’t learn effectively how to be a productive member of society if he doesn’t have a stable home, proper nutrition, and loving parents. That is plural – PARENTS. There is only so much that schools, church, and charities can do to make up for ingrained culture that is corrosive to a child’s high achievement. Until minority leaders are successful in getting the majority of their followers to embrace a culture of science math and tech education as being more important than basketball hip hop and drugs, then we will continue to see economic pain, resentment, and conflict.

      Have a great weekend, and everyone go volunteer some time in your community. You benefit most from engaging in the world around you instead of isolating yourself in front of all the depressing television news.

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