Apple Pay rolls out to all Chick-Fil-A locations

“As Apple Pay continues to expand to more banks in the United States and around the world, it’s slowly coming to more retail locations, as well,” Chance Miller reports for 9to5Mac. “Next on the docket for Apple Pay support appears to be Chick-Fil-A, according to a tweet from the restaurant chain.”

“Last year, it was reported that Apple Pay support was coming to Chick-Fil-A locations around the country, but the rollout never fully began, though a handful of users have been able to use the service sporadically,” Miller reports. “According to today’s tweet, however, Apple Pay will be accepted at all Chick-Fil-A locations as of this Friday, August 19th.”

Miller reports, “The mobile payment platform will be supported in-store and in the drive thru.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Hopefull, they have a reader at the drive-thru that actually works with Apple Watch!

Regardless, this is good news for Apple Pay!

Eat Mor Chikin


  1. I have a brand-new iPhone 6s, and wanted a car charger cable for it, so I visited a local Apple store and bought a 0.5 m lightning-to-USB cable for $19. Um, Apple seems to charge A LOT for their proprietary accessories. Hm. No wonder they are so rich.

    Anyway, when the time came to pay, I tried Apple Pay for the very first time ever, and experienced the jaw-dropping simplicity of completing a transaction in one second with a fingerprint. Despite MDN and others singing its praises, I had no idea of its visceral impact on life-long buying habits. Only Amazon’s patented 1-Cllick impulse-buy button had any comparable effect.

    The design of this technology is amazing, and true to the guiding principles of Steve Jobs. Merchants who adopt it deserve to be encouraged, so I plan to pay a visit to Chick-fil-A and buy something. I’ve heard that their chicken sandwiches are very good indeed, according to sources in the pasture.

    1. Welcome to the fold!

      Yes, while it seems somewhat less than exciting when one reads about this experience, there is something about ApplePay that makes it thoroughly gratifying.

      Most readers here who commented on it without having experienced it try to analyse it from the convenience point of view — how much time does it save. And even there, the advantage still exists (and saved time eventually adds up), but for many, it seemed just no worth the effort of enrolling one’s cards. The argument goes: “If I’m pulling out my phone, or my wallet, there isn’t any difference, and I can tap / swipe / insert credit card and it is just as convenient or fast”. In other words, they simply don’t see ApplePay as a profoundly significant, paradigm-shifting technology.

      And as you have discovered, one must try it in order to understand its convenience. I have argued this several times here, but for all those who haven’t seen it, even if we ignore for the moment the delight of the simplicity of the transaction, the ApplePay technology still saves time and effort:

      1. Pull out your phone
      2. Put it against the terminal
      3. Authenticate with your fingerprint.
      4. Put the phone back

      And the old-school:

      1. Pull out your wallet
      2. Put down whatever you’re holding in your other hand (so that you can pick out the card you want to use)
      3. Pick the card you want
      4. Swipe / tap / insert the card into the terminal; wait for it to authorise
      5. Put the card back in the wallet
      6. (optional) sign the terminal
      7. Put wallet back
      8. Pick up the stuff you had to put down in order to get your card out

  2. I used Apple Pay at Chick-Fil-A, just today.

    Apart from other retailers. Their staff was already aware and well trained. They were happy to see me whip out my phone and blip through the fastest transaction, this side of the Mississippi. It was a pleasant experience, as well was the food I had for lunch.

    Round Table still have you sign a piece of paper with Apple Pay. McDonalds also has a good experience.

    1. I was in a Meijer’s gas station (in a Chicago suburb) yesterday. The pump had one of those symbols indicating it was NFC capable, but said nothing about Apple Pay. I decided to try and pay using my Apple Watch. It worked just fine! I suspect Apple Pay can be used in more locations than we know.

      1. It can. It’s just that some people need their hands held before they ever attempt to do anything in life. I frequent a small neighborhood dive bar and I’ve been able to use my iPhone to pay my bill since ApplePay first came out.

      2. YES, definitely worthwhile attempting Apple Pay at any NFC enabled payment device. So many are not officially identified as being Apply Pay compatible.

        There was a time that my older friends here remember when credit cards were new and not widely used. Cash and Checks ruled the Earth. Merchants had to place signage on front windows, on menus, at cash registers to educate consumers that the new form a payment was accepted. Over time we saw less of this; it was just assumed. This took a A LOT of footwork on the part of the original card companies such as AMEX and Diners Club, followed by VISA and MasterCard. Apple needs to be more proactive with assisting merchants to get set up and help alert consumers where Apple Pay is accepted. They have really failed in this area. But it is not too late. Go to work Apple!

  3. Finally. Not to beat a dead horse, but expanding POS is where Apple needs to put their energy to expand Apple Pay. At this point so many banks are supported but there are so few places that accept Apple Pay at the terminal. Costco, Walmart, & Target would be a good place to start.

    There was speculation that Apple Pay was perfectly timed when retailers became liable for stolen credit card data. Many thought when retailers migrated to EMV chip readers they would also activate NFC terminals. Unfortunately in my experience most EMV capable POS terminals have the EMV and NFC deactivated. I’m not sure why this is but it sure is frustrating.

    I have had my credit card number stolen in the Target, PF Changs, and Home Depot hacks. (And those are just the ones I know about.) With each hack I have had to change my credit card and forgot to change some obscure auto-pay I had enabled. Then I got charged late fees. The magnetic strip really needs to die. Frankly I think even the EMV is anachronistic too. It isn’t much more secure unless a pin number is required.

    The only places I can use Apple Pay on a regular basis are Walgreens, Subway, and Maverick. Even Home depot had it working at one point but now it doesn’t.

  4. Anyone else surprised that anti-gay Chik-Fil-A is actually onboard with a product from a company that supports gay equality and has an openly gay CEO?

    They won’t get a dime from me, even with Apple Pay, until they stop supporting the marginalization of my gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.

        1. Although, if you are intellectually honest, you should be able to see that wanting to preserve the definition of the word “marriage” to mean the union of one man and one woman, has arguments unrelated to disliking Gays. Chick-fil-a’s CEO undeniably made anti-same-sex marriage statements in 2012, and they were punished pretty severely in the court of public opinion. In 2014, that CEO said, “Every leader goes through different phases of maturity, growth and development and it helps by [recognizing] the mistakes that you make.” He added, “And you learn from those mistakes. If not, you’re just a fool. I’m thankful that I lived through it and I learned a lot from it.”
          The point being that I don’t think that in 2016 you can say that Chick-fil-a is “supporting the marginalization of my gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.”

        2. You said:
          “you should be able to see that wanting to preserve the definition of the word “marriage” to mean the union of one man and one woman, has arguments unrelated to disliking Gays.”

          Yeah, sure. It’s unrelated to disliking gays.

          But it’s also specifically about preventing homosexuals from marrying, and getting the same security under the law that heterosexuals have.

          I’d say you are either willfully ignorant, or a complete idiot to post that drivel.

        3. A. It is not drivel.
          B. If you call me ignorant without asking how I can make such a claim, then it is You that is ignorant— of my position, and extremely rude to call me an idiot. The problem with discourse today is that people don’t make an effort to hear what others are saying. Thank you for assuming so much about me and my reasoning, but you are way off the mark. Yes there are plenty of people that don’t want to see Gays have any rights under any circumstances; for a variety reasons—no debate. My position is that Gays have EVERY right to love whom they choose and bond with every legal protection that heteros do. Hell, I’ve lived my entire life in L.A. Gays are no mystery to me; Gays are part of my circle of friends and acquaintances, my nephew is Gay. But I still have a valid (if not always persuasive) and logical argument that I alluded to in my original post. And that was the only point of my post.

    1. You may want to rethink it. Their leadership is Georgia Southern Baptist but they are real-world businessmen who try hard to balance their religious convictions with those of the customers they serve. They don’t discriminate, and have even backed off somewhat in their support of anti-gay-marriage groups. I’d say this corporation is way ahead of most of the rest in the human rights department, and are leading the rest with their attention to healthy food and animal rights.

      1. That’s good to hear but I’m still with TPAkyle.
        Until they back off of their anti-gay-marriage policy, (heck, I’d even accept a neutral stance on gay marriage) I’m not setting foot in a Chick-Fil-A.
        Too bad, with my work schedule, I spend way too much money at fast food places.

        1. I have never boycotted anything in my life. I never research a corporation to find out its social policies, or its political affiliations, before I enter one of their retail establishments to buy a nail file. I’m funny that way. Call me socially irresponsible, I won’t mind. Because, and this is just me, I don’t look at everything through a lens of social justice calibrated to my immutable political beliefs. I look at everything through a Mark Twain lens calibrated to my immutable social beliefs.

        2. Oh, I specialise in that! Missing the point, I mean. So happy you noticed. It’s a woman ploy, don’t you know, a way of redirecting the subject of conversation when the men are telling all the jokes and hogging the chatter. Still, I should have left you alone; you’re a steely case, you are. 🤐

        3. What anti-gay policies do they have? They have gays who are employees, even managers at some stores. Is it because the company executives don’t believe in gay marriage? Are they not allowed that freedom anymore? Does everyone have to believe the same thing now? We are moving into dangerous territory.

        4. Diversity Rulz! Despite that fact, we humans continue to have cultures that want to ignore and separate from anything ‘Not Us’. *sigh* If only we were more concerned about treating one another with respect and dignity, as opposed to the behavior of sociopaths and other forms of psychopathy…

          For a history of the Chick-Fil-A vs gay marriage story, there’s a Wikipedia entry for that:

        5. So how does vilifying, boycotting, or otherwise publicly shaming any person or company that doesn’t happen to agree with a given political stance increase diversity? Or does “diversity of ideas” not count?

        6. If you’re directing your comment at me, why? None of your accusations apply. I will, however, point out that I personally demand sanity in all human pursuits. Self-destruction and destruction of others is not an option in my inner world. That’s why I enjoy playing the roll of avenging angel, trampling trolls with humor and insight.

          I can go into the psychology involved if you’re actually interested. Just let me know and I shall offer one of my informative rants on the subject.

        7. Everyone is entitled to hold whatever beliefs they like, but the flip side is that those who don’t like those beliefs are also perfectly entitled to take their business elsewhere.

        8. As I get older though, I realize it’s *not* ok for people to believe in stupid crap. It hurts us as a society. People who believe in truly stupid things SHOULD be shamed.

          I’m at the point where I don’t think it’s OK to say things like “you have the right to believe that” when someone says that a UFO hidden behind the comet Hale-Bopp is coming to take them to the afterlife.

          Obviously they have the “right.” That goes without saying. But as someone that cares about societal progress, it is NOT okay to believe in stupid crap.

        9. “Rights” are a human invention, based on another human invention, morality, based on an evolutionary invention, kinship. Still, stupid crap crops up all over the animal kingdom and results in death. Roadkill don’t have God-given rights that are somehow violated; they are just roadkill.

        1. Sorry Nancy, you really ought to google “university of georgia homophobia study” (no quotes) to better understand why you feel such obvious animosity towards gays.

        2. Oh, I’m sure it’s one of those “studies” that say that anyone with the slightest dislike of that deviant lifestyle are all closet homosexuals. Your only defense is to go on the offense and try to turn society upside down. Wrong is right, bad is good, etc.

    2. Idiot, why should people be forced to accept things they do not agree with. Thats not a free county or what this country was founded upon. Fascism is more alive today and is part of how the gay community s thriving, are uou that stoopid to follow all the lemmings. If any religion was forced upon you as the gay thing is you would cry like a baby. Oh wait islam is being forced on everyone, and your not whining about that. You sure have your priorities right. There is nothing good that comes from forced thinking.

      1. That’s exactly what they said about freeing slaves, giving women the right to vote, the civil rights act of 1964 and interracial marriage.

        Give yourself a few decades, you’ll finally get caught up. LOL

    3. And YOU are a perfect example of the problem. Chick-fil-A has a right to their belief system and YOU do as well, everybody just needs to get over it. Differences of opinion or a fact of life

  5. As a Canadian, where we have tap-to-pay virtually everywhere, I used to wonder why it was such a big deal for a retailer to have “Apple Pay”. Turns out, unbeknownst to me, that tap-to-pay apparently isn’t too widespread in the good old US of A. I use my iPhone SE for better than 95% of all my retail purchases because there are so many tap-to-pay terminals and I live in a relatively small town too.

  6. Apple Pay is wonderfully secure.

    Carrying around RFID/NFC cards is not, unless you’ve got the things in a Faraday cage wrapper. Any old granny can carry a chip reader, pass you by (within ~3 inches of your cards) and scan them. So watch out for old ladies bumping into you at the mall. *kidding*

    Thankfully, we’re up to a generation of RFID/NFC chips that only let loose ONE purchase’s worth of data when scanned. That’s still stupid technology, but significantly better than the previous generation of chips that handed over your entire card account for infinite purchases until the card is killed or runs out of credit.

    Apple Pay stops dead all the nonsense. You don’t carry your pile of RFID/NFC cards with you. No one can steal anything from you ever (unless they steal your iOS device and cut off your finger or copy your fingerprint, which is highly unlikely). 😀 😉

  7. I just hate the half Apple Pay merchants. You know the ones that you can use the phone to authenticate, but the stupid terminal still asks for a pin or signature. Makes swiping seems easier. Standards need to change here in the US more quckly. Since our lawmakers love forcing stuff down our throats, they should force merchants to adopt, or die.

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