U.S. jobs created or supported by Apple: 1,027,000

Over the years, Apple has driven incredible job growth and created entirely new industries. In fact, Apple’s products and innovations have led to over 1 million U.S. jobs — from Apple Inc. engineers and retail employees to suppliers, manufacturers, and app developers.

Apple’s “Creating jobs through innovation” has been updated with the latest figures:

• 66,000 Apple employees in the U.S.
• 334,000 jobs at other companies resulting from Apple’s spending and growth
• 627,000 jobs attributable to the iOS ecosystem
• 1,027,000 U.S. jobs created or supported by Apple

More info and facts about how Apple createsg jobs through innovation here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Joe Architect” for the heads up.]


    1. Don’t forget that Apple led the actual creation of desktop publishing with its OS & LaserWriter & Adobe’s Postscript.

      It set the tone for easy user interfaces & as such assisted the creation of far, far more jobs than the direct employed people Apple cites.

  1. “Too bad they dont pay a ‘living wage’ or allow unions or provide good healthcare, not to mention all the mom and pop computer stores they have killed while exporting jobs to Chinese kids”

    Adapted liberal Wal-Mart screed.

    1. Nope… Apple begins paying a ‘living wage’ for entry level positions, or allow unions, their cost to produce products will increase, thereby increasing our cost to purchase there products.

      Unions do nothing but destroy the economy…

      1. You have a very biased opinion about unions. My father was a union man, and I know why unions were formed and what they were intended to protect.

        Some unions are corrupt. But to slam all unions is to buy into the corporate overlords who want to be able to screw with their employees without any limits. In the old days, some corporations owned entire towns and payed employees in their own scrip, basically owning their workers lives.Unions were formed because people were abused, exploited, and killed.

        Unions exist because corporations treated employees so poorly that the people were willing to organize and pay dues to protect themselves. These things go in cycles and right now, the corporations and certain politicians have more power and are badmouthing unions at every turn. But things will change over time as the corporations go too far and piss people off again.

        I truly care about people earning a living wage. If you care, too, then look more broadly than Apple. Consider the people who built your home, picked your produce, work on the dairy farms, etc. They deserve a living wage, too, even if it costs all of us a little more at the store.

        1. True, I did generalize, so my bad. Also, this is now a political discussion, and not related to MDN, so sorry in advanced.

          I mostly agree to the reason unions were created. Today, I believe most Unions are in it to make money, and there main concern isn’t there client.

          Unions exist, so the cost will continue to rise, and those on the ‘living wage’ will request more, which in turn raises prices again… its a never ending cycle.

          Minimum wage jobs are not meant to provide for a family. I would argue (at least for the majority case, there are always exceptions) that most individuals who truly work hard are able to work past a minimum wage job thus becoming more successful. Too many want the government or a union to provide everything for them…

          Considering those who perform manual labor, I was one of those individuals, and was able to work hard through high school by earning minimum wage, put myself through college (no loans, no debt), and move up to a real job. Hard work and living by ones means is meant to earn a ‘living wage’, not a union…

          I suspect your father and yourself earned your way as well.

          Good discussion

        2. I respect what you did. You had the ability, the means, and the drive to accomplish your goals. But I disagree with a couple of your assertions. The fact is, it used to be possible to earn a living wage in a wide range of jobs that did not require a college degree – a store clerk, for instance. You might eventually work your way up to assistant manager and manager, but you could live and raise a family on one salary. Those jobs are minimum wage jobs in today’s economy. The wealth has been disproportionately redistributed to the top of the pyramid, with top executives earning hundreds of times the wages of most employees and awarding themselves and their cronies fat raises and bonuses. Those salaries and bonuses are predicated on maximizing profits by cutting costs to the bone, and it is the little folks on the bottom who end up getting screwed. I hear people saying that those people should move on to other jobs, but the deck is stacked against them across the board and mobility is not always an option.

          I understand that times change, but it is important to recognize the very large number of minimum wage jobs in this country. They are certainly not all staffed by young people working their way through college. Quite a few of those jobs are staffed by adults trying to make it through the week – rent, food, medical, and gas. You cannot expect all of these people to “work their way up” to significantly higher levels of pay. There are simply not that many higher paying jobs. Besides, someone has to do all of these minimum wage jobs.

          I am not talking about handouts. This is not a matter of giving people money. I am describing an approach that respects the contributions of all workers and does not beat the bottom half of the pyramid into the ground in order to elevate the top 5% or so. People will respond to this post with labels, derision, and hate. That will not change my position or undermine the merits of what I have posted.

          Your argument about the inflation cycle is specious. That cycle occurs as a normal part of our economy. Yes, there will be cost effects that flow through the economy. But the overall effect will be to raise everyone up.

          If the wealth continues to be more and more concentrated at the top, then the U.S. Economy will continue to suffer as a result. The incomes of the poor and middle class are mostly spent on goods and services. The income and assets of the wealthy are, in proportion, mostly used to create more money. This wealth creation does not necessarily create a significant number of jobs. it all depends on how the money is invested.

          This is a complex subject and it is impossible to do justice to it in this forum. But we need to get past the idea that a large number of bare subsistence jobs is normal and acceptable In our economy. We also need to challenge some of the pet ideas that are being promoted, such as poor people are poor because they did not work hard enough, so that is what they deserve.

          If a full-time job is worth has value to our society, then it is worthy of a living wage.

        3. Your assumptions regarding unions continues to reveal your bias. Certainly some unions gained too much power and abused that power. And some Union management were/are corrupt and use that power for their own ends. But the corporations are also culpable in many of these instances. First of all, they gave the workers enough reasons to agree to organize into s Union. People are generally reluctant to do that. Second, the corporations also made bad decisions, including accepting excessive demands. The U.S. auto industry failed for a number of reasons, but some prefer to just point the finger of blame at the unions. While I am no fan of the UAW, they did not single-handedly bring down Detroit.

          In the end, if the workers are treated with respect and dignity, the unions will fade away on their own. We need more Coscos and fewer Walmarts. Poor Sam would be horrified at what his greedy family has done with Walmart.

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