Apple iPhone the most-desired smartphone in emerging markets

“Apple is the most desirable mobile-phone brand among inhabitants of emerging markets, according to a report from marketing firm Upstream and researcher Ovum,” Mark Milian reports for Bloomberg. “In the study conducted this year, Apple edged out Samsung Electronics, which was the leader in a separate survey by Upstream last year.”

“Samsung saw a slight decline in its share of developing-market consumers who favor its phones from 32 percent to 29 percent, according to Upstream,” Milian reports. “Apple’s share jumped dramatically from 21 percent to where Samsung was last year.”

“While that may help elevate the brand, it hasn’t necessarily translated into a spate of sales for the 5c. Most countries don’t sell phones at a discount with carrier contracts like in the U.S., and at $549, the iPhone 5c is still too expensive for most of the developing world,” Milian reports. “Those who can afford it often just pay a little bit more for the premium 5s — available in gold, which Chinese status-seekers love.”

Upstream: mobile brands in emerging markets

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple iPhone is the most-desired smartphone in emerging markets. Of course it is.

Related article:
Apple dips a toe in the market share waters by resuming iPhone 4 production for emerging markets – February 5, 2014


    1. Oh Breezy boy! It’s your Aunt Jemima here. Are you still wearing the monogrammed TC pyjamas that I bought for your Christmas? Nice, aren’t they, with TC’s bespectacled face plastered all over, especially round the crotch area.

      I’ll get you a pair of TC underwear for spring soon. Don’t forget to wear your TC jammies every night to bed Breeze my boy!

      Your Aunt Jemima

      1. I know you’re not Breeze’s Aunt Jemima, because your manner of writing puts you somewhere between seven and fourteen years old, and without much of an education.

        Mind you, I guess you could be older. But if you are, you have my sympathy for the state of your life.

        1. There’s a certain kind of person on this forum, such as the poisonous little twerp, “Aunt”. I really have NO clue why they even come here and why they post anything at all.

          I theorize these people are like emotional cesspools of negativity that swirl around, driven by raging currents and boil-overs of (I suspect) teenage hormones. The poison is always looking for something to latch on to… some excuse to vomit out.

          They mistake their emotion-driven prejudices for thought. They mistake their knotted-up drivel for an “opinion”.

          I really can’t help wondering:
          – how old these people are
          – what terrible lives they have had to turn into such petulant, small-minded rage addicts.

  1. Not surprised, iPhone is the most desirable phone in any society regardless of rich or poor. This is poor news, infact it’s so obvious that to call it news is wrong

  2. The Rolls Ghost V-Specification is highly desirable, but without a discount from the dealer, it’s still too expensive for my developing wallet. Guess I’ll stick to ogling the pics.

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