HD video shows champagne gold iPhone 5S, polycarbonate iPhone 5C alongside iPhone 5 (with video)

“We’ve recently obtained a high definition video of what may be Apple’s iPhone 5S and 5C,” Dom Esposito reports for AppAdvice.

“This video provides a detailed comparison of the two devices alongside the iPhone 5,” Esposito reports. “As shown in the video, the back inlay on the gold/champagne iPhone 5S has enough room to accommodate the rumored dual LED flash, but aside from its color, there’s not much of a difference when compared to the iPhone 5.”

Esposito reports, “The ‘iPhone’ text appears to be a bit thinner on the rumored 5S when compared to the iPhone 5, but its font matches the text found on the blue iPhone 5C.”

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers “Fred Mertz” and “Lynn Weiler” for the heads up.]


  1. Is Apple just letting this stuff leak to keep investors and media quiet on the “Apple can’t innovate” front?

    Or was it really the fear of Jobs that kept suppliers more or less in-line?

    1. It is not a big deal.

      That phrase has just been a part of Apple as long as I have known them. That’s a long time let me tell ya! Maybe someone can chime in and say how long that has been a part of Apple.

      The phrase is a matter of pride that touches back to the “incubation in a California garage” day’s…a “roots” kind of thing. It is also an extension to “Think differently”. Nothing more!

      It is only a big deal to those who think it’s a recent thing adopted to take advantage of some sort or another.

    1. The black and silver ones are current production iPhone 5 models. The tell-tale is they have the regulatory approval symbology already on the case, whereas the gold one does not. Still could be an elaborate misdirection.

    1. I just don’t like the fact that they used white spacers on the gold phone, the same as the white aluminum. Couldn’t they make a two tone gold version?
      They put so much effort to make it look like a $650 phone and then cheapen the product by using the same spacers as the white.
      Was the original white iPhone delay debacle so terrible that they will never make another color other than white and black, or are they just pinching pennies relying on economy of scale.
      Whatever the reason, I can’t believe that they think “white” is the best option to go with any two tone product color that isn’t black. I thought it cheapened the look of the newer color iPod touches, and I think it cheapens the look of the 5S.

      /end rant

    2. You may be thinking that Apple would not go cheap and tawdry with 5C. I’m with you on that. But think of Apple redefining those terms. That’s what they do, isn’t it—redefine terms?

      Not cheap: affordable. Not tawdry: showy. Happy colours for happy folks, severe colours for those with a serious mission in life. I really want to see Apple pursue this sort of diversity of temperament, never mind any imagined one-world political fantasy.

  2. It’s not a “made for public” video, I can say that because with all the money Apple has they and Sir Ive would have never approved such a rough hand model, which then leads me to question how legit the whole thing is!

  3. I laugh at all the apple followers who are digging the new gold iPhone. If Samsung did this, people would be trashing them and making tasteless jokes. Apple does it and its somehow cool? You need to put down the Kool-Aid folks-

    1. Yes, Apple followers like to trash Samsung and make tasteless jokes, and there is a Kool-Aid involved with some of them. People are fallible, gullible, take sides. Hypocrisy is universal. Massive protests are planned, film at eleven.

      Any other breaking news to report?

  4. All of the 5S phones look great. The 5C’s not so great IMHO. If the colors we’ve so far seen are actual product, it’s obvious Apple is using color as a major product differentiator. A black 5C would outsell all of the other 5Ç colors (excluding perhaps white) combined. Apple could darken the colors in the next iteration of the 5C. I’d prefer a dark blue over light blue. But that’s just my preference (I understand fully respect that others can have different tastes from mine).

    1. Not real crazy about the colors on the 5C iPhones but will have to wait until September 10 to see what they really look like. My guess is that they won’t look too cheesy unless Apple wants them to. They are after all designed for a certain market segment. But I would still think that Apple would try to make them as appealing as possible. And classy. They are after all going to have less features so I would think that that appearance would still be important. But there’s a lot of marketing strategy and psychology baked into the 5C. I too believe that a black 5C would outsell all the colors. And maybe they will make it?

  5. The NSA in conjunction with the FBI Digital Forensic Dept has annualized the video and have been able to identify the person holding the iPhone parts by their reflection in those parts.

    It’s Jon Ives!

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