Woz: Apple ‘somewhat behind’ on phone features

“The iPhone has fallen ‘somewhat behind’ in terms of smartphone features, according to Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak,” Electronista reports.

“The comment emerged during Businessweek’s Best Brand Awards,” Electronista reports. “‘I am proud that we have such loyal fans,’ he said. ‘But this loyalty is not given, the need to have the best products is always there. Currently we are in my opinion somewhat behind with features in the smartphone business. Others have caught up…'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: “Caught up” is a bit too strong. There are plenty of important areas where competitors have not “caught up” to Apple. Build quality, for one. Ecosystem (third-party accessories, vehicle-integration, etc.), for another. App quality and quantity, for a third. Or, how about security, where, based on their choice of business models, certain wannabes have no hope of ever catching up.

Overall, though, Woz is right to keep pushing and prodding Apple along. Apple’s other notable co-founder did the same thing every day.

It would be nice if Woz didn’t feel compelled to do it in public (which gives aid and comfort to rivals, not the least of which is a convicted thief of Apple’s IP), but perhaps Apple doesn’t afford him the opportunity to give his feedback in private. If so, and if they don’t like constantly hearing these critiques from a co-founder in public, maybe they should give him the opportunity to contribute his ideas to Apple directly.

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    1. MDN is spot off. As if woz has a current valid opinion on what would make apple products better. Has he put out any revolutionary products in 25 years? He plays with products and embraces every crappy product google puts out. Steve jobs admitted he turned down many great ideas. Apple is not about everything. Just about doing certain things “insanely” great

      1. @ the other Mike: I disagree with your assessment. Woz provides a valuable service by speaking the truth in public. Such a shame his lead is not followed by more others.

        As for “catching up”. That’s not something that can always be objectively measured. But i certainly don’t put Apple build quality on an incomparable pedestal. No doubt, Apple ranks above the rest, but not at the top everywhere. Apple picks narrow markets and attempts to offer the best long-term value. Other companies dominate high-end segments too. Example: Panasonic Toughbook. Eizo displays. Aftermarket headphone makers too many to list … Apple never was in the lead, and they have no interest in competing there. And that’s fine.

        In the highly competitive phone & tablet marketplaces, Apple’s unit market share is eroding. And while it’s not a number that anyone should obsess over, it is a long term trend that must not go unchecked. The time to respond to Samsung was 2 years ago, and instead Cook & Co. have been rolling out predictable and uninspired incremental updates to its iOS devices. Woz is correct in pointing out that the copycats have caught up in many areas — because they have.

        One way Apple might get out of its funk is to pull more manufacturing in-house instead of leeching its IP to untrustworthy sub-suppliers. I’m getting sick of seeing pics of cheap Chinese iPhone accessories months before anyone in Cupertino announces the next model. And if you really want to please customers in North America, offer a much more basic iPhone unlocked & unsubsidized with a simple all inclusive pay-as-you-go plan. You already have iTunes for billing, use your cash horde to negotiate cheapest network coverage at any given second for any given user. On such an Apple cell network, it would be like having the best of all network strengths without the 2-year raping commitment. THAT would be revolutionary, much more so that some vaporware TV.

  1. Yes Woz is better heard in private as his native geek tendencies can be misunderstood and sometimes overlook certain balancing factors as MDN has noted. But Woz is not nor ever will be Steve Jobs despite being a co-founder. That says Apple must certainly know and is in the process to restart their iOS engines to the dismay of the competition. There is always going to be leap-frogging and most of us are patient enough for Apple’s take.

  2. Oh no, don’t say anything “bad” about Apple! And, Woz, don’t you know that “build quality” is a feature? If you really MUST say something “wrong” about Apple, don’t do it in public, just whisper it to yourself inside your home. Ok?

  3. I am sick and tired of people bad mouthing Wozzie in many threads in MDN, give the guy some respect.

    To be honest I wish Apple would offer Woz a more *significant* role in the post-Steve era, maybe some sort of a “Apple goodwill ambassador”.. a face to the general public to remind everybody what Apple is all about.

    1. @WozzieFan: “I wish Apple would offer Woz a more *significant* role in the post-Steve era, maybe some sort of a ‘Apple goodwill ambassador.'”

      Perfect! A goodwill ambassador that goes around loudly proclaiming his imagined shortcomings of his employer to all the world. Great idea, WozzieFan!

    1. Woz IS part of the Mac team! If you open a Mac, you’ll see Woz’s signature.

      The reason Woz didn’t have a bigger involvement in the Mac is because of his airplane accident, which put him out of order for a while, and right after, he decided to take some time off.

      Stop bashing Woz. It’s true. There are some things other smartphones do that the iPhone doesn’t. A big one: Tethering, unless you jailbreak it. Tethering is one of the main reasons I carry a crappy Android phone instead of an iPhone. But that’s a feature I need.

      I do believe the best phone in the market is the iPhone. But we can’t be so blind not to admit it would be cool to have some features already available in other phones.

      Another one: Adding more storage space using memory cards. I’d love to be able to do that with my iPad / iPod Touch.

      Are those features mandatory? No. Do they make other devices better? No. Are they nice features a lot of people would love to see in the iPhone? I’d say yes.

      Woz is a very smart man. In terms of engineering, most of us are very little people compared to him. He’s been rightly compared to Mozart with music in terms of what he did for digital design. He put an usable and affordable computer in the hands of us, common people. Fan of Woz? Sure I am. Let’s remember without Woz, Steve Jobs wouldn’t made the revolution he made. And without Steve Jobs, Woz’s computers would have never taken off the way they did. They were 50/50 genious. Woz deserves as much credit as Steve Jobs does. And as much respect. He’s an honest man, with honest opinions. Whether they might be right or wrong is another issue.

      1. >Another one: Adding more storage space using memory cards.

        I don’t deny other phones have features the iPhone doesn’t.. But from everything I’ve read about this, adding cards to Android phones is closer to an EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE. You CAN’T run programs off of the added memory, and I believe a *few* programs can use media directly off of it *if they’re specifically written to do so*.

        It’s NOT like adding more RAM.

        1. Yes, and what’s the bad thing about external hard drives? I also use Android devices myself besides of Apple products, and from my own experience hands on, I CAN move / install program on a memory card. But the main advantage is if I ever run out of memory space, I can just transfer the memory card’s contents to a bigger memory card. Or I can just swap the memory card with another memory card. Of course, when the memory card is removed, all the program installed on the memory card won’t run. But *options* is the key word here. Sure it isn’t a great deal. But having more option is always welcomed. Of course, given Apple’s closed nature, they won’t give extention memory slot, as that would make people adding unsignatured, jailbreaked apps more easily to the device, using legit reasons such as to prevent any viruses to enter to the device via memory card. So, you all know now where is the source of their decision to not include any removable memory card. So don’t expect that to happen anytime soon. But seeing that I’m constantly run out of space on my 64GB iPad, I’m sure I’d love to see that expansion memory slot sometimes.

      2. Huh? My un-jailbroken iPhone tethers just fine. WTH are you talking about?

        “The reason Woz didn’t have a bigger involvement in the Mac is because of his airplane accident, which put him out of order for a while.”

        Yes, I think he’s still somewhat “out of order.” Too bad…

  4. I was surprised to learn that Android is actually ahead in vehicle integration. I’ve owned every version of the iPhone and am probably a bit too loyal. However, I have a very modern car audio setup in my 2012 vehicle. It can utilize the iPhone for internet connectivity and the deck even can run “apps” (pandora, iheartradio, opentable, etc.). It’s amazing all of the things that this thing can do with my iPhone. I was surprised to discover that it can do even MORE with an android phone. This is because Android will give the deck access to text messages and the calendar application. iOS has limitations that keep this from working. This hasn’t convinced me to switch, but it is good to know that Android has really come a long way and the auto integration is there. I still hate the user experience on Android so I’m still “stuck” with iOS.

    1. Let’s set the record straight:

      1. Woz is still part of Apple. He never stopped being part of Apple. He still receives a salary from Apple. he still has a valid Employee card from Apple. He never quit Apple.

      2. While he’s not active in product development, he still represents Apple in trade shows and presentations. He never lost the love for Apple. He makes honest opinions, he uses all devices, and compares them. he acknowledges some pieces are better in other devices. Still, the overall experience with Apple is better. Doesn’t mean the competitors are doing everything wrong (they’re not).

      1. Yup. You’re absolutely correct. And if any of these complainers knew him, they wouldn’t say the things they do. He’s a very good man. What you see is what you get. He is honest to a fault. And loyal.

  5. Apple is right.

    Woz has his talents but he isn’t qualified to interpret Apple today because he is no longer part of it.

    The iPhone may lack some gimmicky things that the Android phones may have but at the end of each day, the iPhone is far superior in every regard.

  6. Woz helped to found Apple but he’s got nothing much to do with the Apple products today.

    He ran away decades ago before most of apple’s current line up were created. (Many people using apple stuff today weren’t even BORN when he left apple).

    He wasn’t involved in OSX (which runs macs. He didn’t even really do much for the original mac either)

    Nada for : iPods, iOS, iPhones, iPads, iTunes, App Store, Apple Retail stores , iMacs, Macbooks etc etc.

    Woz has practically no connection with current apple or knows how it works inside.

    He also has invented anything significant since he left apple decades ago. HIs vision of the future killer product was the Segway…

    1. Interesting that at its introduction, the Segway was highly touted as a disruptive technology, the future of metropolitan transportation, and the mainstream media piled on the dazzle and hype.

      When it fizzled as a product, studies were done to find out why: basically they didn’t sell because you look like a nerd riding a Segway.

  7. Wasn’t it just a couple of weeks ago that we had another discussion about Woz? I stand by what I said then and add this. Woz does not care about Apple. He goes public about everything. It is all about him and his fans don’t get it. Do you really think Apple is standing around doing nothing. The new phone is a masterpiece in its’ own way. So Woz, where are they behind? And maybe you could share with us your latest success. He can say what he wants, just don’t report it. His time is long gone. Give specifics and comparisons not just blanket statements.

  8. It’s true. Apple does not listen to Woz. There’s an article where Woz shows his traveling kit, and Woz likes matte, anti-glare screens – but Apple does not bring back anti-glare screens to the iMac. The new late 2012 iMac screens still act as a mirror if you are in a sunny room with lots of windows, and full sunshine outside of the windows. In those situations, even the new iMac shiny screen is a killer. Woz likes matte screens and Apple does not listen to Woz.

  9. I do not bash Woz. But I listen to what he says and compare it what MDN is sort of asking for in their take. It appears unjustified to me. Woz is Monday-morning quarterbacking. He has not in recent years shown a propensity for knowing where the consumer market is heading, not in time for a product development effort to get behind it and do something about it in a timely fashion. Instead, he has been voicing his opinions on the products Apple is shipping. He’s certainly welcome to his opinion, and some of them we share, and some we don’t. But at this point there is nothing special about Woz’ opinion. Parse the two sentences the MDN recap ends with: “Currently we are in my opinion somewhat behind with features in the smartphone business. Others have caught up…
    ” Please, set aside emotions and consider the clarity of thought: We are behind because others have caught up? That is the quintessential engineer feature checklist and it doesn’t equate to winning products. We might wish for those features too (NFC? Bigger screen? Single charger 😉 but the market hasn’t provided convincing evidence that Samsung’s inclusion of those things — as opposed to BOGOF offers — is what is causing consumers to buy their products.

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