Is there a media conspiracy against Apple?

“I can barely keep track of the number of people who email asking if I think there’s a media conspiracy against Apple,” Rocco Pendola writes for TheStreet. “Countless readers think Melissa Lee at CNBC, for instance, ‘hates Apple.’ Their words, not mine. I don’t know Melissa, but I can tell you with confidence: There’s no conspiracy against Apple at CNBC.”

“Let’s be honest — CNBC, like the rest of us, pounds the hot story. A majority of people consume their information and entertainment in spurts throughout the day. When a reader or viewer checks in, they expect to see the big stories,” Pendola writes. “Play the hits. And right now, it’s all Apple, all the time. And rightfully so. Simple as that.”

Pendola writes, “If it’s ‘guilty’ of anything, the media — CNBC and others — have a difficult time keeping an even keel.”

Read more in the full article here.


    1. Yes constantly hitting on trying to find negative angles would be easy to do on anybody. Fair and balanced seems to be an alien concept. Drives me crazy when the pundits don’t work both sides of the argument and prefer the cheap shots without a complete explanation. Working angles where actual continued success means nothing show something rotten in Denmark.

  1. Did he go into the bank account of the editor of the wallstreet journal to see if he didnt get any checks from south korea? I would believe what this idiot says if every negative report on apple wouldnt include the phrase “samsung is cooler, samsung outsells, samsong innovates, blabla more than Apple. Rocco is the biggest dickhead on the street since scott moritz.

  2. It closes with: “Now back to the rampant negativity until somebody at The Wall Street Journal or somewhere flips the switch back to positive.”

    It would be great to have someone on the Apple board or Tim Cook grant the worst one in the group (maybe Jim Cramer) an interview. Use reality and the facts to correct this 4 month long unanswered assault on Apple’s investors. You know, DO YOUR JOB AS A PUBLICLY TRADED COMPANY!

    You respond to the poor release of a map app but nothing about the $250 lost per share for every long term Apple investor. Man up. Do your job or quit and let someone else do it!

    1. My first thought on your last paragraph was “good point” but then I got to thinking about it a little more. It’s the job of investment analysts to value Apple for their clients, not Tim Cook’s. His job is to shepherd a company through production of goods and services that make a profit.

      1. Now, Dell’s job as a privately held company is what ever they want it to be. When a company is publicly traded the company takes on new responsibilities because they have investors. If Apple goes private again, they can do what ever they want to.

  3. Recently I began looking at dogs. I decided I wanted a puppy. Several of the online breed pickers pointed me to Pit Bulls, but of course, I’ve heard everything everyone has heard about the breed. I started digging and found that pretty much everything I’ve heard is totally inaccurate. To the point where it reminded me of media reporting on “assault-rifles.” I started thinking that Pit Bulls are the “assault-rifles” of the canine world. Lots of incomplete and inconclusive data leading people with no knowledge to whatever conclusion they want to support whatever agenda they want.

    Data lies. Incomplete data lies completely. That’s my conclusion.

    Then I noticed it was very similar to the reporting I see on Apple and Apple stock. So help me a reported used “beleaguered” on CBS radio the other day. I almost bashed my head into the wall based on frustration. Something about the industry slump and not even beleaguered Apple being able to lead the way out.

    I looked at the reporting on Apple and Assault Rifles and Pit Bulls and was so angry at the disinformation that it made my dog choice for me. Opted to adopt a pit bull rescue from a local agency.

    It’s not just Apple, it’s everything. Our mainstream media is disgusting at best. I advise everyone to cancel subscriptions to the NY Times, the LA Times, cut the cord on pay TV, and find true experts you can trust for information.

    There are no journalists anymore. Just opinionated people echoing whatever they pick up from the blogosphere.

    1. I swore I would never allow a pit bull in my yard until my son came home with a puppy. It was the sweetest dog we had ever had and was great with the little ones (kids).

      We lived in a rural area but had several neighbors within 100 yards. One day a stray dog came through the yard that I had seen ‘leaving it’s mark’ several times, so I decided to chase it off. The pit came out of the house at the same time but never offered to be territorial towards the medium-large mutt I was running after with a stick. Then that stray made the mistake of turning and growling at me and the pit was on it instantly. I broke it up and the stray never came back, but I got a bloody reminder of what a pit CAN do when provoked, and not knowing what might cause that again made me put her on a dog-run.

      A 300 lb. man may be the nicest guy you know, but if he punches someone it can be lights out. That’s just life.

    2. Pit bulls and assault rifles are much the same. Until there is a market for them, they don’t exist. When people pay money, they do. If there is no natural market, create one. Guns sales were in decline in the US, so lets create a market based on fear. Maybe beleaguered Second Amendment “They’re coming to take your guns away. Hurry, but more. You need to be able to out fight the police and the Army, so get a bigger gun.” So beleaguered works on both sides of any faith-based argument.

      Having known a few pit bull owners, I find quite a bit of overlap with assault rifle owners. Low information, below average IQ, shaky self-esteem (hope the dog will give them status, or at least instill fear in their neighbors) and poor self-control. Kind of like gun advocates showing up at polling places with their guns on their hips. They one place in America where absolute equality is expected (the voting booth), and they try to make it unequal by scaring people who are not like them away.

      That said, I actually agree about the infrequency of substantive reporting and the real air-head quality of most of the on-camera blatherers. Coupled with the absolute willingness to speak outright lies to achieve a political goal, I think the only safe course is to regard everything on the TV as entertainment until proven otherwise. Our own willingness to accept anything that reinforces our previously held positions doesn’t help the situation, either.

    3. The number of biting deaths is not a lie, and although the numbers are small (30 per year), over half of those deaths are from pit bulls. That’s what freaks people out (even though the numbers are pretty low).

    1. Conservatives have ideals? I never knew. Goals, yes, absolute control of everyone and everything and the accretion of all wealth to themselves. I knew about that.

      But wait: “Ideal (ethics), values that one actively pursues as goals”. I guess I was confused about the definition of ideals.

      1. Of course you are confused. If you believe the crap you just wrote, then you are a the perfect low-informed voter the far left depends on via the media.

        Thanks for your cooperation in proving my point….

        1. Shut down women’s health clinics through targeted oppressive regulation, repeal Roe v Wade, restrictions on individuals right to vote, dark of night actions to strip away collective bargaining rights, all actions by conservatives that have weaseled into power. The list can go on, but the message is clear, “Actions speak louder than words”

        2. And ignorance speaks louder than common sense.

          Your take on each of those points is so uninformed and one sided it is no surprise you support ObamaCare, probably in hopes of getting those knee-jerks fixed to keep from constantly putting your foot in your mouth.

          The ‘health clinics’ did little other than offer abortion with the other services offered by most states free.

          R v W is unconstitutional. Even if repealed, as it should be, the states reserve the right to allow abortions, as they should be.

          There are no restrictions on voting, just illegal voting. Grow up.

          Same for collective bargaining. Card check was designed to intimidate people into joining Big Union.

          And yes, your list can go on, because you are so low informed on the realities of these points that ANY subject can be ‘sound-bitten’ in order for you to wrap your brain around it without having to really understand it.

          I’m sure you’ve already ordered your ‘Hillary 2016’ bumper sticker…..

        3. Your greater wisdom as to what is, or is not, constitutional should leave a series of Supreme Courts quaking in their robes. Until you decide to join the fact based world there isn’t much point in wasting bandwidth on you. Go believe what you want. Fortunately you are not part of the majority.

        4. I realize your fear and lack of Constitutional knowledge make it hard for you to reply.

          However, if you understood R v W, the opinions and why it was allowed, you would then see the current interpretation is unconstitutional, and why it will be challenged in the next decade. Again, not to outlaw abortion, but to keep it from being protected as a ‘right to privacy’.

          So, nothing about the other points….?
          Good! Enjoy your week.

        5. • The ‘health clinics’ did little other than offer abortion with the other services offered by most states free. – Prove it

          • R v W is unconstitutional. Even if repealed, as it should be, the states reserve the right to allow abortions, as they should be. – In your opinion, but not the Supreme Courts

          • There are no restrictions on voting, just illegal voting. Grow up. – There is no proven illegal voting. You point would stand up better if you didn’t have conservative politicians bragging about delivering the state for the Republican Party as a result of their voter suppression efforts.

          • Same for collective bargaining. Card check was designed to intimidate people into joining Big Union. – The issue and actions of conservative legislatures has much more scope that this one law. And there is a Supreme Court history on rights to collective bargaining too.

  4. Over the years, Apple has been up, WAY up, and down, WAY down. It’s been written off as dead and idolized as a company that could do no wrong. I think if anything, Tim Cook and the board have decided to ignore most of this. The stock will fluctuate, sometimes wildly, over the short run (why is a company’s success measured in 3 month chunks), or even over the moderate term (although it takes way more than a year to develop a product and let it run it’s natural cycle — the iPod is a case in point). I think Cook and the board believe that if Apple continues to turn out products that surprise and delight us, over the long haul, that is years, the stock will do just fine. The media and the so-called analysts are incapable of holding an idea for more than a few minutes, at best. This long tem approach is beyond their capacity to understand or follow.

  5. I watched a piece on Apple’s website about Apple In Education, specifically on the Missouri School of Journalism. There’s a point where Brian Brooks, the Associate Dean of the school says that journalists should report what is in their hearts. I thought, “UH, noooooo… they should report the facts and nothing more. If they want to express what is in their hearts, they should write OPINION pieces clearly labeled, “OPINION.”

    But if this is what the Dean of one of our preeminent journalism schools is telling young journalists, will true journalism ever exist again?

    1. Many years ago I participated in a university-sponsored “communications” conference attended by all the biggies. In one session on reporting in the Internet age the speaker from MSNBC representative was asked how they ethically can post camera-phone video from citizens as if it were source-checked news. Her response was (and though it was years ago I think I can remember with great accuracy) “That’s the great thing about publishing on the Internet: We can just update the report later!” She was actually enthusiastic about this. Because, I guess, all readers/views of the first “report” are so likely to check back later to see if the “story” has been updated, corrected or deleted.

      I worked in print journalism many many years ago, and while daily deadlines grind onward, the 24-hour “wait” also let stories develop and get checked.

      Oh, and back then there was an organization called “Accuracy In Media” that attempted to police the journalism outfits. I just looked at them yesterday and was appalled at what they’ve become.

  6. CNBC overreacts to everything, which can and does move markets. They especially love to pounce on downgraded high fliers. There’s joke amongst traders that goes, ‘The elevators at CNBC headquarters don’t say Up and Down, they say Soar and Plummet!’ Also remember, in the news game, ‘If it bleeds it leads.’

  7. I have a crazy theory on the stock. I believe there are 3 tiers of investors.

    The A crowd:
    The people with the massive bucks like Warren Buffet who buy massive quantities of a stock to drive the price up. I believe they work together on this. They agree on the price top. Then they suddenly start selling their stock off. It’s like they put their money into a magic money making machine.

    The B crowd.
    Not nearly as much money but still lots, these people try to watch the A crowd and mimic their actions. They make money on the way up but not nearly as much on the way down because they aren’t in on the particulars.

    The C crowd
    The idiots who follow the advice of analysts who aren’t privy to the machinations of the A or B crowd and are just guessing crap because chances are one day they might be right. The C crowd gets lucky sometimes and sometimes they lose. For them, the stock market is a slot machine. For the A crowd its a money machine.

  8. As a small business owner, I would consider myself extremely fortunate to have the quarterly results that Apple keeps pumping out quarter after quarter.

    It boggles my mind that people expect things to change so quickly. Samsung has done a great job on taking someone else’s concept and capitalizing on it. In business, if you didn’t craft the idea in the first place, your execution will always come up short.

    Apple makes really good, quality products that work a good majority of the time. Can’t really say that for the other products.

    Stick with the fundamentals! Chasing returns is like trading in a mutual fund. It’s impossible. Most investors are so far down on the food chain of information that they are simply lucky to make a return at all.

    1. “In business, if you didn’t craft the idea in the first place, your execution will always come up short.”

      You mean like Apple? Who didn’t come up with the personal computer, the mp3 player, the cell phone, or the tablet.

      Yeah… Apple has always come up short.

  9. The reviews of the new BB 10 are a great example of Apple double standard, if not just hate. Yes BB has some good innovations, however the reviewers left out or downplayed some important issues. Maps and voice control are not even close to iOS. The media has been relentless on Apple, however I have seen only one reviewer mention this at the bottom of his story. Battery life has been skirted around and then given a removable excuse. Not mentioning that removable backs make phones weaker and less weather resistant, just look at iPhone vs S3 droop test. Oh and what about Android and WP8 comparisons, almost nothing. I thought Android had the largest market and open is so much better. WP8 is targeted to business, that is BB’s market. No comparison on enterprise adoption, or usability. It is just about how better it is then iPhone.

  10. What is so annoying about Lee is that she chatters on about Samsung having more sales in the quarter than Apple. In fact, Samsung didn’t report sales. It reported shipments. And since everyone kows shipments are not sales, how can Lee, as a so-called journalist, simply parrot something she read somewhere. And if CNBC is supposed to be about helping viewers make money, how come no attention is paid to the huge gap in the percentage if mobile profits made by Apple as compared to Samsung. As a European, I have to laugh at the Fox TV claim to be “fair” and “unbiased”!!! Now Lee even beats Fox with her hypocritical claim to be just giving the facts.

  11. For fun, trying reading any coverage out of Asia from Reuters that deals with Apple and try finding a single positive article. Now try to the same with Samsung and try to find a singe negative article of any kind. You may find, as I do, the articles by Miyoung Kim are particularly interesting. And for extra points, compare their coverage of cross-town Korean rivals LG and Samsung. One gets obsequiousness, one gets faint praise. Hmmmm. . . .

  12. 1. A large buy American campaign should be kicked off by Apple, or Apple fans. Why give money to a company like Samsung who copies & steals in broad daylight. Spend our money on crap from a foreign country flips us the finger everyday, has now bought land in Silicon Valley to help secure its foothold on the USA. I know, some will argue that Apple creates jobs overseas. Well, they are working on production in the US. How many jobs does Apple create in the US, and how many does Samsung? And don’t bring up the salesman selling TV’s at Best Buy. Bunch of sell-out suckers! Boycott Samsung! Buy American!

    Also Tim Cook would hire a team to specifically test, and report all issues large and small of Samsung products. They could send out 100 article’s a day regarding the cheap crappy Android phone qualitiy, as well as security and fragmentation. I play with my buddies Galaxy III all the time, and it’s crap! Feels like a paper phone. Grow some balls Tim!

  13. Shit attracts the swarm. True for tabloids; true for the tech press. The pressure to post combined with the lust for driving traffic makes these hacks as biased as they are unknowledgable. And since the Internet has the attention span of a gnat, the same characters can cut and paste the same tripe. This is the state of 95% of the tech press – right up through the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.

  14. Journalist for the web like Pendola are simply click whores with there entire purpose being to generate clicks for there employer if by chance they can pass on some real news in the process thats just a lucky side issue. So doom and gloom headlines generate more clicks then a in depth study of the real facts about any topic. TV Journalist are ratings whores and for them a 30 second spot filled with hyperbola gets more viewers then an half hour in depth analysis of the facts on a complex issue that they assume the average viewer would be bored with is avoided at all costs.

    As has been said journalism died almost a decade ago when cable TV took the profits out of the TV Networks and the Web took the profits away from print journalism.

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