ABC News: Both MacBook Pro, iMac to get Retina displays in next-gen models

ABC News has heard from its own sources that both the next MacBook Pro and the iMac would be getting very, very high resolution displays,” Joanna Stern reports for ABC News. “Apple refreshed its new iPad with a Retina Display in March.”

“The new laptops are expected to be powered by Intel’s latest processors, called Ivy Bridge. Those processors will be faster than the current generation of Intel processors and improve graphics. However, the laptops will also get a graphics boost from Nvidia’s latest graphics, the GeForce GT 650M card,” Stern reports. “ABC News has heard the same from its sources, which say Apple will move from AMD to Nvidia graphics chips in this version of the MacBook Pro.”

Stern reports, “Of course everything is just hearsay until Apple pulls the curtain off its new products. But something tells us the upcoming World Wide Developer’s Conference (WWDC), which begins on June 11, would be a great time for Tim Cook to tell us a bit about this new ‘jaw-dropping’ laptop display. Either way, we’d hold off on buying a MacBook Pro for a month or so.”

Read more in the full article here.


  1. Well, if ABC reported the new iMacs and MacBook Pros will be incased in LiquidMetal, glowing with rainbow hues, and powered by pixie dust nary a doubt it would be true without question.

    1. No need to be so cruel. ABC is only stating the obvious. Remember that the media news people have to tailor their reports for the majority of citizens (i.e. dullards and dimwits). Be glad the folks at ABC didn’t consider it necessary to report in monosyllables.

      1. I agree with you completely, but it’s all the mainstream media outlets, not just ABC. The vapid paucity of television news has driven me away from the big 4 networks to seek out depth of coverage from the Web and cable. Once the oldies die off, network news will be a thing of the past – thankfully.

    1. Apple has a long tradition of keeping their price points the same despite the improved electronics in the latest models. It’s the main reason that it is really good advice to not buy a new Mac right before a model refresh – especially a big one like the upcoming one.

  2. back to the mac.

    if apple can manage pricing like it has with the ipad with its mac, it will be a punch in the gut for ms.

    the timimg of its flawed windows 8 couldnt be better for apple. the fruit is ripe for picking.

    people will make the change this year, but it will not be for windows 8. nd as a long time windows user, i have no excuse anymore not power down my windows pc for the last time.

  3. I don’t care if the new iMac is made of Liquid Metal or Bamboo…

    …I don’t care about Retina Display…. as long as it is glare-free and has Built-in USB 3.0

  4. Please don’t get me wrong… I’d love to see a “Retina Display” on an iMac.

    However, even at 24 inch size screen a pseudo “4K” screen (say, 2160×3840) the resolution would only be at about 185 pixels per inch. That’s not what any reasonable person would claim is a “Retina Display”.

    And completely forget using that term on a 27″ or larger iMac screen. To get to a “Retina Display” on a 27″ iMac you’d have to have on the order of 3240×5760 giving about 245 pixels per inch. (At the typical screen distance that ppi might be considered a “Retina Display”.) However, that resolution (3240×5760) is not happening in the next few year — at least not on any iMac anyone can afford!

    Could Apple do a 2160×3840 resolution display on a 27″ iMac? Maybe. It is possible to manufacture those resolutions today. Is it likely? No. That resolution is still quite costly. Last time a heard a quotation a few months ago it was still > $1,000 per screen even in huge quantities — and that’s just the screen cost. Add in all the other costs and you’re talking an iMac with an absolute minimum cost of > $3,000.

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