Dell exec: Apple’s iPad will ultimately fail in the enterprise

“Speaking to CIO Australia in Sydney, Dell’s global head of marketing for large enterprises and public organisations, Andy Lark, said while the first iPad had achieved one million sales just 28 days after the device first became available in the US and precipitated the explosion in tablet PCs, it would ultimately fail in the enterprise,” Lisa Banks reports for CIO. “‘I couldn’t be happier that Apple has created a market and built up enthusiasm but longer term, open, capable and affordable will win, not closed, high price and proprietary,’ Lark said. ‘[Apple has] done a really nice job, they’ve got a great product, but the challenge they’ve got is that already Android is outpacing them.'”

MacDailyNews Take: Proof? None. Because Android tablets are not “outpacing” Apple’s iPad in any way, shape or form unless it’s a race to collect dust on store shelves.

Banks continues, “While Apple had entered the businesses as a consumer device, Lark claimed Dell had taken an enterprise approach toward tablet PCs, which would ultimately give the company, which has a major stake in Microsoft Windows and the desktop PC market, an edge. ‘We’ve taken a very considered approach to tablets, given that the vast majority of our business isn’t in the consumer space,’ he said.”

MacDailyNews Take: A very considered approach, as in: “We considered approaching Apple to ask them to kick our asses whenever the whim strikes, just like they did with iPod, iTunes, iTunes Store, high-end personal computers, and market cap, among other things, and found that we rather enjoyed it, so we’ve decided to ask for more of the same.”

Banks continues, “The cost of Apple products was another deterrent to iPad deployments, with Lark claiming that a the economics on a fully kitted iPad did not add up. ‘An iPad with a keyboard, a mouse and a case [means] you’ll be at $1500 or $1600; that’s double of what you’re paying,’ he claimed. ‘That’s not feasible.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: It’s good to see that Dell remains as committed as ever to employing the mentally handicapped.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Mike D.” for the heads up.]

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  1. I knew the Bluetooth keyboard worked with the iPad, but I didn’t know that there were $600+ mice that worked with the iPad…
    Learn something new everyday I guess.

    $829 iPad with 3G
    $40 smart cover
    $30 clear back case (works with smart cover, protects the back)
    That leaves me $600-700 to spend on a keyboard/mouse setup.

    “I won’t say that all senior citizens who can’t master technology should be publicly flogged, but if we made an example of one or two, it might give the others incentive to try harder.” — Sheldon, The Big Bang Theory

  2. Zaggmate’s iPad case with keyboard included: $100. Apple case $39 with Apple wireless keyboard: $69 = $108. From iPad 1 $350 to top of the line iPad 2 $829, add a case and keyboard is UNDER $1000. If you can’t beat them, lie about them…. If that doesn’t work call in a bomb scare.

  3. Hey, MDN, that last comment was amlittle insensitive; don’t you think? Comparing this guy to the mentally handicapped is a bit of an insult… To the mentally handicapped..

  4. A tablet is designed without a physical keyboard and mouse. If anyone needs that, mind as well buy a netbook!
    What give Dell the right to say this? They didn’t invent the tablet! Cheaplly made product makes me sick. Produce something with pride!

  5. What was he doing? I mean he was just barking up the wrong three. IPad is not a threat to Dell. He should not be freaked out like that. It’s ambarassing. He looked really stupid, ain’t he?

  6. I have to say, I’m constantly floored by the flat out untrue or just plain idiotic statements made by executives from many companies these days concerning the tablet market that Apple created. I have no idea how such clueless people become high paid executives at billion dollar+ firms.

  7. Sure Dell has been hit hard by the global economic collapse, but they still know they’re bread and butter: Enterprise.

    Apple would do well to heed this warning. You’ve got to bring more than product to Enterprise; you’ve got to bring SOLUTIONS. Dell is keenly aware of this and it’s what will fuel their comeback. If Apple wishes to build a real platform underneath the house of cards their gadgets have built, they’ll listen to what the boys at Dell have to say to them. Good advice rarely comes free. And never twice.

  8. While his keyboard example is ridiculous, please remember that it only took 3 years for Android to overtake the iPhone in market share. The same “could” happen with tablets. The main advantage other tablets will have is that they can be designed to not require a “real” computer to use them (without a Mac or Windows PC, the iPad is FAR less capable than with one).

    Apple’s current gambit is that you’re willing to buy both. But why should that be? The iPad can do 95% of what the vast majority of people use a computer for. Why should we need anything besides the iPad?

    If Apple would be willing to modify iOS so that it can run on its own as well as use peripherals (e.g., attach USB devices, print directly to printers) and come in larger sizes (can you say ’15” iPad’- see, I knew you could), they would own the tablet space as they own the MP3 space. But, as the iPhone has shown, it’s not yet a given that the iPad will remain dominant forever.

    1. Zero need for USB devices on the iPad. Ever heard of wifi? Bluetooth?
      It amazes me how some people think that if there is no USB port… It’s not worth having. Or it’s somehow a detriment.
      And newsflash…. You CAN print from the iPad. And no…. Not only to cheap ass HP printers.
      The only reason android is even a player anymore, it’s free, it was everywhere. iPhone was AT&T only.
      It’s the same with cars, for every Mercedes out there, there is like 10 base model chevy’s.

      15″ iPad? Why? Just make the mbp screen touch, done.
      And just another FYI… Apple already does own the tablet space. The competitors fail every time they try and compete with the iPad.

  9. $1500??? Let’s see, $799 for the most expensive one, plus a keyboard ($69) and a case ($20-50).
    What case is that guy using? Is it made from the skin of an endangered species? Siberian Tiger?

  10. I think someone forgot to teach dip shite Andy Lark that if you’re going to FUD someone, you have to either use information that no one can verify, or you have to tell lies that are at least slightly believable.

    And I thought Marketing Morons had reached the bottom of the ethics bucket!!! Thank you Andy Lark for proving me wrong. It really is still possible to be a bigger jackass than today’s run-of-the-mill marketing parasite.

  11. The Dell spokesperson has a bit of a struggle promoting a product list which includes the Streak, of which Wired comments: “Dell is fighting, and by that I mean it is intent on pouring money into what is obviously a hole of futility.”

  12. Tommy Boy,

    And I would add to the list the Democrat Party, which now brings you an undeclared war on a small MidEast country, so Europe can have access to their oil. And these same people extending the evilnBush Tax Cuts, and continuing to run Guantanemo as a military prison with torture and illegal military tribunals. And of course they let GE make $5 billion in profits with zero taxes because their CEO schmoozes with the Community Organizer, who has brought you all the above, plus $4.50 per gallon gas.

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