Apple CEO Steve Jobs: ‘I’m going to just stay away from all that political stuff’

“At the Wall Street Journal’s D conference, technology columnist Walt Mossberg took Apple CEO Steve Jobs through a comprehensive grilling session,” Always On reports. Mossberg questions Jobs about Mac OS X’s lack of viruses, the tech economy, politics, Apple’s corporate sales, Pixar and more.

Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs

An excerpt:

Mossberg: Correct me if I’ve described this wrong, but I think it was announced that you recently signed up as economic advisor to John Kerry? Is that the right way to say it? What’s that all about?

Jobs: I called him up and said that I’ve had a little bit of experience with advertising and I’d be glad to help him on advertising. Then a week later I read that I was an economic advisor.

Mossberg: So are you an advertising advisor? Are you an economic advisor, or are you involved in their campaign to some extent?

Jobs: I’ve offered to be. We’ll see what they take me up on.

Mossberg: Do you think he’s more tech friendly than President Bush, or is it broader issues in your mind that pull you that way?

Jobs: Some people have said that I shouldn’t get involved politically because probably half our customers are Republicans – maybe a little less, maybe more Dell than ours. But I do point out that there are more Democrats than Mac users so I’m going to just stay away from all that political stuff because that was just a personal thing.

Full article here.


  1. Billy boy embarrassed himself by writing:

    …Iraq on the other hand did not have stockpiles of chemical weapons, nor a re-constituted nuclear program (one that was dismantled 12 years ago) and there was NO standing unrefutable evidence in support of these things…


    Billy boy, it’s kind of funny that you’re using information that you could only know conclusively but for the fact that we DID go into Iraq. What would Hypocrates say? Before the war, practically everyone, including opponents of the war, thought that he DID have WMD’s. Furthermore, one has to wonder, what WAS he hiding from the U.N. inspectors. So you’re not going to fool anyone with your after-the-fact Johnny-come-lately “I told you so” routine.

    And what’s this about there being “NO standing unrefutable evidence” as to WMD’s? Okay, first of all, I think you meant “irrefutable” – since “unrefutable” is not a word. (If Bush had something like that you’d be having a field day with it.) Secondly, in that Hussein was not letting the U.N. inspectors inspect, there were essentially two ways to get “unrefutable” evidence. To have U.S. soldiers on the ground, finding it. Or, to have Washington D.C. dissolve into a mushroom cloud. Not an easy choice, is it? Especially after 9/11, is it? Unless of course you’re a Monday morning quarterback.

    A question for you: If a cop sees some guy, a guy which he knows to be a homicidal maniac, wielding what appears to be a gun in the direction of innocents, and he shoots the guy – and it turns out later that it was just a toy gun – did the cop do the right thing? Or, what if the cop didn’t shoot, because he was “nuanced” like John Kerry, so he only bluffed, and the gun turned out to be real, and the guy DID end up killing the innocents? Again, did the cop do the right thing? I mean, so some innocent people died, but without inspecting the gun first to determine if it were real or not, he couldn’t say for sure whether the guy was a real threat. But in your world, determining whether or not the cop was right or wrong in either situation, you need one more important piece of information: his party affiliation.

    Feel free to make a further ass of yourself by submitting an asinine response which still does not get you out of the bind I just put you in.


    Jack Ass

  2. wow. Auctoris, you really frighten me by what you support.

    don’t care about the environment
    don’t mind hypothetical preemtive strikes (or as I like to call, unjustified acts of aggression)
    don’t care what the world thinks about the US? (that’s how terrorists are born)
    Don’t support the UN?

    dude… the UN should be to the world, what the US is to the states.

    those 3 post graduate degrees must be in business and money management for you to be so self centered and absorbed in US dominance.

  3. Gren writes:

    Good to hear you’re happy with that. I personaly would rather have the money spent in education. I guess education is not your forte.


    Ooh, another stinging blow dealt by Gren. Folks, underestimate this guy at your own peril.


    Jack Ass

  4. I don’t mind that Rush Limbaugh uses a Mac
    I don’t mind that Tom Leykis uses Windows
    I don’t mind that Bill Gates supports George Bush
    I don’t mind that Steve Jobs supports John Kerry
    I don’t mind that. . . OK, my boss does bug me.
    Having a freedom of choice means supporting other people’s (including famous people) choice to get involved. So long as they use their money and not the companies.

  5. Ahhh, poor billy whatever, there were WMD’s, as was seen back in the 1980 during the Iraq Iran war where millions of people were killed by poison gas. Verified by independent media sources.

    Problem with liberals is there so called free speech initiatives. I don’t see Repubs suing MoveOn for defamation against Bush whereas you see Kerry whining to the FEC.

    Give me a break, John Kerry is a joke.

  6. Auctoris,

    So you are for:

    Giving any joe smoe dictator the justifications to attack a neighbor nation just because he “says” he feels threatened

    trashing the environment,

    against following the Geneva Conventions and so FOR leaving the possibility open to enemy nations to be justified in mistreating or killing captured US troops

    against the civil rights guaranteed by our constitution which are being raped by the Patriot Act

    Are FOR holding possibly innocent people for years without charging them with anything, or giving them access to a lawyer, or even being able to tell their family they have been taken and AGAINST these people getting a fair trial

    Against the international cooperation that the UN represents

    Are for (or don’t care if we) alienate our allies?

    Wow, never mind, it is obvious why you support Bush. I think you probably would have supported Hitler too.

    Oh and even though some of the points in my list might conceivably be debatable how could you possibly leave off:

    Record Budget deficit spending
    net loss of Jobs during his Tenure
    Has divided rather than united America
    Sounds like a moron when he talks

    All of these are absolute fact. To be fair though I will admit that Bush only sounds like a moron QUITE OFTEN when he speaks. He doesn’t end up sounding like a moron each and every time and can even sound pretty good sometimes as long as he follows the script and reads the Teleprompter.

  7. “Kerry did not vote for the war. The vote was to give authority to the president to go to war.”

    This actually means:

    “Just because I gave the president absolute authority to go to war I still want to be able to preach my opposition to the president actually doing what I gave the president absolute authority to do.”

    How can you trust anyone who shows such unashamed duplicity, moral schizophrenia, and outrageous lack of intelligence.

  8. Kerry gave Bush authority to go to war as a LAST RESORT. Bush abused that authority by ignoring diplomatic routes still open to him and rushed us into what is looking to be a probably unjustified war. Peoples kids are dying because of this and it MIGHT not have been necessary. It is easy to send other people’s kids off to die, especially when you were able to duck out of combat service and have never seen a shot fired in anger yourself. That Kerry is for the use of war only as a last resort is very good.

  9. I am a Mac user and a Republican as well. I do not need to say anything more here that hasn’t already been said. I do however, need to say this one thing; Mac users and Linux users had better join together to fight the evil Microsoft Empire. Without this cooperation, I fear all will be lost…

  10. As far as I am concerned, the WMD thing is a non-issue, but lingers on because Bush is to much of a pussy to admit that we believed Iraq had WMD because we gave Iraq WMD–we didn’t need inspectors, we just looked at the shipping invoices. We didn’t have to wonder if Iraq had WMD because we handed Iraq WMD and the equipment needed to deliver WMD. If you handed your brother-in-law packets of anthrax would you need the UN to verify that for you?

  11. gren:

    Kerry voted for the war by giving the president authority to go to war. For Kerry or any of his supports to backtrack from his positive vote and say otherwise shows a complete lack of intelligence of how the political system works. Voting is basic concept from the most juvenile of civics lessons. A third grader understands what voting means.

    I see that you failed to contradict the issues of unashamed duplicity and moral schizphrenia. I take it that these characterisitcs are desired in your vision of presidential candidates.

  12. Jack A wrote:

    “Wow, never mind, it is obvious why you support Bush. I think you probably would have supported Hitler too.”

    My reply:
    Being unaware as I am of Bush advocating the rounding up of millions of Jews, Homosexuals, the mentally retarded, and other inconvenient people, and subsequently imposing a mandatory system of mass murder for those rounded up, I’m astounded, but not surprised at your statement. And your support for that wild, rabid, insulting, hate-speech filled (hate-speech supposedly loathed by liberals) accusation would be? Don’t tell me, let me guess: You hate Bush. You hate Hitler. Thus, Bush = Hitler. And whoever said that liberals were irretrievably stupid?

    And then, in the same post, Jack A wrote:

    “(Bush) Sound like a moron when he talks.”

    My reply:
    And for the multiple choice bonus round, can you tell us who else sounds like a moron when he talks?

    A) Jack A
    B) Jack A
    C) Jack A
    D) All of the above

  13. Kerry voted for war as a last resort?

    Pray tell, what were Kerry’s criteria for going to war before the war actually began?

    Please, list Kerry’s statements made before the war. Perhaps you have something recorded in the congressional record? I doubt it, since it appears that Kerry was not regularly present in the senate for most of the senate’s business.

    Kerry supporerts of Kerry’s anti-war speeches are nothing more than gullible masses of sore losers. Your boy voted FOR war – so shut the hell up and admit it.

  14. I think it’s pretty smart for him to stay out of this publicly. Everyone I know who uses Apple products are hardcore conservatives. Most successful people (financially) aren’t democrats. And even those that are democrats, are scared to death of John Kerry. I think Steve Jobs knows Kerry is a loser and a liar, too, and knows better than to jump on board a sinking ship. Just my opinion. Go W!!

  15. James wrote:

    “Conservative Mac user here. Vote Republican. I do so because my taxes are too high”

    well James if you’re taxes are too high the main problem is that you’re not making enough money. Republicans tax the middle class and the poor the same way Democrats do. The main difference is how they spend it – Republicans spend like crazy (Bush) and Democrats are more fiscally responsible (Clinton) these days. How do the Democrats do it? Well, for one they don’t give tax breaks to the already rich. Go figure.

  16. Ok, then explain to me “G-Spank” how my taxes have gone down in each of the past 3 years despite the fact that I’m certainly not rich (I make under 50k per year). I was paying higher taxes when Clinton was President so I can assure you, he and the Democrats weren’t just taxing the rich! I’m sure my taxes would go up again if Kerry were to be elected too, but thankfully he won’t be.

  17. “Libertarian conservative Mac user here,”

    Isn’t this a contradiction? Libertarians are in favor of letting people do what they want, while as a conservative you don’t want anybody to do anything you don’t fully approve. Oh. I get it: “I can do anything I want, but you can only do what I let you.” What was the name of the guy who invented that? Some Austrian, Ahnold will know his name…

    Peter from ABQ (and why have you stolen my name?)

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