What President Trump told Apple CEO Tim Cook and 80+ other CEOs in their private meeting

Apple CEO Tim Cook (left) confers with U.S. President Donald Trump in September 2019
Apple CEO Tim Cook (left) confers with U.S. President Donald Trump in September 2019

On June 13th, former U.S. President Donald Trump huddled with Apple CEO Tim Cook and at least 80 other CEOs to discuss how taxes are going to be cut and business regulations will be curtailed if he is elected president, CNBC reports citing “people who attended the meeting.”

Brian Schwartz for CNBC:

CNBC spoke with people who attended the Business Roundtable’s quarterly meeting and others familiar with what took place there, all of whom were granted anonymity in order to speak freely about a private gathering.

Trump said… he will cut taxes, including income taxes, and bring back the same economic policies he enacted during his first term, according to people who were in the meeting. Trump said he wants to bring the federal corporate tax rate down from 21% to 20% if he were to become president, according to a person familiar with his remarks.

Trump spoke for about an hour at the meeting, said people in attendance. The audience included JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser, and Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan, according to spokespeople from their companies. Apple CEO Tim Cook was also there, said two people who were in the room.

“We need a president who is at the top of his game, and let’s face it, this president is not at the top of his game,” Trump said, according to a person who was in the room.

Trump told a meeting full of House Republicans earlier in the day about the idea of imposing an “all tariff policy” that he said would enable the U.S. to get rid of income tax, according to attendees who were granted anonymity to speak about a private meeting.

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MacDailyNews Note: In China, the standard corporate tax rate is 25% with lower rates available for the certain sectors/industries meeting specific criteria. More info here. On average, European countries analyzed currently levy a corporate income tax rate of 21.3%. This is slightly below the worldwide average which, measured across 181 jurisdictions, was 23.45% in 2023. More info here.

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  1. I’m having a fun long weekend! Who else is with me?

    No more debates. All President Trump has to say is “Mercy Rule” and go on to win the election (barring Dem ballot harvesting / dropbox stuffing shenanigans again).

    1. No it’s not David. Referring to former presidents as “President Obama” or “Mr. President” is a standard courtesy. Same goes for former high officials. In this case Trump is going to be president again. If we lived in a normal country last night’s disaster for Biden, revealing severe cognitive decline, would prompt a vote of no confidence and an early election.

  2. I’m standing behind Jill’s statement of confidence…with comforting reassurance; “Joe you answered every question.”

    The Man, the President, the toddler (and the evil wife that’s blind to elder abuse).

      1. Dave, you’re still on the Russian story, I guess? I’d give Hillary a call to provide the scoop on that one. Ask about the bedsheets too…it’s so funny.

    1. Biden answered every question wrong.
      1. “Fine people” lie
      2. “I capped insulin at $15” lie
      3. “I capped Medicaid drug expenses at $200” lie
      4. “No soldiers died on my watch” lie
      5. “Border crossings fewer than Trump” lie
      6. “Unemployment was 15% under Trump” lie
      7. “Trump wants to get rid of Social Security” lie
      8. “Billionaires pay 8.2% in taxes” lie
      9. “Trump said inject bleach” lie
      10. “Border patrol endorsed me” lie
      …and many more.

  3. Biden proved himself to be the lying, corrupt dementia patient we all know he is.

    Having a dementia patient in the WH proves 2 things:
    -how meaningless gov is
    -how f’ing stupid libturds are


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