Apple opens App Store to cloud gaming services worldwide

App Store

Apple has opened up its App Store to allow cloud gaming services. This means that services like GeForce Now, Xbox Cloud Streaming, and others — which previously were only accessible on iOS via a web browser — will be able to offer native apps.

Andrew Webster for The Verge:

“Developers can now submit a single app with the capability to stream all of the games offered in their catalog,” Apple wrote in a blog post. These changes apply “worldwide,” according to the company.

In 2020, Apple appeared to have carved out a space for these cloud gaming services in the App Store. But that turned out not to be the case, as all games available through each service had to be submitted and reviewed as a standalone app. So the shift to allow one app with a large catalog of games marks a major change. As part of today’s announcement, Apple said that “each experience made available in an app on the App Store will be required to adhere to all App Store Review Guidelines and its host app will need to maintain an age rating of the highest age-rated content included in the app.”

MacDailyNews Take: Rejoice, cloud gamers!

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