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The COVID remote computing boom for Apple’s Mac business remains strong

People have been transitioning to remote work since early in 2020 due to the COVID-19 lockdowns, which have driven a surge in demand for personal computers, including Apple’s indefatigable Mac, as people invest in new work-from-home and remote-learning setups.

The new MacBook Air, 13-inch MacBook Pro, and Mac mini are now powered by M1, Apple’s revolutionary chip.

Evan Niu for The Motley Fool:

Among the beneficiaries of this trend is Apple. The company just posted an all-time record quarter for its decades-old Mac business. Mac revenue topped $9 billion for the first time in its fiscal Q4, despite the fact that the tech titan is struggling with supply constraints across numerous product categories due to coronavirus-related disruptions within the supply chain.

Demand is expected to remain elevated in the final quarter of 2020.

Apple stopped directly disclosing unit volumes a couple years ago, but Strategy Analytics’ estimates suggest that the Cupertino tech giant’s growth outpaced the broader laptop market, gaining market share in the process.

MacDailyNews Take: As Tim Cook said during the last conference call regarding COVID and the Mac (and iPad, iPhone, AirPods, etc.):

I think the moves that have taken place to remote learning and remote work are not going to go back to normal. Normal will become something different because I think people are learning that there are aspects of this that work well. And so I don’t believe that we are going to go back to where we were.

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