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Apple CEO Cook talks about the importance of teaching girls to code

To discuss the importance of girls’ education, especially in coding, Apple CEO Tim Cook has taken the stage with Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai.

Steven Musil for CNET:

It’s been almost two years since Apple partnered with the Malala Fund to increase the educational opportunities for girls around the world, and Apple CEO joined the organization’s namesake on stage Monday to reiterate the importance of teaching girls to code.

Cook joined Malala Yousafzai and Mary Papazian, the president of San Jose State University, during an onstage discussion at the university about Apple’s partnership with the organization, which partners with governments and organizations around the world to fight for every girl’s right to 12 years of free, safe and quality education. Apple’s partnership is designed to help the nonprofit double the number of grants it offers and extend its funding programs to India and Latin America.

MacDailyNews Take: On Monday, Cook tweeted about Apple’s partnership with the Malala Fund:

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