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Can’t afford Apple’s new Pro XDR display? The LG UltraFine 4K Display is your best option

Dennis Sellers for Apple World Today:

Unless you have $5,000 (gasp) for Apple’s upcoming Pro Display XDR and another $999 (bigger gasp) for Pro Stand, the only new Mac compatible display you can buy at Apple retail stores and the company’s online stereo is the LG UltraFine 4K Display.

At $699.95, it’s not inexpensive and it certain[ly] pales in comparison with the screen on a 5K iMac, but it’s a decent enough monitor that will do until (if?) Apple introduces new displays that the rest of us can afford.

Overall, I like the LG UltraFine 4K Display, but I don’t love it. I’ll keep hoping that in addition to its Pro Display, Apple will roll out more affordable 21-inch and 27-inch displays before the end of the year.

MacDailyNews Take: We’re also hopeful that Apple will offer more (and more affordable) Apple-branded displays for Mac mini users, and those Mac users who want dual/multiple monitor setups.

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