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Apple’s iPadOS changes everything

Rene Ritchie for iMore:

Apple has finally made one of my longest standing dreams into reality. They’ve made iPadOS. And not just because it’s neat or right or just for the iPad, which has long had its [own] experience, to have its own, named iOS variant the way most other major products do, but because of the demands that come with it having its own, named variant.

I’m going to highlight a few major trends that show why that’s so important but, the first and most critical reason is this: From now on, whether it’s just a little like tvOS or a lot like iOS — which, ironically, was originally called iPhone OS — every year, Apple is going to have to have something to say about the iPad at WWDC. Every WWDC.

MacDailyNews Take: Some take longer than others, but Apple over the decades has proven to be very adept at the fulfillment of dreams:

Imagine an “iOS Pro” mode.

Turn on iOS Pro on your iPad Pro
1. Tap Settings > General, and make sure iOS Pro is turned on.
2. There is no step two.

Hey, we can dream, can’t we? — MacDailyNews, December 29, 2015

See also our previous post wherein Apple’s Craig Federighi talks iPadOS and more with John Gruber.

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