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Apple’s Safari browser leads the privacy battle

“Apple’s decision to put an army into the war against ads tracking and surreptitious finger-printing techniques used to identify and track people online is a huge – and necessary – step forward for everybody – even the ads companies,” Jonny Evans writes for Apple Must.

“At WWDC, Apple revealed that it would deploy more sophisticated ad tracking tools in its Safari browser,” Evans writes. “Among other things, these tools prevent sites (principally, though not exclusively, social networks) from tracking users leaving comments in website comment feeds, share and ‘like ‘buttons. The latter, it told us, contain code that can also be used to track users.”

“There’s a lot of money at stake. Google and Facebook between them now collect an astonishing 75 percent of ad revenue. At Facebook, use of such data is generating over $20 billion revenue per year at 50 percent margin, even though 72 percent of people are not aware that the company is collecting such data in this way,” Evans writes. “All the same, there are still tools that people can use to track online behaviour, including tracking pixels that alert people when content is loaded and third-party scripts — Apple’s decision suggests those remaining avenues will also be closed off in future.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Hopefully, the outcome is beneficial for Safari users and not cause further escalation.

Apple can’t protect you from data trackers forever. No one can – June 12, 2018

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