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What will Apple’s Mac be like in 2020?

“It was as absolute an answer as you could possibly get,” Jason Snell writes for Macworld. “Is Apple merging iOS and macOS? ‘No,’ said Apple software chief Craig Federighi, with an animated accompaniment smashing down on the screen behind him.”

“And yet… Federighi made that comment just moments before he unveiled a new system, being worked on by Apple over multiple years, that will allow the developers of iOS apps to bring those apps to the Mac more easily,” Snell writes. “And first up will be Apple itself, which is using this approach to translate the iOS Stocks, Voice Memos, News, and Home apps for macOS Mojave, coming this fall.”

“While the Mac and iOS might not be merging, major changes are in store for the Mac and the apps it runs. It’s hard to imagine how the Mac of a couple of years hence isn’t populated with apps sourced from iOS,” Snell writes. “And yet, Apple says, the Mac will remain the Mac. What does that mean? What will define the Mac in 2020?”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: These are Mac apps.

Their origin on iOS is meaningless to Mac-only users. They are macOS apps. New and plentiful macOS apps, no less. If these apps have a counterpart on iOS, so be it, but that’s neither here nor there as, once again: These are Mac apps.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Brawndo Drinker” for the heads up.]

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