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Apple’s iPhone is only just starting to grow up: Flat sales of smartphones mask third industrial revolution yet to reach its peak

“Not many companies advise customers to use their most popular products less,” John Gapper writes for Financial Times. “Yet Craig Federighi, Apple’s head of software engineering, spoke in a hushed voice in California on Monday about how use of the iPhone had turned into ‘such a habit that we might not even recognise how distracted we’ve become.'”

“Even fewer of them suggest ways of taking a break when their market has run out of growth, as smartphone unit sales have done,” Gapper writes. “Eleven years after the iPhone’s launch, global sales of the devices fell slightly in 2017 and IDC, the research group, expects another fall this year. It does not seem the ideal time to list the product’s evils.”

“Apple is not too worried. Any company that devotes so much of a two-hour presentation to playing with MeMoji cartoon avatars, demonstrating an app that mimics a two-way radio and showing an augmented reality Lego set cannot feel in existential danger,” Gapper writes. “‘You’re going to love those aerial screensavers!’ Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, exclaimed to app developers.”

Gapper writes, “The era of widespread adoption — when the technology no longer attracts as much excitement, and attention turns to the next gadget (in this case watches, home speakers and drones) — is when things really start to happen… Apple played games with developers on Monday, but the technology it has invented has still to show its full impact. Do not switch off just yet.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Exactly.

We’re betting the best is yet to come. In fact, it’s our opinion that we haven’t seen anything, yet!

Yes, along the way, we do demand as much perfection as possible. We are Apple product users, after all. – MacDailyNews, November 18, 2015

My job is to say when something sucks rather than sugarcoat it. – Steve Jobs

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