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iOS could detect when you hover your finger over the screen

“Apple could be working on new gestures for its iPhones,” Romain Dillet writes for TechCrunch. “In addition to normal touch gestures, iOS could detect when you hover your finger over the screen to trigger some actions.”

“When Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone, he spent quite a bit of time demonstrating the multitouch interface. You could touch the screen with your finger without applying any pressure, which was already something new back then,” Dillet writes. “Starting with the iPhone 6S, Apple also introduced another gesture with 3D Touch. By applying some pressure on the screen, you can preview a photo or an email, open a shortcut menu and more. The iPhone detects multiple levels of pressure so that you can first preview and then open a document.”

“According to Bloomberg, upcoming iPhones could also detect touchless gestures right above the display,” Dillet writes. “It’s unclear how Apple plans to use those new gestures when it comes to software implementation.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: It’s be useful just to be able to scroll an iPhone when your hands are covered in engine oil or cookie dough and you’d rather not have to touch the display.

Apple working on touchless gesture control and curved displays for future iPhones – April 4, 2018

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