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iOS 11.3: Get your iPhone and iPad ready for the biggest update yet

“If you’re the sort that will want to pull the trigger on upgrading to iOS 11.3 — which is likely to be soon — the moment it’s released, there are some steps that you should take so you don’t end up in a world of hurt,” Adrian Kingsley-Hughes writes for ZDNet. “Word is that it will land tomorrow, coinciding with Apple’s ‘Let’s Take a Field Trip’ event.”

“Before you go hog-wild, throw caution to the wind and start upgrading, be aware that there are risks,” Kingsley-Hughes writes. “Things can go wrong, stuff may be broken, and you may lose data. Plenty of iOS launches have been marred by bugs and problems, so with that in mind, it’s a good idea to have an up-to-date backup, because making a fuss isn’t going to bring back your lost photos or documents.”

“You can either create a local backup using iTunes, or backup to iCloud by going to Settings > iCloud > Backup, and then turning on iCloud Backup,” Kingsley-Hughes writes. “Keep in mind that unless you’re willing to jump through hoops and do things that Apple frowns upon, going to iOS 11.3 is a one-way trip, so you might want to let other people to go ahead of you just in case there are gotchas.”

“Right now that latest beta feels shaky at best. While the release feels pretty good in terms of stability, performance wise things don’t feel all that good,” Kingsley-Hughes writes. “I’m seeing lags and frame drops on a regular basis across a wide variety of devices, and overall responsiveness still leaves a lot to be desired. Right now it’s hard to tell whether this is down to diagnostic and debugging code still in the iOS beta, or some wider performance issue that will affect the final release.”

Much more in the full article – recommended – here.

MacDailyNews Take: Always backup your data before upgrading any operating system.

Bring on Messages in iCloud!

iOS 11.3: What to expect from Apple’s new system update as it launches tomorrow – March 26, 2018

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