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Mobile gaming is having a moment and Apple’s in the driver’s seat

“This week, the 2018 Game Developer’s Conference is going on and there’s a bunch of news coverage about various aspects of the show,” Matthew Panzarino writes for TechCrunch. “But the absolute biggest story of the event wasn’t even at the event. It was the launch of Fortnite and, shortly thereafter, PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds on mobile devices. Specifically, both were launched on iOS and PUBG hit Android simultaneously.”

“The launch of Fortnite, especially, resonates across the larger gaming spectrum in several unique ways. It’s the full and complete game as present on consoles, it’s iOS-first and it supports cross-platform play with console and PC players,” Panzarino writes. “This has, essentially, never happened before. There have been stabs at one or more of those conditions on experimental levels but it really marks a watershed in the games industry that could serve to change the psychology around the platform discussion in major ways.”

“Alto’s Odyssey is the followup to Snowman’s 2015 endless boarder Alto’s Adventure. If you look at these two titles, three years apart, you can see the encapsulation of the growth and maturity of gaming on iOS. The original game was fun, but the newer title is beyond fun and into a realm where you can see the form being elevated into art. And it’s happening blazingly fast,” Panzarino writes. “The fact that so many of the highest profile titles are launching on iOS first is a constant source of consternation for Android users, but it’s largely a function of addressable audience.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: If it’s not an iPhone, it’s not an iPhone.

Starbucks exec: Android apps often ‘watered down’ – May 16, 2011

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Dan K.” for the heads up.]

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