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Steven Soderbergh wants to shoot only on Apple iPhones from now on

“A year ago, Steven Soderbergh was putting the finishing touches on ‘Logan Lucky,’ but had yet to reemerge publicly from his four-year filmmaking retirement,” Eric Kohn reports for IndieWire. “Now, with two seasons of ‘The Knick’ behind him, he’s returned from the television arena with a whole new ethos about making movies.”

“A few weeks before premiering his new thriller ‘Unsane’ at the Berlin International Film Festival, he surfaced at Sundance, the festival that put him on the map 16 years ago with ‘sex, lies and videotape,’ keeping a lower profile,” Kohn reports. “Following last year’s ‘Logan Lucky,’ his latest self-financed feature is the latest example of his desire to move beyond the studio arena for good. ‘I can’t imagine a scenario in which I’d get back and do that,’ he said in an interview on Main Street.”

“Soderbergh shot the whole movie [‘Unsane]]on an iPhone. While Baker has said he used a phone instead of traditional cameras due to budgetary constraints, Soderbergh said he was so impressed with the quality of iPhone cinematography that he would likely continue to use phones to shoot his movies going forward.” Kohn reports. “The filmmaker… found that the iPhone offered unparalleled quality. ‘People forget, this is a 4k capture,’ said Soderbergh, who was long a passionate advocate for the high-end RED cameras. ‘I’ve seen it 40 feet tall. It looks like velvet. This is a gamechanger to me.’ Asked if he would commit exclusively to shooting on iPhones going forward, he replied, ‘I’d have to have a pretty good reason not to be thinking about that first… There’s a philosophical obstacle a lot of people have about the size of the capture device. I don’t have that problem. I look at this as potentially one of the most liberating experiences that I’ve ever had as a filmmaker, and that I continue having. The gets that I felt moment to moment were so significant that this is, to me, a new chapter.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Revolutionary.

Steven Soderbergh shoots feature film on his Apple iPhone – July 19, 2017
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Pixar’s John Lasseter says iPhone, GoPro could be next film breakthroughs – May 13, 2015
The feature film that blew away everyone at Sundance was shot on an Apple iPhone 5s – January 29, 2015
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iPhone used to record parts of Marvel’s ‘The Avengers’ feature film (with video) – October 22, 2011
First ever cinema-standard film shot solely with iPhone premieres – January 11, 2011

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers “Fred Mertz” and “BD” for the heads up.]

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