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Cramer: Ignore reports about Apple iPhone concerns from people who ‘don’t know anything’

“Investors should buy Apple, but ignore reports of concerns about its new iPhones, CNBC’s Jim Cramer said Monday,” Berkeley Lovelace Jr. reports for CNBC.

I urge people to not pay any attention to these publications that come out and say, “Look, there’s a shortage, they switched suppliers” …all these guys, they just don’t know anything.” — Jim Cramer

Cramer said Apple makes production changes all the time, and reports about concerns just cause people to sell,” Lovelace Jr. reports. “‘And the analysts play this game too,’ the host of CNBC’s Mad Money said. ‘The analysts are always trying to downgrade it based on a supplier.’ ‘I urge people, please, own Apple,’ Cramer said. ‘Own it because it is an inexpensive stock making the greatest consumer products.'”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Yup. Ignore no-name analysts, or even know analysts, who try to use a single data point in order to gin up brokerage fees over cover shorts by talking down a stock.

Apple stock slips as no-name analyst claims ‘lukewarm’ iPhone X demand – January 17, 2018

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