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Those trapped in Microsoft’s ‘Windows 10 S’ hell will have to wait a bit longer for their glass of ice water

“At Microsoft’s Build conference in May this year, officials made a surprising announcement: iTunes would be coming to the Windows 10 Store before the end of calendar 2017,” Mary Jo Foley reports for ZDNet.

“Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this isn’t happening this year after all,” Foley reports. “‘We have been working with Microsoft to deliver the full iTunes experience to our customers and we need a little more time to get it right,’ said an Apple spokesperson via an emailed statement.”

Foley reports, “The lack of iTunes in the Windows Store may be most disappointing to Windows 10 S users, as that version of Windows only can run apps that are available in the Microsoft Store.”

MacDailyNews Take: Cue the sad trombone. As if being a Windows sufferer could be any sadder.

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Windows 10 S. The “S” stands for “Sufferer.”

Sorry, but your ice water order is on hold!

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