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PCWorld reviews Apple’s iMovie 10: Free video editing that’s elegant and easy

“Apple’s iMovie has been around for a long time, and it has always focused on one philosophy: ease of use in a clean and elegant interface. After many years, this hasn’t changed,” Samuel Axon writes for PCWorld. “It’s still a delight to use, if a little bit obtuse at times in its pursuit of minimalism. It lacks some of the formats and features supported in other programs, but what’s there is implemented beautifully.”

“iMovie doubles down on making a very small selection of tools like transitions, backgrounds, titles, voiceover, and basic trimming and editing as straightforward as possible,” Axon writes. “It’s quality over quantity here — which is in stark contrast to many other free applications.”

“iMovie has another advantage over other Mac video editing software: performance. iMovie is very well optimized on modern Macs, and it works very quickly—especially on a MacBook Pro. We had no problems importing, editing, and scrubbing through a 4K video smoothly, where other free editors buckled under the pressure on the same hardware,” Axon writes. “iMovie is free to all new Mac owners, and it’s a great place to start if you want to learn to edit videos, because its basic workflow is similar to that of more sophisticated programs. It would be an unequivocal slam-dunk if it just supported a few more features around the edges.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: If you haven’t played around with iMovie on your Mac in awhile, set aside some time and give it a whirl. You might be very pleasantly surprised!

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